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Последние обновлённые книги и справочники в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
3871-3880 из 13647
Иконка для Secretos- Éxito y Paz Interior 1.4.1

Secretos- Éxito y Paz Interior (v. 1.4.1)

Libro Movil опубликовал приложение 2011-03-02
(обновлено 2012-06-28)

El famoso autor y conferenciaste Wayne W. Dyer nos incita a pensar a todos aquellos que hemos elegido vivir conscientemente nuestros caminos. Los 10 secretos que aparecen aquí, los puedes aplicar en cualquier etapa en la que te encuentres, al principio o al final de tu camino. Las exitosas obras del Dr. Dyer han contribuido al desarrollo para vivir en plenitud y en armonía, tocando el corazón de millones de lectores en todo el mundo y haciendo de cada tema una experiencia personal, Los diez secretos para el éxito y la paz interior es considerado entre las mejores obras de este magnifico autor. Dyer te invita a que escuches, con el corazón abierto, estos diez secretos. Si lo haces, aprendes a sentir la paz de Dios, que es la que verdaderamente define el éxito.
-Introducción de la cuantica activa
-Mantén tu mente abierta y no te apegues a nada
-No mueras con tu música dentro de ti
-No puedes dar lo que no tienes
-Abraza el silencio
-Renuncia a tu historia personal
-Un problema no se puede resolver con la misma mente que lo creo
-Ningún resentimiento se justifica
-Visualízate como si ya hubieras logrado lo que quieres
-Atesora tu divinidad
-Eres sabio si evitas todos los pensamientos que te debilitan

Иконка для MK9 Living Guide 2.6.5

MK9 Living Guide (v. 2.6.5)

DraguSoft опубликовал приложение 2012-06-27
(обновлено 2012-06-27)

Mortal Kombat 9 Living Guide.
By: Tom Brady: Top MK9 Tournament Player and former MK9 play tester.
Published by: Dragusoft

MK9 Living Guide gets it's name from the fact that unlike printed guides, the living guide will NEVER be outdated. Tom Brady's Living Guide will always get updated with the latest Top Tournament winning strategies, and Info.
Upcoming DLC character movesets/comobs and Living Guides from Tom Brady will also be available just a short time after they are released, Tom will go into the lab and write up some guides for distribution, information ready to all be carried right on your android powered phone or tablet!

MK9 Living Guide Features include:
- EXCLUSIVE Tom Brady Living Guide Strategies, Found nowhere else for the latest MK9 version.
- Move List for all moves/finishing moves Chain Combos and Tag Combos for all current (and future) fighters.
- Information from Top MK tournament player Tom Brady.
- Krypt Fatality/Alt. Costume Locations.
- Kombat Kodes.
- Tom Brady's "MK9 System Guide" which explains in detail how the MK9 engine works.
- Tom Brady's "X-Ray Punishing Guide"
- No need to carry around a big 'ol outdated book, now you can have the info right on your Android  phone.
- Menu items include:
- Krypt
- Kombat Kodes
- TYM.COM Link
- System Guide
- Button Layout Options: PS3/360/Default
  Setting saves.
- Includes frame data for some characters.
- Will be updated on a Frequent Basis.

Note: App graphics are subject to change at a later date without notice.

Иконка для HAZMAT Evac 1.0.2

HAZMAT Evac (v. 1.0.2)

ARA Developer опубликовал приложение 2012-06-27
(обновлено 2012-06-27)

The HAZMAT Evac App displays the Isolation and Protection Zones in accordance with the 2008 Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) developed jointly by Transport Canada (TC), the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), the Secretariat of Transport and Communications of Mexico (SCT) and with the collaboration of CIQUIME (Centro de Información Química para Emergencias) of Argentina.
Features of the app include:

•Displays Isolation and Protection zones overlaid on Google Maps

•Allows various means to input wind direction: automatic retrieval from the US National Weather Service (US locations), Meteorologisk Institutt (Worldwide), or user selected direction

•Location input via address look-up, GPS location, coordinate input, or through a map interface

•Results shown geographically as well as text based

•Automatically creates email capturing incident details, map image, and zone shapefiles and KML files for the user to send without leaving the application, providing a shared understanding across all incident personnel

•Shapefile and KML files are easily imported into other map applications like WebEOC or Google Earth

•Includes ERG reference information for easy access

•Provides access to approximately 3,300 materials; allows sorting alphabetically and by chemical number, user defined search text, and filtering by user-defined favorites

•Provides in-app contact list for direct calling that includes all contacts listed in the 2008 ERG

Send feedback to AndroidHazMatEvac@ara.com

Иконка для Kurani Kerim Hayrat Nesriyat 2.5

Kurani Kerim Hayrat Nesriyat (v. 2.5)

Netojen опубликовал приложение 2012-06-27
(обновлено 2012-06-27)

Bu uygulama ile Kuranı Kerim okuyabilir online hatimlere katılabilirsiniz.
- TURKISH, English,Deutsch,Chinese Language And Translate Support
- Colored page for easy to read

Yeni Kuran Player ile istediğiniz yeri tekrar ettirerek ezberlemede kolaylık sağlayabilir. Kuran Playerde sayfayı dinlerken kapak resminin sağ kısmında bulunan tekrar butona basıp tekrar etmeye başlayacakları yeri işaretleyip daha sonra alt kısımda çıkacak 2. buton ile tekrar etmeyi bitirecekleri yeri işaretlediklerinde player sürekli o aralığı tekrarlayarak ezber yapan kardeşlerimize kolaylık sağlayacaktır.

Bir diğer özellik ise Ayet arama; ayet ararken isterseniz klavye kullanmak yerine sesli komutta verebilirsiniz.

Örnek arama:
"cennet cehennem"
Bu iki kelimeyi yan yana yazıp ara butonunu kullandığınızda içinde cennet ve cehennem kelimesi geçen ayetler karşınıza çıkacaktır.

İsterseniz mikrofona dokunup klavyeden yazmaya uğraşmadanda kolayca cennet cehennem diyebilirsiniz. Google sizin sesinizden anladığı kelimeleri aşağı kısımda liste halinde karşınıza çıkaracaktır sizde sizin söylediğiniz kelimeyi seçip ayet sonuçlarına ulaşabilirsiniz.

Örneğin tvde veya camide hoca kuran okuyor fakat nereyi okudğunu bilmiyorsunuz.

Arama sayfasını açtığınızda Karşınıza Nerede Aramak istersiniz menüsünden
"Latin Harfli Yazılış" seçeneğini seçtikten sonra

Dinlediğiniz ayetin anlaşılır yazımı kolay sade olan bir iki kelimesini arama kutusuna yazınız. Mesela kulağınıza kolay gelen "vallahu yukaddirul" duydunuz.

Örnek Arama:
vallahu yukaddirul

Bu sorguyu yaptığınızda karşınıza tek ayet çıkacaktır.
Müzemmil suresi 20. ayet

Hemen başlığa tıklayarak o ayetin bulunduğu sayfaya erişip aynı anda okumaya başlayabilirsiniz.

Uygulamanın Diğer özellikleri :
- TÜRKÇE Latin harfli yazılış
- Hayrat Vakfı TÜRKÇE Yazılı Meali (Telif hakları nedeniyle diğer Türkçe mealler kaldırılmıştır)
- Y.Ziya Özkan TÜRKÇE Sesli Meal
- Kuran Player ile Kuran dinlemenin tadına varın.
- Ayet arama ile istediğiniz ayeti anında bulun. Hemde sesli arama imkanıyla yazmaya uğraşmadan.
- Otomatik Sayfa kaydırma
- Sayfa Paylaşma ile arapça hat, seslendirme ve TÜRKÇE meali ister e-mail ile ister bluetooth ile çevrenizdekiler ile paylaşın.
- Online olarak hatimlere katılma
- Kabe imamları, Abdussamed ve İshak Danış dahil 6 farklı kıraatta seslendirme
- Widget : Uygulamayı Açmadan widget ile kuran dinleyebilirsiniz.
- Cüz olarak toplu ses ve sayfa indirme
- Ayraç (Bookmark) sistemi ile bir çok hatimi takip ediyorsanız hepsini ayrı ayrı işaretleyebilirsiniz. Kuranı hem meal hem arapça olarak hatmediyorsanız ayrı ayrı sayfa numaralarını tutabilirsiniz.  
- Son Kaldığım Sayfa butonu ile son okudunğunuz sayfaya ulaşma.
- Telefon ana ev ekranına "Sure Kısayolları" ekleme ile sürekli okuduğunuz surelere direk erişim. (8.resim)
- Ev ekranına Kuran Player Kısayolu ile anında Kuran Dinleme ( Playerde iken menu tuşundan ulaşabilirsiniz )
- Sure Seçme
- Cüz Seçme
- Sayfa seçme

Tam ekran yatay okuma özelliği ile gerçek bir Kuranı Kerim den farksız halde her yerde kuranı kerim okumanın manevi rahatlığını yaşayın.

Dipnot : Ses dosyalarını indirirken wi-fi bağlantınızın açık olduğundan emin olunuz aksi taktirde 3g ile indirirseniz yüksek faturalar ile karşılaşabilirsiniz.

English :
- Automatic Page Scrolling
- Page Share
- Online Khatm
- 6 Qur'an Recitation
- Widget : Qur'an sound player
- Juz Download
- Bookmark
- Home Sura Shortcuts
- Direct Sura, Juz, Page selection
- The taste of reading real quran with Full screen landscape page view

Note : Downloading audio files to use the wifi. Otherwise you may be billed more than.

keywords: colored quran, color quran, english quran, turkiye, Türkiye, turkey, turkish, Türkçe, muslim, kuran, kuranı kerim, kuran-ı kerim, kuranıkerim, quran, islam, islamic, hayrat, hayrat neşriyat, hayrat kuran,online hatim, hatim, hatim indir, hafiz programi,hafiz ezber, ezber



Ravenous Romance опубликовал приложение 2012-06-27
(обновлено 2012-06-27)

The first time they met, Arabelle Bahari tried to kill him. The second time, they made love on a desk in the British Museum. But they needed each other, and Gareth, Lord Moore, despite his arrogent ways and pompous manner, drew her back to him each time they met. He needed her to deceipher the magickal runes on a special box and Arabelle discovered she just needed him.

Gareth, Earl Moore, had closed himself off from the world. He had his work at Parliament and his work securing a place for his kind, magickers, in a world that hated and hunted them. When he met Arabelle Bahari, he felt an attraction he'd never experienced before. And while he didn't trust her, he did want her.

They came together out of need, helpless to resist the passion between them. but when an old enemy tries to kill Arabelle, will Gareth realize the depth of his emotions? Or will the desert swallow them all?

If you enjoy historical romance books see all we have to offer at www.ravenousromance.com

Иконка для MURDER & MAGICK- DRUIDS & SEX 1.0


Ravenous Romance опубликовал приложение 2012-06-27
(обновлено 2012-06-27)

"Mmm-mmm delicious! Roman certainly has a way with storytelling."--Love Romance Passion (5 stars)

"A very intriguing story of Gypsies, murder, and a bonding love that will hold for all time." --Literary Nymphs (4.5 nymphs)

"The characters are vividly drawn and the plot is very well crafted. This is the start of an extremely promising new series, and I am going to buy and read every single one of them." --Coffee Time Romance (4 cups)

Losing her virginity can mean ruin for a Victorian lady. For Raven Drake, it means freedom to explore her sexuality. As a magicker in hiding, Raven subscribes to her culture’s less prudish philosophy. She wants to experience every erotic sensation imaginable.

Malcolm, Lord Preston, desires her from the moment he sees her, and doesn’t allow society’s rules to stand in his way. More than happy to introduce Raven to the pleasures of sex, he doesn’t expect to fall in love with her.

Their tryst is a welcome distraction from witch hunters and political maneuverings. But can it overcome the weight of another man’s ring on her finger?

Full of mystery, murder, and magick, The Dark Desires of the Druids series will leave you breathless!

If you enjoy historical romance books see all we have to offer at www.ravenousromance.com



Ravenous Romance опубликовал приложение 2012-06-27
(обновлено 2012-06-27)

"...a fantastic story...Isabel Roman has done a wonderful job." --Literary Nymphs

A master magicker, Morgana Blackthorne has a tenuous hold on her following. When a strange Englishman arrives on her doorstep with news of other druidic magickers, and magicker problems, she's intrigued but suspicious. There hasn't been contact between the American and European druids in over a hundred years. Plus she has her own worries and doesn't need the handsome earl adding to them.

Lucien, Earl of Granville, left England to seek out the Blackthorne Druid line and discover what they've been up to since contact was lost. Once he and Morgana meet, their mutual attraction distracts him from his purpose. Embroiled in her problems, he finds himself more concerned with her welfare than is practical for a passing affair.

There are darker forces at work and the hunger of a weak magicker desperate for power. Will Lucien convince Morgana of his true feelings before things spiral out of control? Or will the surrounding subterfuge tear them apart?

If you enjoy historical romance books see all we have to offer at www.ravenousromance.com

Иконка для NC Genea Info 2.2

NC Genea Info (v. 2.2)

appsbar anthonys опубликовал приложение 2012-06-27
(обновлено 2012-06-27)

North-Carolina based genealogy & history info. Brought to you by the NCGenWeb Project

Иконка для Audubon Birds California 2.4.7

Audubon Birds California (v. 2.4.7)

Green Mountain Digital опубликовал приложение 2012-06-27
(обновлено 2012-06-27)

California Birds – A Field Guide to the Birds of California

Did you know the California Condor is the largest flying bird in North America with a wingspan of over nine feet? On your next trip to California, see this remarkable endangered species for yourself! Bring along your Audubon Birds California mobile app, and find out more fun facts! Identify over 475 species with in-depth descriptions, thousands of professional photographs, range maps, bird songs, and much more! Advanced search functions allow you to search birds by wing shape, locomotion, song type, song pattern, and likelihood by month. The app also includes detailed descriptions and visitor information on dozens of ‘Birding Hot Spots’ and other natural areas, and an overview of the region’s natural highlights. Take flight with Audubon Guides as you explore the Pacific Flyway. California is your next birding adventure!

• This app is optimized for Android Version 2.1+. Suggested minimum device CPU is 800 mhz. The App's 565 MB database installs directly to the SD card with Version 2.2+.
With Version 2.1 the app database must be moved manually to the SD card through Settings.

• PLEASE NOTE: This app is not yet compatible for the honeycomb tablet.

All Guides Feature  
*Feature availability varies by subject within the app  – Not all apps have every feature.

• Fast and easy navigation
• Universal dashboard – allowing you to move back and forth between species information, personalized ‘Life Lists’ and ‘Sightings,’ search functions, and more
• State-of-the-art search functions:
o Browse by common name (first/last) and scientific name
o Search by multiple “Advanced Search” variables including size, shape, color, and State/Province by month
• Real time availability – No Internet connection required
• High-quality professional color photographs
• Authoritative In-depth descriptions of each species, family, and additional reference material – Including natural history, topic overview, and how-to explanations
• Species range maps with color key – Including wintering range maps for migratory birds
• High-quality audio songs and calls
• Similar species comparisons
• Ability to create your own ‘Life Lists,’ Sightings,’ and take photos of species – Record your personal field experiences

Audubon Guides
If it crawls, slithers, wiggles, flies, swims, bites, burrows, or hops, it can be found in one or more of the Audubon Nature Guides! Our apps have expanded the experience of technology and accessible information by fostering a global community based upon the idea of sharing information, education, and an active lifestyle. No longer is it necessary to carry bulky printed fields guides. What are you waiting for? Start exploring your world with Audubon Mobile Field Guides.

Audubon Guides are a comprehensive series of interactive digital field guides that combine smart phone technology with the Audubon Society’s vast library of information about nature, brought entirely up to date. All Apps are created in alliance with the National Audubon Society.

Visit Us Today!
Twitter: @AudubonGuides
Facebook: AudubonGuidesInfo

We offer friendly customer service and will respond promptly. Please contact us with any issues at feedback@greenmtd.com.

Иконка для Audubon Wildflowers California 2.4.7

Audubon Wildflowers California (v. 2.4.7)

Green Mountain Digital опубликовал приложение 2012-06-27
(обновлено 2012-06-27)

California Wildflowers – A Field Guide to the Wildflowers of California

Did you know that certain wildflowers do not bloom until after a wildfire? Discover unique species, like the Fire Poppy, in the California chaparral and coastal scrub. Bring along your Audubon Wildflowers California mobile app, and get year-round information about buds in bloom! Identify over 750 species of flowers with in-depth descriptions about appearance, range, flowering, and habitat. Thousands of professional photographs, easy navigation, and advanced search functions make this app easy and fun for the whole family. Bring Audubon Wildflowers California on your next road trip or camping adventure to experience the beauty of California flora.

• This app is optimized for Android Version 2.1+. Suggested minimum device CPU is 800 mhz. The App's 565 MB database installs directly to the SD card with Version 2.2+.
With Version 2.1 the app database must be moved manually to the SD card through Settings.

• PLEASE NOTE: This app is not yet compatible for the honeycomb tablet.

All Guides Feature  
*Feature availability varies by subject within the app  – Not all apps have every feature.

• Fast and easy navigation
• Universal dashboard – allowing you to move back and forth between species information, personalized ‘Life Lists’ and ‘Sightings,’ search functions, and more
• State-of-the-art search functions:
o Browse by common name (first/last) and scientific name
o Search by multiple “Advanced Search” variables including size, shape, color, and State/Province by month
• Real time availability – No Internet connection required
• High-quality professional color photographs
• Authoritative In-depth descriptions of each species, family, and additional reference material – Including natural history, topic overview, and how-to explanations
• Species range maps with color key – Including wintering range maps for migratory birds
• High-quality audio songs and calls
• Similar species comparisons
• Ability to create your own ‘Life Lists,’ Sightings,’ and take photos of species – Record your personal field experiences

Audubon Guides
If it crawls, slithers, wiggles, flies, swims, bites, burrows, or hops, it can be found in one or more of the Audubon Nature Guides! Our apps have expanded the experience of technology and accessible information by fostering a global community based upon the idea of sharing information, education, and an active lifestyle. No longer is it necessary to carry bulky printed fields guides. What are you waiting for? Start exploring your world with Audubon Mobile Field Guides.

Audubon Guides are a comprehensive series of interactive digital field guides that combine smart phone technology with the Audubon Society’s vast library of information about nature, brought entirely up to date. All Apps are created in alliance with the National Audubon Society.

Visit Us Today!
Twitter: @AudubonGuides
Facebook: AudubonGuidesInfo

We offer friendly customer service and will respond promptly. Please contact us with any issues at feedback@greenmtd.com.

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