世界观 (v. 0.7.13)
AdView开发者联盟 опубликовал приложение 2011-09-28
这是李开复唯一的一本自传,字里行间,是岁月流逝中沉淀下来的宝贵的人生智慧和职场经验。捣蛋的“小皇帝”,11岁的“留学生”,奥巴马的大学同学,26岁的副教授,33岁的苹果副总裁,谷歌中国的创始人,他有着太多传奇的经历,为了他,两家最大的IT公司对簿公堂。而他的每一次人生选择,都是一次成功的自我超越。 |
Bow Hunting (v. 1.4)
Wolfgang Schmuck опубликовал приложение 2011-09-23
Hunting with a Bow is quite a famous experience because people get in touch with the game and hunters feel in complete control of the situation and in some cases one with nature. This Android app provides 30+ articles of tips, info's and video about hunting with bow & arrow. |
Bhagwad Gita & Management (v. 0.2)
Publish This, LLC опубликовал приложение 2011-09-22
The Srimad Bhagwad Gita, the song divine is a complete treatise on management. Contrary to the general perception, the Gita is not a religious document. It is a veritable storehouse of profound practical knowledge in the spiritual space. The primary focus here is on managing the self, the external environment, interpersonal-relationship, how to live one's life and do business on sound ethical principles in the socio-economic context. It helps you to find your goal in life and guides you to pursue it with a mission. An attempt has been made in this book to sift out of the vast ocean of wisdom and knowledge enshrined in 3,00,000 words of Gita, pieces that are relevant for the entire humanity designed to lead the reader on the path of excellence. The issue of leadership, power of thought, corporate social responsibility, management of change, the self and psychological approach to management, are some of the important areas that have been dealt with extensively. Management principles of the Gita, lay special emphasis on development of an individual, and provide an alternative to the current paradigm of management practices. Any part of a whole must represent its characteristics. Good managers, duly motivated are the most valuable asset of any corporate entity. This book, though written primarily for business students, is meant for all ages and holds a universal appeal. |
Earn Money On Forex (Ad Free) (v. 1.0)
EBeuvaliers опубликовал приложение 2011-09-18
This is a very simple ebook for forex beginners explaining 10 basic forex rules which you should always stick to. Must read for everyone interested in forex. |
金瓶梅 (v. 1.0)
Pansion опубликовал приложение 2011-09-15
《金瓶梅》是我国明代长篇世情小说,成书约在隆庆至万历年间,作者署名兰陵笑笑生。《金瓶梅》借《水浒传》中武松杀嫂一段故事为引子,通过对兼有官僚、恶霸 、富商3种身份的封建时代市侩势力的代表人物西门庆及其家庭罪恶生活的描述,揭露了北宋中叶社会的黑暗和腐败,具有较深刻的认识价值。后被拍成许多同名的影视作品。 |
Python Tutorial Free (v. 1.26)
DSG опубликовал приложение 2011-09-14
Python Tutorial Free |
Objective-C Tutorial Free (v. 1.24)
DSG опубликовал приложение 2011-09-14
Objective-C Tutorial Free |
倒计时2012 (v. 2.0.02) 最空网掌上娱乐中心 опубликовал приложение 2011-09-12
大千世界即将毁灭,人类又该如何选择? |
经典灵异之青囊尸衣 (v. 1.0)
peng6sl опубликовал приложение 2011-09-10
一部集医术、爱情、幽默、灵异、武侠、政治于一身的优秀小说,本书是十年难遇的好书!一度造成回帖功能瘫痪的天涯第一强帖,各大收费阅读网站、各大出版商虎视眈眈,经网民联合莲蓬鬼话版主莲蓬与天涯总部协商,开通了101页以上之回帖功能。这是天涯第一次出现过百页的帖子,与此同时,《青囊尸衣》成为天涯史上最强帖。 |
吸血蚊成长记 (v. 2.0.02) mobile apps опубликовал приложение 2011-09-10
猪脚语:“好吧,我承认我是想穿越。你没有把我弄去我向往的三国而是把我弄到不是我熟悉的异界我可以不计较,但好歹也可以给我弄个平民的身份吧。即使是没有把我安排到人口密集的大城市里,把我弄到这种鸟不拉屎的雨林里我也凑合,给我一个土著人当当也不是很难吧。好吧,即使是做不成人,你给我当个兽人,地精,矮人什么的也行吧。但是你也不用把我穿越成一只,一只蚊子吧!!!” |