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Лучшие по рейтингу книги и справочники в Android Market

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6601-6610 из 13647
Иконка для Make Meetings More Productive! 1.0

Make Meetings More Productive! (v. 1.0)

Vertex Mind LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-12-14
(обновлено 2012-12-14)

***  How to Take Your  Meetings From Snoring and Boring to Exciting and Productive  ***

Dear Reader,

How many meetings have  you attended that resembled a "free-for-all" with hardly any work accomplished?  Sadly, it happens every day all over the world. Wasted time is like flushing dollars down the drain.

It makes no difference if you are the the "go to guy or gal" for a large Fortune 500 corporation or a small business owner, the principles are the same. Time is money and no business can affordto waste it.

If you really want to show a boss you've got what it takes to move ahead in the company; or, you want to take your own business to the next level, you are in the right place.

Let's cut right to the chase.  If you want to continue down the same old road getting the same old results then click away now.  But, if you are ready for change  "How to Make Meetings More Productive" is just what you need!

It contains everything you need to know to begin conducting meeting that people will want to attend!  Yes, that's what we said.  They'll want to attend YOUR meetings.

Discover how to:

• Prepare for your meeting - the RIGHT way
• How to properly chair your meeting
• Handle the tell tale time factor
• Taking minutes  
• How to implement brainstorming
• Mind mapping with a purpose
• The meeting "after the meeting"

And, as if that wasn't enough, you have a sample of real minutes to follow insuring that  you get it right!

We also include an entire chapter on overcoming challenges.  What to do when the meeting is disrupted; how to respond to comments from the participants, how to become a better listener and how to ask questions the right way!

There is even a procedural guide and a chapter on video and teleconferencing!  You just can't lose.

Иконка для Gears Of War 3 Map Guide 1.0

Gears Of War 3 Map Guide (v. 1.0)

KrySource опубликовал приложение 2012-12-13
(обновлено 2012-12-13)

The perfect companion reference app for Gears Of War 3 is here. Have all 10 multiplayer map overviews at your side, at all times.

This app features a high quality image of each multiplayer map. Not only is it very high quality (HD), you can also zoom in and focus on certain areas of each map without losing any quality! All these maps are in amazing 720p HD quality.

This app does not require an internet connection so you can study your favorite map wherever you go.

Dont pay more for apps that arent complete, slow to load, bad image quality, or have information that was speculated on before the release of this game. We are gamers, that build apps for gamers, to help you game better!

Please let us know if there is anything we have missed or you want in this app. We are here to make gaming a better experience for you!

Иконка для Karel Čapek: RUR (verze Pro) 1.0

Karel Čapek: RUR (verze Pro) (v. 1.0)

Meregivo Group опубликовал приложение 2012-12-13
(обновлено 2012-12-13)

Verze Pro bez reklamy.

R.U.R. (zkratka z Rossumovi univerzální roboti) je vědeckofantastické drama o třech dějstvích Karla Čapka z roku 1920.

Autor zde varuje před případnými negativními vlivy techniky na lidstvo. Je ovlivněn svým zájmem o techniku, ale také obavami o budoucnost lidstva (destrukce za 1. světové války). V této hře poprvé zaznělo slovo robot, které Čapkovi poradil bratr Josef.[1] Přeloženo bylo toto dílo do více jak třiceti jazyků vč. esperanta.

Matka (drama)

Drama Matka je jedno z protiválečných antifašistických děl Karla Čapka z roku 1938.

Bílá nemoc je divadelní hra-drama Karla Čapka z roku 1937. Dílo varuje před nastupujícím fašismem. Jde o jedno z děl varujících před nástupem nacismu v Německu a stalo se posléze i jedním z důvodů plánované autorovy perzekuce gestapem.



Thanakorn Papan опубликовал приложение 2012-12-13
(обновлено 2012-12-13)

This is a pre-1923 historical reproduction that was curated for quality. Quality assurance was conducted on each of these books in an attempt to remove books with imperfections introduced by the digitization process. Though we have made best efforts - the books may have occasional errors that do not impede the reading experience. We believe this work is culturally important and have elected to bring the book back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. This text refers to the Bibliobazaar edition.

Иконка для The Ambassadors 1.0

The Ambassadors (v. 1.0)

Thanakorn Papan опубликовал приложение 2012-12-12
(обновлено 2012-12-12)

The Ambassadors, which Henry James considered his best work, is the most exquisite refinement of his favorite theme: the collision of American innocence with European experience. This time, James recounts the continental journey of Louis Lambert Strether--a fiftysomething man of the world who has been dispatched abroad by a rich widow, Mrs. Newsome. His mission: to save her son Chadwick from the clutches of a wicked (i.e., European) woman, and to convince the prodigal to return to Woollett, Massachusetts. Instead, this all-American envoy finds Europe growing on him. Strether also becomes involved in a very Jamesian "relation" with the fascinating Miss Maria Gostrey, a fellow American and informal Sacajawea to her compatriots. Clearly Paris has "improved" Chad beyond recognition, and convincing him to return to the U.S. is going to be a very, very hard sell. Suspense, of course, is hardly James's stock-in-trade. But there is no more meticulous mapper of tone and atmosphere, nuance and implication. His hyper-refined characters are at their best in dialogue, particularly when they're exchanging morsels of gossip. Astute, funny, and relentlessly intelligent, James amply fulfills his own description of the novelist as a person upon whom nothing is lost. --Rhian Ellis

Иконка для Help Child Read Write Better 1.0

Help Child Read Write Better (v. 1.0)

Vertex Mind LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-12-12
(обновлено 2012-12-12)

***  How You Can Help Your Child Read & Write Better ***

Dear Reader,

There isn't a parent among us who doesn't want their children to succeed. That success has a direct correlation to how well and how early they are able to read and write.

What if there were a way you could teach your child to read before he or she ever reached a classroom?  Isn't that something every caring parent would wish for?

Well, you needn't wait any longer.  Someone has done the work and made it available to you.  "Help Your Child Read & Write Better" has just hit the digital shelves and it's waiting for you right now!

Trained as a teacher and librarian, our author has put her many years as a teacher and consultant to work and created her own set of lessons that gives her students the ability to learn very quickly.  These lessons are the foundation of this book.

This book is jam-packed with all the tools you need to teach your child to read, write and spell.  Marilyn outlines four important parts to improving your child's reading and spelling skills.  These are:

Phonics: the relationships between letters and sounds.

Fluency: the ability to read quickly and naturally, recognize words automatically, and group words quickly.

Vocabulary knowledge: remembering new words and what they mean.

Text comprehension: processing what is being read and developing higher-order thinking skills.

"Help Your Child Read & Write Better" helps you improve all four areas.  Illustrations are included because we think in pictures.

Your child will learn the sounds of English and the combinations of letters that represent them. He or she will learn how to blend sounds into words as well as how to spell them.

Recognizing words when they see them is also learned in addition to spelling patterns for English words. They will quickly learn to read simple sentences.

"Help Your Child Read & Write Better" is for the parent of children with reading challenges or who simply want to give their children extra help or an earlier start.

We can cite the benefits to be found in this book or you can take advantage of our 100% satisfaction or your money back guarantee.  We take the risk.  You get the benefit.

Don't wait another minute to help your child advance.  Grab your copy now while the price is so low.  You'll be glad your did and someday your child will thank you.

Иконка для Vorsicht_Hundemoerder 1.0

Vorsicht_Hundemoerder (v. 1.0)

informeapps опубликовал приложение 2012-12-12
(обновлено 2012-12-12)

Das Problem ist gleich tausendfach quer durch die Bundesrepublik bekannt: Fast täglich verenden Hunde, weil irgendwelche Hundehasser Gift- oder Hundeköder in Leberwurst verpackt irgendwo ausgelegt haben. Ob Rattengift oder Rasierklingen, den Kriminellen fällt bei ihren perversen Spielchen immer etwas Neues ein. Die wenigsten Hundemorde werden wirklich ernsthaft verfolgt, geschweige denn aufgeklärt. Vorsicht Hundemörder, ein neues, umfangreiches, erstklassiges eBook, gibt nun zusammengefasst Hundehaltern nützliche Tipps, wie sie sich wehren können und im Ernstfall effektiv reagieren.

Vom Erste- Hilfe-Kasten bis zum Spezialtraining für Hunde gegen Köder, enthält das eBook alles, was man wissen muss, um gegen dieses Thema gewappnet zu sein. Das eBook hat im Anhang auch jeweils ein Muster für Presseerklärungen und Hundeköderwarnseiten im Internet. Es gibt Einblicke in die Psyche von Hundemördern und zeigt auf, wie Hundehasser wirklich ticken.  Das eBook „Vorsicht Hundemörder - Wie Sie Ihren Hund vor vergifteten Hundeködern schützen" ist ein MUSS für jeden Hundehalter.

Иконка для Книга детям Снегурочка 1.0

Книга детям Снегурочка (v. 1.0)

Zhili-Byli опубликовал приложение 2012-12-12
(обновлено 2012-12-12)

Думаете, чудес не бывает? Перенестись в сказку невозможно?
Повторяйте три раза «Сказка, Сказка – Оживи!!!»:
И вот оно чудо - волшебный мир нового Android-приложения  СНЕГУРОЧКА.
Яркие натуральные картинки превратились в настоящую сказку.
Видите, чудеса существуют!
Ведь вы сами творите их.

Одно прикосновение к экрану и сказка оживает - начинает сама себя читать и рассказывать!

Особенности программы:
• Сказка, которую можно смотреть и слушать - этот  великолепный аудиоспектакль понравится Вам.
• Яркие иллюстрации в фольклорном стиле.
• Профессиональная  аудиозапись лучшими актерами Санкт-Петербурга.
• Потешные реплики персонажей.
• Настоящий подарок для всех, кто соскучился по старым добрым сказкам.

«Сказка - ложь, да в ней намек, добрым молодцам урок!»

Иконка для Top_Internet_Verdienst 1.0

Top_Internet_Verdienst (v. 1.0)

informeapps опубликовал приложение 2012-12-12
(обновлено 2012-12-12)

"Top Internetverdienst - Wie man im Internet Geld verdient" ist das eBook für Diejenigen, die wissen wollen wie es wirklich geht. Die Rede ist vom "Geld verdienen im Internet". Dieses eBook beantwortet dem Leser auf 58 Seiten die wichtigsten Fragen für die Durchführung erfolgreicher Internetprojekte.
Egal ob Neueinsteiger oder fortgeschrittener Internetguru - Neue Geschäftsmodelle und funktionierende Internetmarketing Strategien sind für beide Gruppen interessant. Newcomer profitieren insbesondere vom ersten Teil, der wesentliche Grundlagen beschreibt. Er bewahrt sie damit vor dem berüchtigten "Fehlstart" in die neue Geschäftswelt.
"Top Internetverdienst - Wie man im Internet Geld verdient" sollten alle lesen, die bereits in der Internetbranche arbeiten oder sich für den Einstieg entschlossen haben. Profitieren Sie von diesem eBook und kommen Sie in den Genuss der zahlreichen Vorzüge des Onlinegeschäftes.

Иконка для Traumfrauen_ansprechen 1.0

Traumfrauen_ansprechen (v. 1.0)

informeapps опубликовал приложение 2012-12-12
(обновлено 2012-12-12)

Wir nutzen täglich nur einen Bruchteil unserer geistigen und psychischen Ressourcen. Und das ist leider auch dann der Fall, wenn Männer attraktive Frauen ansprechen möchten. Das eBook "Traumfrauen ansprechen - mit Erfolg". beschreibt eine wirkungsvolle Methode, mit der Männer Frauen erfolgreich ansprechen können - und zwar völlig frei von Hemmungen. Das Ansprechen von Traumfrauen wird damit so einfach wie das tägliche Brötchenkaufen beim Bäcker. Da verliert selbst der schüchternste Mann seine Ängste und erhält zahlreiche Kontakte zu Frauen seiner Wahl. Die Methode knackt das Hauptproblem vieler Männer: Die Angst davor eine schöne Frau anzusprechen. Das Buch unterscheidet sich damit von den zahlreichen Flirt-Ratgebern, die lediglich plumpe Anmachsprüche oder billige Flirttipps verbreiten, die es überall zu lesen gibt.

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