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Лучшие по рейтингу книги и справочники в Android Market

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711-720 из 13647
Иконка для Polskie Kodeksy 1.0.0

Polskie Kodeksy (v. 1.0.0)

LexDroid опубликовал приложение 2012-06-24
(обновлено 2012-06-24)

Polskie Kodeksy to zbiór polskich kodeksów.
Dostęp w każdej chwili do podstawowych aktów prawnych:
-z możliwością wyszukiwania po nr. artykułu i frazie.
-w czytelnej formie
-z funkcją szybkiego przewijania (przytrzymaj środek ekranu)
-praca w trybie offline
-kodeks cywilny i kodeks postępowania cywilnego
-kodeks karny i kodeks postępowania karnego
-kodeks rodzinny i opiekuńczy i in.

Stan prawny: 2011.10.01
Założeniem programu jest prostota i funkcjonalność oraz łatwy dostęp do podstawowych źródeł prawa.
Wersja bezpłatna aktualizowana jest prawnie co 6 miesięcy. Kolejna aktualizacja 2012.04.01.

*Dostępny także jako płatna wersja Pro.*  
Dodatkowo w wersji Pro:
-kodeks spółek handlowych
-kodeks karny wykonawczy
-kodeks karny skarbowy
-kodeks drogowy
-ustawa o kosztach sądowych w sprawach cywilnych
-aktualizacje prawne

Słowa kluczowe: kc, kpc, kro, kp, kk, kpk, kw, kpow, kpa, ksh, lex, prawo, kodeks, ustawa, polska aplikacja, polski program, język polski.

Иконка для Qeentu All Apps 0.82.13468

Qeentu All Apps (v. 0.82.13468)

Qeentu опубликовал приложение 2012-06-24
(обновлено 2014-05-30)

Qeentu all app is a app From Qeentu. by buying this you're helping qeentu to make this site and other sites.

Qeentu app opens up all possibilities of qeentus page.
short on qeentu: qeentu is a page with cheat codes, texts, movies and more.

About this App/Mobile Page:
Bujudia.site90.net is a site that has info, spells, videos, photos, and more about the religion Wicca. On Bujudia.site90.net you can find other religions like Bujudia (Magic God) which i (Jim HD) have created but I do not believe in this religion anymore because I'm a 100% Wiccan now. but i don't change the name on this site because it's easy to find for other people. and to remember if you find any misspellings then I would be pleased if you would send me a corrected version of the words by email my email address is qeentu.support@gmail.com.

What is Wicca:
Wicca is an Earth based religion revering a God and a Goddess. Wiccans enjoy much freedom in celebrating the Gods and do not have a buffer between us. The Goddess is within us and she manifests in all nature and creation.Wiccans have a union with nature and recognize the divine that manifests throughout. Our sacred temple is the Earth herself and when we lose touch the with nature, we lose touch with the Gods. Wiccans do not believe in Satan and certainly do not worship him. Satan or the Devil is a creation of the Christian Church and it is they that give him power. Most Wiccans use Witchcraft and Witchcraft is practiced by Witches'. Wicca embraces magic and believes magic is natural, not supernatural. Wiccans also believe in reincarnation, divination, prayer and meditation. The power of magic comes from the Goddess and is a sacred gift. Wiccans have a strong belief in Karma and nothing comes without a price, good or bad. We are accountable for our actions and the Devil does not make us do it. We are free souls with the right to live our lives our way and are completely responsible. This is by no means a complete description, Wicca is ever changing and growing. The beauty of Wicca is it's simplicity in perfect love and perfect trust.

What is a Book of Shadows:
a book of shadows is a book with all sorts of things ranging from magic spells to your secret old texts to new texts, chants and other things used in the wiccan faith

  Find your way
    Blessed Be

Tags: Wicca, Wiccan, Bujudia, Wica, Christianity, Witch, Witchcraft, Book Of Shadows, Bujudia/Wicca Bible, Pagan,

Иконка для Qeentu / EN 0.16.13129

Qeentu / EN (v. 0.16.13129)

Qeentu опубликовал приложение 2012-06-24
(обновлено 2012-06-24)

Qeentu app opens up all possibilities of qeentus page.
short on qeentu: qeentu is a page with cheat codes, texts, movies and more.

Иконка для SCLaw- Criminal/Drug -16/44/61 3.4

SCLaw- Criminal/Drug -16/44/61 (v. 3.4)

Kaboserv.com опубликовал приложение 2012-06-23
(обновлено 2012-06-23)

SCLaw Series -Criminal and Drug offenses / Statutes / Alcohol Regs - Titles 16, 44-53, 61 and 63-19.

*Now includes Title 44 Chapter 53 - Drug Offenses,Title 61 - Alcohol Regulations and Title 63 - Juvenile Justice code.

A complete list of the laws listed within Title 16, the South Carolina Criminal Code of Justice, Title 44 Chapter 53 Drug Offenses and Title 61 Alcohol Regulations.

This app is designed for police and law enforcement professionals but could be beneficial to those who want to learn more about the laws of the South Carolina.

List screen covers all statutes with details and language from the law books of the State of South Carolina.

PLEASE NOTE: This is MORE than just a list, if your select one of the statues listed on the main screen you will see the full text for that listed statute. Search feature is active and can be accessed by pressing the magnifying glass on your android device. Please contact me with any questions.

This is a first release as of 05-05-2011. It is written by a police officer for other police officers and lawyers for ease of use. Please feel free to email any suggestions for improvement!

Thanks for looking!

**ATTN: Users WITHOUT MAGNIFYING GLASS ON PHONE, You can access the search feature by LONG CLICKING on any item on the main screen OR starting a NEW SEARCH from the menu.

Иконка для Scripture Mastery App (Por) 1.0.4

Scripture Mastery App (Por) (v. 1.0.4)

Ursaware, LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-06-22
(обновлено 2012-06-22)

This version is in Portuguese. If you want the English Version then please download "Scripture Mastery App".

This is simply a list of the LDS Seminary Scripture Mastery scriptures.
To help with memorization there are now options to remove random words from verses or to leave just the first letter of all words.
We decided to add the Articles of Faith as well, since they are good for memorizing.
Added The Living Christ and The Family: A Proclamation to the World.
You can swipe between scriptures to go forward or backwards.
To get back to the list of scriptures or books, hit your back button.
There is now a "Widget" that you can put on your home screen. To do this you will need to long press on your home screen, then select "Widgets" or "Android Widget" from the pop-up.
From the list select "Scripture Mastery App".
This places the widget on your home screen. Now you need to add a reference. To do this, open the Scripture Mastery App, select a verse, then from the text of the verse (not the reference) long press. You will see a small pop-up that says the verse was added to the widget. Now you have a verse on your home screen.

Иконка для English-Filipino Dictionary 2.3

English-Filipino Dictionary (v. 2.3)

Xynotec опубликовал приложение 2012-06-22
(обновлено 2012-06-22)

English<->Filipino(Tagalog) DictDroid is "offline dictionary" (doesn't require internet connection) with features:
- English-Filipino(Tagalog) dictionary with pronunciation.
- Filipino(Tagalog)-English dictionary.
- Easy to use with simple interface.
- View history and favorite words.
- Support Google Translate (requiring internet connection).

Иконка для Kranke Welt: Kapitel 1 (eBook) 1.0

Kranke Welt: Kapitel 1 (eBook) (v. 1.0)

Peter van Turau опубликовал приложение 2012-06-21
(обновлено 2012-06-21)

Es ist wie in einem Märchen.
Märchen fangen an mit, es war einmal vor langer, langer Zeit.
In dieser Erzählung muss es heißen, es wird einmal sein, in einer langen, langen Zeit.
Alle Märchen sind einerseits Wunder- wunderschön, haben aber auch etwas weniger Schönes gemeinsam.
Allesamt haben sie auch einen grausamen Part.
Nichts desto trotz spiegeln sie das Lebensbild der Menschheit wieder.
Also, nennen wir diese Erzählung ruhig; ein Märchen, das in einer Zeit spielt, die man mit Ü 3050 bezeichnen könnte und es erzählt von den Menschen dieser Zeit.
In dieser Zukunft heißt es.
Es war einmal, vor langer, langer Zeit. Da haben die Menschen die Erde zerstört. Denn ihre sorglose Art zu leben, hat langsam aber sicher den Schutzgürtel der Erde vernichtet, so dass der Lebensspender Sonne sich in das genaue Gegenteil verwandelt hat und zu einem Todbringer für die gesamte Menschheit wurde.
Schuld daran, waren die Menschen selbst.
Schuld daran, war ihr luxuriöser Lebensstil.
Schuld daran, waren die Macher und ihre Politik.
Schuld daran, waren alle, die den Machern vertraut haben, alle, die zu wenig hinterfragt haben, alle, die sich zu wenig gewehrt haben.
Schuld daran, war also letztendlich, ihr ganz normales, menschliches Verhalten.
Doch genau wie in einem Märchen, fanden die Menschen eine Lösung zum Überleben.
Ende gut, alles gut.
Ja und Nein.
Denn das Märchen vom Leben endet niemals.
Mit dem Happyend des einen Märchens, beginnt ein neues Märchen.
In einer langen, langen Zeit, führen die Menschen ein schönes und sorgenfreies Leben in den Schutzhüllen ihrer Betonstädte.
Vieles hat sich auf der Welt verändert, nur die Menschen nicht.
Unglaubliche sexuelle Erlebnisse, begleiten den lockeren, lebensfrohen Junggesellen Ralf, durch seine Tage.
Seine Probleme, Wünsche und Träume, unterscheiden sich kein bisschen von desgleichen in der Heutigen Zeit.
Situationscomic, ein tolles Mädchen und ein finanzieller Aufstieg, wie in einem Märchen, geben der Langeweile keine Chance.
Nun ja.
Bis ihn die Schattenseite eines jeden Märchens einholt.
Das Schicksal --- Die Grausamkeit --- Ungerechtigkeit?
Oder einfach nur, das ganz normale Menschliche?
Denn, --- völlig unerwartet und daher überraschend, unvorhersehbar und unglaublich, beschert ihm sein Schicksal, den Schock seines Lebens, in der schönsten Zeit seines Lebens.
Und dabei ist es doch aber nur die praktizierte Wahrheit, die ihn erschüttert, die allerdings ein kleiner Teil an Menschen dem Großteil der gesamten Menschheit vorenthält.
Wobei wie schon so oft, die erzählte Wahrheit, mit der verschwiegenen Verlogenheit, eine untrennbare Einheit bilden, wie es seit Menschengedenken, in der Politik so gang und gäbe ist.

Dieses Märchen stammt nicht von den Gebrüdern Grimm und ist für Kinder ungeeignet.
Es ist ein Erwachsenenmärchen aus der Feder des Bruders: van Turau und somit ab 18 Jahren freigegeben.

Ein Roman mit einer Seitenanzahl
von 349 Din A 5 Seiten, für den
Verkauf unterteilt in 7 Kapitel.

Kapitel 1 ist eine kostenlose Leseprobe
Und somit das kleinste Kapitel.

Die Kapitel 2 bis 7 sind jeweils um die 55 Seiten.
Alle einzeln erhältlich für 2€ je Kapitel.
So erhalten Sie das komplette E-Book
für 12€ komplett.
Sie können Ihre momentane Ausgabe klein
halten und trotzdem den ganzen Roman, nach und nach lesen.

Verspüren Sie nach der Leseprobe den Wunsch
den ganzen Roman zügig zu lesen, können Sie
ihn für einmalig günstige 7,50€ komplett, auf einmal, erwerben.

Иконка для Introducing Ethics 1.0.1

Introducing Ethics (v. 1.0.1)

Eldan Software опубликовал приложение 2012-06-20
(обновлено 2012-06-20)

Introducing Ethics is one of the Introducing Graphic Guides, an award-winning collection of books that employ text and graphics to explore the biggest ideas mankind has ever come up with. The app transforms the 174 page book into an interactive format enjoyable on all mobile devices including tablets, also featuring notes, comments and social sharing capabilities.

About the Book

Are humans really selfish and greedy, or generous and kind? Does anyone have the right to tell you what ‘good’ and ‘bad’ mean? Is morality about obeying a set of rules or thinking about the consequences?

Ethics affects everyone. Moral dilemmas can be big or small, from whether to keep pets or recycle assiduously to how to use your vote, or whether it’s right to assist someone who wants to die. We all have our own ideas about what is right and what is wrong, but is this something we can know rather than merely believe?

Introducing Ethics traces the arguments of great moral philosophers including Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes and Kant, and explores what more modern thinkers such as Jean-Paul Sartre, John Rawls and Richard Rorty have brought to the debates. This enjoyable graphic guide may not answer all of your moral dilemmas – but it will make you better equipped to think about them.

Topics covered include:

➔ Ten Central Questions
➔ Morality and Human Nature
➔ Do We Have Any Choice?
➔ Utilitarianism
➔ Existentialism
➔ Animal Rights
➔ Euthanasia

… and much, much more.

About the App

The Introducing App is more than just a direct conversion of the print edition. It is an adaptation of the content into a look-and-feel tailor made for mobile devices. Each page is broken down to be easily read on a smaller screen. All illustrations are animated to further drive the narrative, and to help clarify some very challenging ideas. This approach, named Story View, offers a completely unique way to enjoy the Introducing Graphic Guide series.

For those who prefer the original book format, the tablet version also includes Classic View, which presents the pages exactly as they appear in the print version. Rotating the tablet allows readers to view one page at a time in portrait, or two at a time in landscape.

Some other features include:

➔ Complete Chapter Index
➔ Page by Page Browsing using CoverFlow
➔ Taking Notes Across Devices
➔ Sharing Comments with Others
➔ Twitter & Facebook Integration

… and soon, reading across platforms.

About Introducing Graphic Guides

INTRODUCING is a series of graphic guides that covers every key thinker and topic in philosophy, psychology and science, and many others in politics, religion, cultural studies, linguistics and other areas. Each book is written by an expert in the field, and illustrated by a leading graphic artist. There's no better or more enjoyable way to get your head around the biggest ideas mankind has ever come up with.

Иконка для Words of Hope 1.0

Words of Hope (v. 1.0)

Pasiphist опубликовал приложение 2012-06-20
(обновлено 2012-06-20)

Words of Hope displays favourite quotations on the theme of hope. Dynamic updates keep the application fresh and you can share your favourite quotes with friends.

Иконка для Vip eKnjizara 1.0.10

Vip eKnjizara (v. 1.0.10)

Lamaro d.o.o. опубликовал приложение 2012-06-20
(обновлено 2012-06-20)

Vip eKnjizara is a virtual bookstore in which Vip customers can buy e-books on Croatian and English language. Customers don't need credit cards to pay for e-books, they can charge the books on their prepaid or postpaid accounts and have it delivered immediately on their virtual bookshelf.

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