www.android-online.ru ПриложенияКниги и справочники

Последние обновлённые книги и справочники в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
3291-3300 из 13647
Иконка для EM Forster Collection 1.0.0

EM Forster Collection (v. 1.0.0)

Appmaker опубликовал приложение 2012-07-29
(обновлено 2012-07-29)

A complete collection of ebooks by subject available for free through this Android app. Where audio books are available they are read by a real human voice instead of a text-to-speech program.

Enjoy reading your favorite books on your Android-based device. Updates are provided automatically and without charge.

Appmaker specializes in producing specific content for free - saving you time, effort and money. Our ebook and audio book links enable the Android user to find specific authors and their work on Project Gutenberg.

Иконка для Friedrich Engles Collection 1.0.0

Friedrich Engles Collection (v. 1.0.0)

Appmaker опубликовал приложение 2012-07-29
(обновлено 2012-07-29)

A complete collection of ebooks by subject available for free through this Android app. Where audio books are available they are read by a real human voice instead of a text-to-speech program.

Enjoy reading your favorite books on your Android-based device. Updates are provided automatically and without charge.

Appmaker specializes in producing specific content for free - saving you time, effort and money. Our ebook and audio book links enable the Android user to find specific authors and their work on Project Gutenberg.

Иконка для Great Expectations by Dickens 1.0.0

Great Expectations by Dickens (v. 1.0.0)

Appmaker опубликовал приложение 2012-07-29
(обновлено 2012-07-29)

A complete collection of ebooks by subject available for free through this Android app. Where audio books are available they are read by a real human voice instead of a text-to-speech program.

Enjoy reading your favorite books on your Android-based device. Updates are provided automatically and without charge.

Appmaker specializes in producing specific content for free - saving you time, effort and money. Our ebook and audio book links enable the Android user to find specific authors and their work on Project Gutenberg.

Иконка для Emilio's Dictionary 0.7.3

Emilio's Dictionary (v. 0.7.3)

Studio Rutton опубликовал приложение 2011-03-20
(обновлено 2012-07-29)

Emilio's Dictionary (formerly GerEng Dictionary) is yet-another free german-english dictionary-app. It is loosely based on other dictionary apps and tries to improve them here and there.

It supports
   - fast indexed based searching as well as
   - (slow) fulltext search
     but with multi-word capability for phrases
   - a search history
   - approximate searching (optional)
   - works offline (with 28MB dictionary)
   - and is ad-free.

Please report bugs and suggestions via email.

Иконка для Gullivers Travels Ebook 1.0.0

Gullivers Travels Ebook (v. 1.0.0)

Appmaker опубликовал приложение 2012-07-29
(обновлено 2012-07-29)

A complete collection of ebooks by subject available for free through this Android app. Where audio books are available they are read by a real human voice instead of a text-to-speech program.

Enjoy reading your favorite books on your Android-based device. Updates are provided automatically and without charge.

Appmaker specializes in producing specific content for free - saving you time, effort and money. Our ebook and audio book links enable the Android user to find specific authors and their work on Project Gutenberg.

Иконка для One Night Stand-off-Stagdo 1.0

One Night Stand-off-Stagdo (v. 1.0)

Books to Go Now опубликовал приложение 2012-07-29
(обновлено 2012-07-29)

Stag-do Hullabaloo-Isn’t this what you’re supposed to do on your stag do?

Julian is in the midst of rubbing his face against a voluptuous bosom, until his best man is on the brink of death, and has one last request. Problem is, Julian doesn’t want to grant it.

In the midst of the painfully orange waiting room chairs, drunken Julian faces the very sobering dilemma of; what is his priority now?

One Night Stand-off
Everyone just needs encouragement . . .
An otherwise ball-achingly boring work conference turns excruciatingly erotic as our protagonist meets Kayleigh in room 201.
Here, twilight passion meets late night moral clarity as the drums of inevitability, the chords of passion, the notes of mutual admiration and the crescendo of throbbing sexual tension resound through the night.

But it soon becomes clear that sometimes, one can care too much . . .

Books to Go Now, sexy, eBook Publsiher, ebook, fantasy,   Droid, authors, short stories, short story, author, writers, writing,  Amazon,  Overdrive, PDF, wwwbookstogonow.com, digital publisher, Seattle, story, stories, ebook, e-book, pdf, lit, html, publish, publishing, publisher, publication, publications, buy, buy here, purchase, sale, shop, shopping, download, read, reads, reader, reading, author, authors, digital, electronic, book, books, best seller,

Иконка для Britannica энциклопедия 2011 1.17

Britannica энциклопедия 2011 (v. 1.17)

Paragon Software опубликовал приложение 2011-03-20
(обновлено 2012-07-29)

Более 25 000 статей и более 1900 фотографий, карт, флагов, таблиц и рисунков дадут ответы на все ваши вопросы!

Когда распалась Римская империя? Почему Китай-город получил такое название? Просто взгляните на экран своего Android смартфона или планшета и узнайте достоверные ответы на эти и другие 25000 вопросов в свежем русском издании знаменитой настольной энциклопедии Britannica 2011. Настольная энциклопедия Britannica 2011 охватывает такие области знаний как: география, история, наука, бизнес, политика, литература и искусство, массовая культура и многие другие. В ней представлена самая современная информация, включающая последние изменения в области технологий и в международном положении.


Возможности энциклопедии:

• Программе не требуется подключение к Интернет. Читайте энциклопедию в любом месте, в любое время;
• Функция «В этот день» сообщит о самых значимых событиях текущего дня в истории;
• Отправка статей из энциклопедии по e-mail. Делитесь впечатлениями c друзьями и близкими;
• Просто встряхните свой Android смартфон или планшет, чтобы узнать интересный факт, выбранный случайным образом;
• Предельно интуитивный интерфейс. Листайте энциклопедию с привычным удобством и простотой;
• Гиперссылки между статьями, как в браузере. Переходите по ссылкам, чтобы узнать больше;
• Папка «Избранное» для любопытных статей;
• Варианты случайных статей при запуске программы;
• История просмотра 50 последних статей.


Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. более 240 лет выпускает знаменитую одноименную энциклопедию Encyclopaedia Britannica, ставшую эталоном справочных и образовательных изданий. Среди авторов энциклопедии можно найти больше ста нобелевских лауреатов, а также деятелей культуры и политики, таких как Бернард Шоу, Бил Клинтон и Кристина Ромер, Председатель Совета экономических консультантов при президенте Обаме.


tags: slovoed, paragon, Britannica, encyclopedia, энциклопедия, настольная, Британника, русская, русский язык, encyclopedias, reference, Russian, language, software

Иконка для Рассказы. Салтыков-Щедрин М.Е. 1.0

Рассказы. Салтыков-Щедрин М.Е. (v. 1.0)

Publishing House RAVNOVESIE опубликовал приложение 2012-07-29
(обновлено 2012-07-29)

Михаил Евграфович Салтыков-Щедрин (1826 – 1889), русский писатель-сатирик и публицист, автор романов, повестей, очерков, рассказов, сказок. Его творчество, несомненно, стало одним из ярчайших явлений русской и мировой литературы второй половины XIX века. Вы услышите произведения великого мастера гротескного живописания разных лет. Произведения Салтыкова-Щедрина прочно и по праву заняли свое место в обязательной школьной программе.

Первый рассказ подьячего
Второй рассказ подьячего
Порфирий Петрович
Госпожа Падейкова
Развеселое житье
День в помещичьей усадьбе

Читает  Олег Исаев
Время звучания: 5 ч. 17 мин.

Удобная навигация, система закладок и автоматической прокрутки текста. Приятный дизайн.

Аудиокнига в высоком качестве звучания, начитанная профессиональным диктором.

Требуется дополнительное место на карте памяти - 447.2 мгб.
А так же подключение к интернету для скачивания глав.

Иконка для French <-> Spanish dictionary 2.8.14

French <-> Spanish dictionary (v. 2.8.14)

Paragon Software опубликовал приложение 2011-03-20
(обновлено 2012-07-29)

Talking Slovoed Compact French-Spanish and Spanish-French dictionary includes the most common translations with clear, concise definitions. It can be applied during a trip abroad and when reading. 


Dictionary database is powered by Larousse Editorial,S.L.

• French-Spanish dictionary contains over 15,000 entries.
• Spanish-French dictionary contains over 12,000 entries.

•French sound module contains over 10,000 pronunciations by native speakers.
•Spanish sound module contains over 10,000 pronunciations by native speakers.


Dictionary FEATURES:

What’s New: FBReader now supports the latest series of Slovoed multilingual premium content dictionaries; Easy copy-and-paste functions allow unknown words or phrases to be copied from an active application like the web browser or email to the clipboard, and automatically translated by switching back to Slovoed. Translate all clipboard contents – whether one word or several words at a time!


Search and translate Features

• NEW! Three new integrated input methods make dictionary use more convenient than ever.  Search by voice using Google Voice recognition service (Available for OS 2.2 and higher), take a picture of the text and translate it with Google Goggles, or enter the word in your own handwriting with Paragon’s PenReader handwriting recognition software.
• NEW! FBReader now supports the latest series of Slovoed multilingual premium content dictionaries! Enjoy the most comfortable in-app translation from any book or document in EPUB, OEB, FB2 (.zip), mobipocket (mobi), RTF or plain-text format without the need to switch applications or access the Internet.
• Look up unfamiliar words in dictionary directly from the home screen! The dictionary provides translations in a Quick Search Box alongside other search results.
• French and Spanish Morphology module helps to translate words in any grammatical form.
• List of similar words is displayed in case of misspelling.
• Find the word even if you don’t know its exact spelling using Wildcard Search.


Learning Features

• French and Spanish audio pronunciations recorded by native speakers.
• Integrate dictionary with the Flash Cards application and quiz yourself with words you have added from the dictionary.
• Test yourself with a Word of the day widget on your Home screen. A random entry from the dictionary is changed daily (Menu->Settings->Install widget)
• NEW! Manage Word of the day widget settings: select dictionary direction, font size and update period (manual or automatic).


Interface Features

• NEW! Dictionary installation on SD card to save space of your device (Available for OS 2.2 and higher).
• NEW! Enhanced customization options allow you to choose background color. Black, white and sepia themes are available (Menu -> Settings)
• NEW! Enlarge or reduce font size for your comfort (Menu -> Settings).
• NEW! Report bugs, request features and send feedback to Android Market or the Paragon development team quickly and conveniently with the new integrated support feature (Menu -> Information).
• Automatically switching translation directions using the language of the word entered.
• Hyperlinks between related articles and directions.
• Search History feature shows the last 20 words looked up.
• No Internet connection required.
• Multilingual interface.


Paragon Software is committed to providing the best user experience possible.  Please visit our FAQ http://slovoed.com/faq/ for assistance with any technical issues that may arise in the installation of our software applications.  You may also contact our support team at +7 (495) 789-6717, by email at 911@penreader.com, or drop us a line @Paragon_Mobile!

tags: slovoed, talking, compact, paragon, dictionary, dictionaries, translate, language, translation, reference, French, Spanish, software

Иконка для Birds PRO Trial 1.03

Birds PRO Trial (v. 1.03)

NATURE MOBILE опубликовал приложение 2012-07-29
(обновлено 2012-07-29)

Do you know birds?

Birds PRO - NATURE MOBILE - is a stylish and easy-to-use BREED IDENTIFICATION GUIDE with an integrated PICTURE and SOUND QUIZ GAME. Read fascinating information and learn facts about 230 common European bird breeds; browse more than 1500 PROFESSIONAL PICTURES of birds; listen to more than 460 spectacular CALLS AND SONGS; find your favorite bird!

The FREE VERSION is limited to 15 Birds with full details, images and sounds. The full version will include all birds.

There is now a INITIAL LANGUAGE CHECK, which allows you to select either ENGLISH or GERMAN. You can change the setting later in the INFO section of the app.


* Appearance
- size, feathering, beak type, etc.
* Geographic Range and Habitat
- cities, forests, waters, mountains, etc.


* Guess breeds by pictures
* Guess breeds by calls and songs

Follow us on Twitter for updates on Nature Mobile:@NatureMobile (http://twitter.com/NatureMobile) or visit our website www.NatureMobile.org.


* 230 (15) common European bird breeds
* 1500 (140) pictures of renowned photographers
- male, female, young, nest and eggs
* 468 (30) recordings of calls and songs


* Turn for landscape view
* Double-tap on picture to save or email
* Change language in settings
* Select favorite breeds
* Upload your own pictures
* No Internet access required


Do you want your pictures to be a in the app?
Please visit www.NatureMobile.org website to submit pictures. Every serious, curious, and hilarious picture is highly appreciated! High-quality pictures may be considered for future updates.


The mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topics from nature and other areas to a wide audience of interested people, enthusiasts and experts in a clear and attractive way. If you are an author or photographer, if you have fascinating ideas or content, please contact us at support@naturemobile.org. We will work together to find a win-win solution.

NATURE MOBILE is a community of enthusiasts and experts in the natural sciences and engineering that is organized by Dr. Daniel ODRY.


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