回到明朝当王爷 (v. 1.2)
HARVESTERS опубликовал приложение 2012-09-20
阴差阳错间,乌龙九世善人郑少鹏回到了大明正德年间。 |
官仙 (v. 1.2)
HARVESTERS опубликовал приложение 2012-09-20
更新至 2368-2369算计于两难之间 |
Bearing Catalog.(machine parts (v. 1.3.0)
Beak Lack Jin опубликовал приложение 2012-09-20
06.22.2012 |
龙域 (v. 2.0.02)
apk.zuikong.com mobile apps опубликовал приложение 2012-09-19
豪门翘楚,天润富泽,紫虚真龙,其域之主;可惜福祸相依,造成十年白痴,却也得悟禅佛道境,修至大成;本愿做芸芸众生,可惜事与愿违,家族生意、商海筹谋;异术超能、权贵阀门;黑暗势力、世家侠隐,无不一一粉墨登场,更有指腹为婚,天才老婆,他这个昔日的白痴,世人眼中的傻子,将如何面对?一次偶然,一次老土,惹艳上身,天之娇女,缠龙之凤,两女交相辉映,他又将如何面对?更有最佳损友,《网游众生2》之主角,插科打诨,搞笑不断…… |
风流预言师 (v. 2.0.02)
apk.zuikong.com mobile apps опубликовал приложение 2012-09-19
我在此严重声明,我是一个纯洁的人,我从来不会让手下的人去偷鸡摸狗,坑蒙拐骗,敲闷棍,打黑拳,可是如果他们硬要跟我学我也没办法啊。 |
The Greatest General Knowledge (v. 1.0.2)
Digi-Media-Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-09-19
What does the average human head weigh? From where in the United Kingdom did the Titanic set off on her maiden voyage? Can you name the manager who took charge of the England football team in 1977? In which year did the United Kingdom first win the Eurovision Song Contest with Sandie Shaw's 'Puppet on a String'? If you can answer these questions and more like them, then The Greatest General Knowledge Quiz Book is for you. You'll never realise how much you don't know until you have dipped inside this book and tried to answer the 250 questions, designed to test your knowledge on a broad range of subjects. Packed with fascinating facts, this book aims to be educational as well as fun and is an easy way to learn. So whether you want to test yourself against the kids or broaden your general knowledge in time for the next pub quiz, this book is a must have for all ages. |
The Mix 'N' Match Pop Quiz Boo (v. 1.0.2)
Digi-Media-Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-09-19
Brief Description: Are you knowledgeable about pop music? Can you reel off the names of groups from years gone by and their lead singers? Can you recall chart topping hits from the past and who sung them? If so, this exciting quiz book will quickly uncover how much you really know about the history of pop music. Which year did Elvis Presley have a UK hit with 'Way Down'? What was the name of Kate Bush's debut album released in 1978? Which year did The Animals have a transatlantic number 1 with 'House of the Rising Sun'? The answers to these questions and more can all be found in The Mix 'n' Match Pop Music Quiz Book. This book takes the reader on a nostalgic journey from Bing Crosby to Katy Perry with 300 questions about the groups, songwriters, hits and individual artists that have shaped the music scene over the years. Packed full of information this book is guaranteed to entertain and inform and there is no better way to test your knowledge of pop culture. This is a must-have book for music fans of all ages. |
王朔文集2 随笔集 (v. 1.0)
Ming Shen опубликовал приложение 2012-09-19
《随笔集》这几本书都是十年前或更早的时候写的,那时我很自以为是,相信很多东西,不相信很多,欲望很强,以为已知的就是一切了。这些书里的人、情景和一些谈话是那时我经历过的,在生活中也不特别,仅仅因为我不知道更多的东西,才认为有趣,虚张声势地写下来。这些情景不在了,这些人也散了,活着的也未老先衰,我也不再那么说话和如此看待自己,所以有时我觉得自己失去了继续写作的能力。 |
王朔文集1 千万别把我当人 (v. 1.0)
Ming Shen опубликовал приложение 2012-09-19
年轻的时候认为有很多重要的在前面,只要不停地奔走就能看到,走过来了发现重要的都在身后发生了,已经过去了,再往前又是一片空白。对过去,没有什么可遗憾的,也没有任何偶然,都是必须经过的,我不信一个人可以有两个以上的选择。 文化太可怕了,像食物一样,不吃,死,吃了便被它塑造了。我怀疑其核心已编入遣传而不必再通过教育获得了。我觉得自己像在大海里游泳,无边浪涛挥之不尽,什么时候才能登上彼岸,有从树上刚下来的原始人那样一个澄明的无邪的头脑。关于这些书,我个人认为是一个蒙昧时代的见证。活下去,活在自我虚构和自我陶醉中,这大概是一个写作者的宿命,明白也没用。 |
王朔文集4 过把瘾就死 (v. 1.0)
Ming Shen опубликовал приложение 2012-09-19
在《过把瘾就死》一文中,作者对众人心中所渴望的甜蜜的爱情作了一个让人叹气再叹气的诠释,其贴近生活的语言,让人在苦痛中再去思考爱情,无奈而酸涩,相信你合上书卷的同时一定会附上深切的感叹!根据其改编的电视剧一经上演,立刻风靡了大江南北的各个阶层的观众。本书还收录了其他三部作品:《一半是火焰一半是海水》、《浮出海面》、《空中小姐》。 |