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Последние обновлённые книги и справочники в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
2671-2680 из 13647
Иконка для Del Enamorarse - Audiolibro 1.4.1

Del Enamorarse - Audiolibro (v. 1.4.1)

Libro Movil опубликовал приложение 2012-09-03
(обновлено 2012-09-03)

“Del enamorarse” es un audiolibro que nos enseña como este sentimiento tan hermoso nos cambia la vida sin tan siquiera darnos cuenta y como este influye en nuestro diario vivir.

Иконка для Codice Processo Amministrativo 1.8

Codice Processo Amministrativo (v. 1.8)

Maggioli Editore опубликовал приложение 2011-04-10
(обновлено 2012-09-03)

Tutte le disposizioni sul nuovo processo amministrativo raccolte nel nuovo "Codice del processo amministrativo".

Il Codice del processo amministrativo consultabile ovunque ti trovi, in modo rapido ed efficiente, grazie all'interfaccia chiara e alle utilità a disposizione, e senza connessione ad internet.

Nell'applicazione troverai:
- Costituzione italiana
- Il nuovo codice del processo amministrativo (DLGS 2 luglio 2010, n. 104)
- Le leggi complementari.

L'applicazione coniuga:
- rigore contenutistico: testi sempre aggiornatissimi, correlati di note, e selezionati per rispondere alle reali esigenze degli utenti;
- esaustività della normativa;
- semplicità ed intuitività: facilità di navigazione tra i contenuti, immediatezza nel reperimento dell’informazione desiderata.

L'applicazione offre:
- consultazione per indici
- ricerca per estremi e parole
- gestione preferiti e note
- scorrimento veloce tra gli articoli

Иконка для Highland Resistance-Book 1.0.2

Highland Resistance-Book (v. 1.0.2)

Digi-Media-Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-09-03
(обновлено 2012-09-03)

Highland Resistance takes as its subject the record of land-centred (and by implication culture- and nationality- centred) conflict in the Highlands of Scotland during the two and a half centuries since the Jacobite rising of 1745.  The book tells the story of anti-landlord agitation and direct-action land-raiding from the great sheep-drives in Sutherland at the end of the eighteenth century, on through the anti-eviction resistance that characterised the worst years of the notorious Clearances, and on again by way of the huge crofters’ agitation of the 1880s to continuing inter-war raiding and reform and the last great land-grab at Knoydart in the 1940s.  By setting this record in its context Highland Resistance shows its continuing political and cultural importance to our own times, as Scotland and her reborn parliament enter a new century and a new millennium.  The principal arguments of Highland Resistance are that there is a long and deep anti-landlord tradition in the Highlands; that this tradition has been under-pinned with an identity that can justly be identified as one of agrarian and cultural radicalism and nationalism; and that this tradition in one form or another lives on today, with a sharp and controversial resonance for the Highlands, and Scotland, of tomorrow.

           *** QUALITY DIGITIZED BOOKS  ***
This Ebook can be placed on the SDCARD with Android 2.2 and above.

This is the full length digitised ebook version of a classic book and is supplied by Digi-Media-Apps.

Each  book  is packaged  with an advanced EBOOK  reader. Simply download the App and read the book – you do not need other software or Apps to enjoy this book.

Where available, pages in the book can be turned using the phone's volume keys.
If the App is closed, the book will reopen at the place where you left off reading the book.
Sections/chapters of the book are accessible directly from the  Table of Contents.
Book marks can be saved at any point within the book.
Use the MENU/BOOK MARK to mark any text to return to later.
You can search for any text within the book.
For your reading comfort, the book has two reading modes, DAY and NIGHT.
Where appropriate, the books contents are cross referenced, and linked.
Footnotes within the original book are maintained and linked within the book.
You can select font size for the book using the books menu options.
You can select font colour for the book using the books menu options
You can select background colour for the book using the books menu options
By default, the phone will not turn off whilst you are reading the book. This option can be turned off in MENU/SETTINGS.

A quality full length book in ebook format supplied by Digi-Media-Apps.
More quality classic ebook titles can be found on Android market – search “digimediaapps”
Goto www.digimediaapps.com for a full searchable catalogue of available books from Digi-Media-Apps.

Иконка для Henry VIII and his Court-Book 1.0.2

Henry VIII and his Court-Book (v. 1.0.2)

Digi-Media-Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-09-03
(обновлено 2012-09-03)

Besides his six marriages, Henry VIII is known for his role in the separation of the Church of England from the Roman Catholic Church. This books contains all the characters and intrigues associated with Henry's reign, you could not make it up.

           *** QUALITY DIGITIZED BOOKS  ***
This Ebook can be placed on the SDCARD with Android 2.2 and above.

This is the full length digitised ebook version of a classic book and is supplied by Digi-Media-Apps.

Each  book  is packaged  with an advanced EBOOK  reader. Simply download the App and read the book – you do not need other software or Apps to enjoy this book.

Where available, pages in the book can be turned using the phone's volume keys.
If the App is closed, the book will reopen at the place where you left off reading the book.
Sections/chapters of the book are accessible directly from the  Table of Contents.
Book marks can be saved at any point within the book.
Use the MENU/BOOK MARK to mark any text to return to later.
You can search for any text within the book.
For your reading comfort, the book has two reading modes, DAY and NIGHT.
Where appropriate, the books contents are cross referenced, and linked.
Footnotes within the original book are maintained and linked within the book.
You can select font size for the book using the books menu options.
You can select font colour for the book using the books menu options
You can select background colour for the book using the books menu options
By default, the phone will not turn off whilst you are reading the book. This option can be turned off in MENU/SETTINGS.

A quality full length book in ebook format supplied by Digi-Media-Apps.
More quality classic ebook titles can be found on Android market – search “digimediaapps”
Goto www.digimediaapps.com for a full searchable catalogue of available books from Digi-Media-Apps.

Иконка для Terremoti Italia v. 0.91

Terremoti Italia (v. v. 0.91)

Max Di Cosimo опубликовал приложение 2011-04-10
(обновлено 2012-09-03)

Rimani aggiornato sugli ultimi terremoti in Italia e visualizzali sulla mappa.
Ricerca e mostra i terremoti del passato.
Disponibile l'avviso di nuove scosse quando l'applicazione non è attiva. La frequenza degli avvisi è impostabile dall'utente; la verifica di nuovi terremoti viene saltata in caso di assenza di connessione.
Saltuariamente possono essere inclusi nell'elenco anche terremoti molto forti avvenuti in altre parti del mondo ma rilevati anche dagli strumenti italiani.

Domande più frequenti

1) Perché l'orario riportato è diverso da quello del sito INGV?
L'orario del sito INGV è quello di Greenwich senza ora legale. L'applicazione, invece, riporta l'orario corretto con le impostazioni del telefono (+2 in Italia con l'ora legale).

2) Perché a volte sembra che salti gli aggiornamenti in background?
Se l'aggiornamento non va a buon fine per momentanei problemi di connessione, l'applicazione aspetta, per riprovarci, l'aggiornamento successivo e non riprova subito per evitare un eccessivo consumo della batteria.

3) Potrebbe essere aggiunto un filtro sulle località di interesse?
Le località sono aggiunte dai tecnici dell'INGV e non è detto che seguano una convenzione ben definita: si sta valutando il filtraggio sulla base delle coordinate, anche se potrebbe essere di non facile utilizzo.

4) Si potrebbe avere uno storico più lungo?
Lo storico è stato reintrodotto in fase sperimentale ed è basato sui dati del Bollettino Sismico Italiano che risale fino al 2002.

5) Che c'entrano i terremoti di altre nazioni?
In alcuni casi l'INGV include anche questi terremoti, evidentemente perché di notevole intensità e rilevati anche da noi.

6) Preferirei la data nel formato giorno,mese,anno.
Il formato della rappresentazione viene lasciato al telefono seguendo la sua localizzazione.

7) Manca un aggiornamento ogni 5 minuti.
Si era valutato che aggiornamenti troppo frequenti potessero incidere sul consumo della batteria; 15 minuti sembrava adeguato, vista la frequenza media dei terremoti in Italia.

8) Consuma tanta batteria.
Appunto... In realtà quando è chiusa, l'applicazione non consuma nulla se non quando verifica la presenza di nuovi terremoti, con frequenza impostata dall'utente. La verifica consiste in una breve connessione dati (2-3 Kbyte). In caso di consumi anomali, suggerisco di mandarmi una mail.

9) Spero si veda solo per PICCOLE curiosità.
Lo spero anch'io.

Иконка для Françoise Bourdin - English 1.0

Françoise Bourdin - English (v. 1.0)

Place des éditeurs опубликовал приложение 2012-09-03
(обновлено 2012-09-03)

F. Bourdin has touched the hearts of millions of readers all over the world through her inspirational fiction. Her handy and free app. includes: Excerpt of The Man of Their Lives / Facebook integration / Pictures of Françoise at her house in Normandy/ "Françoise's Secrets" feature / 3 video clips–as if you two were there having a glass of wine in her kitchen! / Bonus: an interactive map of France.

Иконка для ordbogit 1.05

ordbogit (v. 1.05)

EMP AB опубликовал приложение 2011-04-10
(обновлено 2012-09-03)

Ordbogit kalaallisuumiit qallunaatuumut aamma qallunaatumiit kalaallisuumut mobilinut Androidimik atuisunut

Ilinniusiorfiup Oqaasileriffiullu ordbogit kalaallisuumiit qallunaatuumut aamma qallunaatuumiit kalaallisuumut mobilikkut Android aqqutigalugu atorsinnaalersippaat.

Ordbogit oqarasuaatikkut angallattakkakkut Andoid aqqutigalugu atorneqarsinnaasut tassaapput ORDBOGEN Qallunaatut – Kalaallisut, siullermik 2003-mi naqiterneqartoq; aamma OQAATSIT Kalaallisuumiit-Qallunaatuumut, 1997.
Oqaatsit ujartorniakkat allanneqalernerisigut oqaatsit siunnersuutigineqartut namminneerlutik saqqummertassapput. Retur toorneqassaaq imaluunniit oqaatsip nassuiaatitaa iserfiginiarukku tab tooruk.
Aamma sukkasuumik ujartuilertupallattoqarsinnaavoq makkua ilisarnaatit atorlugit *, + aamma ?; tab på forstørrelsesglasset og oqaaserlu ujartukkat toqqarlugu.
Toortakkat tikkuutitallit quppernerup ataaniittut toorlugit siumut utimullu qupperaasinnaavutit.
Toortagaq qulaaniittoq tikkuutitalik (rotér-ikonet) toorlugu oqaatsit atorneqartut paarlaatsinneqarsinnaapput.
Ordbogimi danskit oqaasii 35.000-nit ikinnerunngitsut, kiisalu kalaallisut oqaatsit 16.000-t missaat uiguutillu 699-it ujartorneqarsinnaapput. Kalaallisuui allattaaseq kalaallit tamarmik atugassaat malittaralugu allataapput.

Ordbøger grønlandsk-dansk og dansk-grønlandsk for mobiludgave til Android
Ilinniusiorfik og Oqaasileriffik står bag denne udgivelse af grønlandsk-dansk, dansk-grønlansk ordbog i én app til Android
Denne mobiludgave til Andoid baserer sig på Ordbogen Qallunaatut – Kalaallisut, 1. udgave 2003; samt Oqaatsit Kalaallisuumiit-Qallunaatuumut, 1997.

Det ord du ønsker at slå op kommer frem i listen efterhånden som du indtaster, tryk retur eller tab på ordet for at se den detaljerede artikel.
Du kan også lave lunhurtige søgninger og eventuelt anvende jokertegnene *, + og ?; tab på luppen og vælg den ønskede artikel fra søgeresultatet.
Gå frem og tilbage med piltasterne nederst på skærmen. Du vender sprogpar ved at trykke på rotér-ikonet øverst på skærmen.
Ordbogen indeholder mere end 35.000 danske og 16.000 grønlandske opslagsord samt 699 tilhæng. Oversættelserne er givet på centralvestgrønlandsk.

Иконка для Learn Spanish Month 1.0

Learn Spanish Month (v. 1.0)

Loudbook опубликовал приложение 2012-09-02
(обновлено 2012-09-02)

The course is designed for those intending to go abroad on holiday or business trip and need to learn Spanish fast. This course provides an opportunity to learn the most commonly used words and phrases, expand your vocabulary. Ability to listen to audio material at any time (at home, in the car, plane or train) makes this course as useful for anyone who wants to improve their knowledge of Spanish. The course contains several lessons on the most important topics, because, first of all you have to communicate at the airport, hotel, restaurant. Dialogues, voiced by professional speakers, will help you better learn the language and feel confident in a foreign country. After pronouncing each word or turn of speech, you are given time to repeat that, after the announcer saying, you better remember the pronunciation and the expression itself. You will learn greetings, can be arranged at the hotel and make a reservation at the restaurant, it is easy to learn the way to the attractions of the city, will be able to go shopping. This audiobook in Russian.

Иконка для Courses in Economics 1.0

Courses in Economics (v. 1.0)

Loudbook опубликовал приложение 2012-09-02
(обновлено 2012-09-02)

Economics course for high schools and colleges well-read by a special technique developed to improve the digestibility of the material and increase the comfort of learning. Course contents: 1. Economics as a science. Goals and Objectives of the economy. The notion of an economic model. Macro-and microeconomics 2. Production factors: labor, land, capital and entrepreneurship. "Prices" factors of production: wages, rent, interest, profit 3. Economic rationality and incentives. Utility, the law of marginal utility 4. Property. Historical types of property. Modern forms of property 5. The law of supply and demand. Its function. Price elasticity of demand, income 6. The division of labor and types 7. Market. Types and functions of the market 8. Equilibrium in the market. Effect of changes in supply and demand equilibrium price and quantity. Stability of equilibrium 9. Production costs. Marginal costs of the firm and its structure 10. The concept and theory of capital. Fixed and circulating capital 11. Investments and their structure. Theory and analysis of investment 12. The concept of competition. The methods of competition 13. Monopoly: the nature and types. Antitrust regulation 14. Oligopoly. Causes of oligopoly 15. Land market. Types of annuities 16. The origin of money. Types and functions of money. The monetary system 17. Loan and credit system 18. Inflation. The causes, types and levels of inflation 19. Banking system. Origins and functions of the banks 20. Labor market. Demand for labor. Unemployment and its types 21. Forms, systems and forms of payment. Wages 22. Incomes and their structure. The reasons for income inequality. The Lorenz curve. The Gini coefficient 23. The state budget. The budget deficit and national debt 24. The essence of the taxes and their functions. The problem of tax collection 25. General trends of privatization. Privatization in Russia 26. The establishment and nature of the world economy 27. World trade is 28. The international movement of capital 29. Labor migration in the modern world, this audiobook in Russian.

Иконка для Novels and stories of Tolstoy 1.0

Novels and stories of Tolstoy (v. 1.0)

Loudbook опубликовал приложение 2012-09-02
(обновлено 2012-09-02)

Audiobook includes novels and short stories of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910). Tolstoy's genius and greatness should first see him in a mighty feeling that all our conscious cultural and social life, with its countless conventions, there is life is not real, illusory, false and in fact people do not have, and that it is hidden behind a spontaneous, unconscious pervozhizn , genuine, deep and only necessary. The works included in the curricula of grades 5-11 high school at all levels of training for classroom and homework. Contents: 1. The Caucasian Prisoner 2. The Death of Ivan Ilyich 3. After the Ball This audiobook in Russian.

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