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Последние обновлённые книги и справочники в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
3961-3970 из 13647
Иконка для 7 Leyes Espirituales del Éxito 1.4.1

7 Leyes Espirituales del Éxito (v. 1.4.1)

Libro Movil опубликовал приложение 2011-02-27
(обновлено 2012-06-24)

Las Siete Leyes Espirituales del Éxito - Audiolibro.
Este conocimiento se basa en las leyes naturales que gobiernan toda la creación y acaba con el mito de que el éxito se logra sólo a través de la planeación exacta, el trabajo arduo y el estimulo de la ambición. Con Las siete leyes espirituales del éxito, el Dr. Deepak Chopra nos entrega la esencia de sus enseñanzas en siete sencillos principios para tener éxito en todas las áreas de nuestra vida. Estos siete principios son fáciles de aplicar y muy poderosos.

Иконка для Vendedor más Grande del Mundo 1.4.1

Vendedor más Grande del Mundo (v. 1.4.1)

Libro Movil опубликовал приложение 2011-02-27
(обновлено 2012-06-24)

El vendedor más grande del mundo contiene 10 pergaminos legendarios, diez principios para el éxito a prueba del tiempo. A través de las palabras de cada uno de los pergaminos, Og revela y nos entrega las llaves necesarias para abrir el poder de cada principio. Si conoces las llaves, dominas los principios. El vendedor más grande del mundo es un tesoro. Se publico en 1968 y continúa siendo una guía invaluable de filosofía para las ventas y para la vida. En forma clara y sencilla Mandino nos transmite su propósito: hacer que estos principios de ventas lleguen a mucha gente. El vendedor más grande del mundo entreteje la mitología con la espiritualidad logrando un mensaje inspirado muy necesario para esta cultura de auto-promoción. Mandino cree que para ser un buen vendedor, necesitas creer en ti mismo y en el trabajo que realizas. Su filosofía de cómo triunfar en el mundo de los negocios, se entiende fácilmente pues llega al corazón.

Иконка для Milagro más Grande del Mundo 1.4.1

Milagro más Grande del Mundo (v. 1.4.1)

Libro Movil опубликовал приложение 2011-02-27
(обновлено 2012-06-24)

El Milagro más Grande del Mundo - Audiolibro.
Descubre El milagro más grande del mundo que ha cambiado la vida de miles de persona En estos tiempos en los que imperan la violencia y el desamparo, los seres humanos necesitamos desesperadamente tener fe que nos brinde esperanza, aliento, paz mental e ideales por los cuales vivir, y sobre todo recuperar la confianza en nosotros mismos. El milagro más grande del mundo responde a esa necesidad con una narración fascinante en el cálido y particular estilo de Og Mandino. A través de una historia llena de misterio descubrimos un mensaje inspirador que penetra en lo más profundo de nuestra mente para enriquecer nuestra vida y la de los que nos rodean. El milagro más grande del mundo es una poderosa fuerza que motiva para lograr el milagro personal. ¡Og Mandino la ha hecho de nuevo! El milagro más grande del mundo es el complemento perfecto de su bestseller El vendedor más grande del mundo.

Иконка для Tus Zonas Erroneas 1.4.1

Tus Zonas Erroneas (v. 1.4.1)

Libro Movil опубликовал приложение 2011-02-27
(обновлено 2012-06-24)

¿Tienes la sensación de estar paralizado por compromisos afectivos o laborales que ya no te satisfacen? ¿Te dominan los complejos de culpa y te sientes inseguro? No proyectes tu insatisfacción en otros: reconoce que la causa está en las zonas erróneas de tu personalidad que te bloquea y te impide realizarte. Tus zonas erróneas es la obra más leída y respetada de toda la literatura de autoayuda. Su autor, Wayne Dyer – doctor en psicología por la Universidad de Michigan, conferencista mundial y comentarista de radio y televisión en Estados Unidos – nos muestra cuáles son esas zonas, qué significan, a dónde nos conducen y cómo superarlas.

Иконка для Camino a la Sanación 1.4.1

Camino a la Sanación (v. 1.4.1)

Libro Movil опубликовал приложение 2011-02-27
(обновлено 2012-06-24)

En Camino a la sanación el Dr. Deepak Chopra reúne la esencia, de sus pensamientos en profundas y prácticas frases que ayudan a generar curación, armonía y equilibrio. Estas reflexiones influyen efectivamente en nuestra percepción y facilitan la tendencia natural, del cuerpo para alcanzar la salud total. Éste es un viaje hacia la sanación que tiene lugar gracias a la fuerza de escuchar y repetir pensamientos positivos basados en la sabiduría de nuestro organismo. Convencido de que la meditación es la mejor forma de reconocer nuestra inteligencia, interna y hacer contacto con ella, el Dr. Deepak Chopra nos presenta una extraordinaria y sencilla técnica de meditación con la que nos conduce al conocimiento de lo que verdaderamente Somos. "Incluye técnica de meditación".

Иконка для A Week at Waterloo in 1815 1.0.2

A Week at Waterloo in 1815 (v. 1.0.2)

Digi-Media-Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-06-24
(обновлено 2012-06-24)

A woman's true and tragic story of love and war. Magdalene de Lancey fought to save her husband's life on the battlefield at Waterloo after he was struck in the back by a canon ball. Left for dead for he was taken to a nearby farmhouse where she nursed him.

           *** QUALITY DIGITIZED BOOKS  ***
This Ebook can be placed on the SDCARD with Android 2.2 and above.

This is the full length digitised ebook version of a classic book and is supplied by Digi-Media-Apps.

Each  book  is packaged  with an advanced EBOOK  reader. Simply download the App and read the book – you do not need other software or Apps to enjoy this book.

Where available, pages in the book can be turned using the phone's volume keys.
If the App is closed, the book will reopen at the place where you left off reading the book.
Sections/chapters of the book are accessible directly from the  Table of Contents.
Book marks can be saved at any point within the book.
Use the MENU/BOOK MARK to mark any text to return to later.
You can search for any text within the book.
For your reading comfort, the book has two reading modes, DAY and NIGHT.
Where appropriate, the books contents are cross referenced, and linked.
Footnotes within the original book are maintained and linked within the book.
You can select font size for the book using the books menu options.
You can select font colour for the book using the books menu options
You can select background colour for the book using the books menu options
By default, the phone will not turn off whilst you are reading the book. This option can be turned off in MENU/SETTINGS.

A quality full length book in ebook format supplied by Digi-Media-Apps.
More quality classic ebook titles can be found on Android market – search “digimediaapps”
Goto www.digimediaapps.com for a full searchable catalogue of available books from Digi-Media-Apps.

Иконка для John Knox and the Reformation 1.0.2

John Knox and the Reformation (v. 1.0.2)

Digi-Media-Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-06-24
(обновлено 2012-06-24)

The Author-In this brief Life of Knox I have tried, as much as I may, to get behind Tradition, which has so deeply affected even modern histories of the Scottish Reformation, and even recent Biographies of the Reformer.  The tradition is based, to a great extent, on Knox’s own “History,” which I am therefore obliged to criticise as carefully as I can.  In his valuable John Knox, a Biography, Professor Hume Brown says that in the “History” “we have convincing proof alike of the writer’s good faith, and of his perception of the conditions of historic truth.”  My reasons for dissenting from this favourable view will be found in the following pages.  If I am right, if Knox, both as a politician and an historian, resembled Charles I. in “sailing as near the wind” as he could, the circumstance (as another of his biographers remarks) “only makes him more human and interesting.”

           *** QUALITY DIGITIZED BOOKS  ***
This Ebook can be placed on the SDCARD with Android 2.2 and above.

This is the full length digitised ebook version of a classic book and is supplied by Digi-Media-Apps.

Each  book  is packaged  with an advanced EBOOK  reader. Simply download the App and read the book – you do not need other software or Apps to enjoy this book.

Where available, pages in the book can be turned using the phone's volume keys.
If the App is closed, the book will reopen at the place where you left off reading the book.
Sections/chapters of the book are accessible directly from the  Table of Contents.
Book marks can be saved at any point within the book.
Use the MENU/BOOK MARK to mark any text to return to later.
You can search for any text within the book.
For your reading comfort, the book has two reading modes, DAY and NIGHT.
Where appropriate, the books contents are cross referenced, and linked.
Footnotes within the original book are maintained and linked within the book.
You can select font size for the book using the books menu options.
You can select font colour for the book using the books menu options
You can select background colour for the book using the books menu options
By default, the phone will not turn off whilst you are reading the book. This option can be turned off in MENU/SETTINGS.

A quality full length book in ebook format supplied by Digi-Media-Apps.
More quality classic ebook titles can be found on Android market – search “digimediaapps”
Goto www.digimediaapps.com for a full searchable catalogue of available books from Digi-Media-Apps.

Иконка для 은어사전 1.45

은어사전 (v. 1.45)

MooHyun Kim опубликовал приложение 2011-02-27
(обновлено 2012-06-23)

부모와 자녀, 친구와 친구사이, 선생님과 제자
모든 관계의 시작은 언어사용에서 시작됩니다.
아직도 청소년이나 젊은이들이 사용하는 언어에 대해
이해할수 없는 것이 있다면 이제 걱정하지 않으셔도 됩니다.

청소년은어사전은 대화의 단절이 언어에서 시작될때
원활한 언어 소통을 위해 기획되고 개발되었습니다.

지금 바로 사용하십시요.
청소년 은어사전을 통해 더이상 이해할 수 없는
단어는 없을 것입니다.

청소년 은어사전은 정기적으로 더 많은 용어를
업데이트 할 예정입니다.

Иконка для U.S. Army Map Reading Manual 1.0

U.S. Army Map Reading Manual (v. 1.0)

Bob Ibanez опубликовал приложение 2012-06-23
(обновлено 2012-06-23)

This is the official U.S. Army Map Reading and Navigation Manual over 240 pages.
The purpose of this field manual is to provide a standardized source document for
Armywide reference on map reading and land navigation. This manual applies to every
soldier in the Army regardless of service branch, MOS, or rank. This manual also contains
both doctrine and training guidance on these subjects. Part One addresses map reading and
Part Two, land navigation. The appendixes include a list of exportable training materials, a
matrix of land navigation tasks, an introduction to orienteering, and a discussion of several
devices that can assist the soldier in land navigation.
Keywords:U.S. Army,U.S. Military,Maps,Map Reading,Navigation,PDF,Map Manual.

Иконка для Principles of Fourier (Trial) 1.3

Principles of Fourier (Trial) (v. 1.3)

Mitsuyuki Yamamoto опубликовал приложение 2012-06-23
(обновлено 2012-06-23)

Welcome to the principle of Fourier. Now, by summing the triangular wave function, can be approximated from the principles and mechanisms of the Fourier series, we can understand intuitively explained. (The calculation does not only uses addition and subtraction and multiplication and fractions. Believe in the power of your own intuition, please end your relationship.) <Years 1768 - 1830 Joseph Fourier> "trigonometric functions with expressed as the sum of. "This idea is the" land of mystery, "Egypt is likely to leave were obtained. Accompanied Napoleon's expedition to Egypt during the years 1801 - 1798, archaeological research carried out various mathematical. Take home to France to discover the Rosetta Stone at this time, Champollion, and then show it to age 12. Speaking of ancient Egypt, the priests bestowed the mysteries of the time, the Pythagorean 思I浮Kabemasu. Egypt is the wisdom of the "Pythagorean theorem" Knowing, "Principles of Fourier series," I can understand. Sure to cite the period of the Fourier series (series) increases the overall resolution. However, the Fourier series itself, the shape of the wave is not close. Only minor variation of the wave, it's just that close to the total. On behalf of the wave position, the amount of change in a limited period if they are watching as a wave. Appearance, rather than some form of determinism, but convergence is an agnostic does not require the recognition of objective truth. (If you explore the Fourier series of determinism, therefore, comes to Achilles and the tortoise in the head.) ※ Fourier series, you have what looks like a wave of interest, I will never know. Datte, with integral, has a total area of ​​overlapping waves and waves. Never, differentiation, using the Temasen. <As if it is as if the uncertainty is the microscopic world. >

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