Digital Wireless (v. 1.3)
wizzhard опубликовал приложение 2011-11-06
This reference on digital wireless communications includes the following key topics: |
Gematria Calculator (v. 1.2)
Nebula Programming LLC опубликовал приложение 2011-11-02
Need to write a quick "D'var Torah", but can't think of one? This app will help you do it! Type any Hebrew word into the app, and Gematria Calculator will not only give you the word's gematria (numerical value), but it will also give you every other word with the same gematria in either the Torah, Nevi'im, or Ketuvim! Whether you are writing a D'var Torah for a wedding, a Bar Mitzvah, or any other occasion, Gematria Calculator will help you write it. |
女生寝室(全三部) (v. 1.0)
Baowa опубликовал приложение 2011-10-31
古老的信仰里究竟隐藏着什么?继七星夺魂阵后,441女生寝室再起灵异风暴:死而复生的奇怪女生、悄然而至的传染怪病、诡异惊悚的人体变异、阴魂不散的嗜血恶灵……经历种种生死考验,揭开441,女生寝室的最终谜底——原来,所有的一切,都只是为了她…… |
鬼故事1 (v. 1.3.2)
kenny.wmh опубликовал приложение 2011-10-31
看到大家的反馈都喜欢吓人的,以后会多更新一些吓人的故事。 |
《李可乐抗拆记》 (v. 3.3.014)
3GQA Dev Team опубликовал приложение 2011-10-28
《李可乐抗拆记》是作为小说家的李承鹏个人里程碑式的作品。至此,李承鹏终于树立起融黑色幽默与社会现实于一体的,浓墨重彩、夸张诡异、辛辣峻烈的小说风格。 |
宋史演义(史诗巨著) (v. 1.0)
Baowa опубликовал приложение 2011-10-28
蔡东藩(1877—1945),名郕,字椿寿,号东藩,清山阴县临浦(今属萧山)人。14岁中秀才,后又进京朝考,名列优贡,分发福建候补知县,因不满官场恶习,数月即称病回乡,辛亥革命之后,曾先后在杭州及绍兴等地教书。自1916年蔡东藩用10年的心血和惊人的毅力,先后完成了前汉(含秦)、后汉、两晋、南北朝、唐、五代、宋、元、明、清、民国共11部历史通俗演义,合称《中国历代通俗演义》,时间跨度自秦始皇到民国九年,凡二千一百六十六年。其内容跨越时间之长、人物之众、篇制之巨,堪称历史演义之最。被人誉为“一代史家,千秋神笔”。 |
Stray (v. 1.0)
Books to Go Now опубликовал приложение 2011-10-26
Carl Ingram, is a handsome, middle-aged drifter who has a big chip on his shoulder. |
DailyMass 2011 (v. 1.1)
GCN(Global Communication Network) опубликовал приложение 2011-10-19
Catholic daily mass and chief pray text. |
Death Hotel Lite (v. 1.0)
Gavin Hong опубликовал приложение 2011-10-19
This is a short supernatural fiction where a serial murder cases happened in Red Moon Hotel. There is an incredible and mysterious secret behind the events. |
lawn care (v. 3.1)
Greenway опубликовал приложение 2011-10-13
Lawn care- Learn how to have a lush green lawn without toxic chemicals. All natural organic lawn improvement tips in easy to follow format to help you have a thick green lawn for this summer. Learn helpful tips on how to make your lawn thick and green, safe for children, family and pets without having to use toxic fertilizers! Green lawn care made easy. Green lawns made easy is FREE! Some of the very helpful hot tips includes; how to quickly repair bare and damaged lawn areas, how to make your lawn thick and green without toxic chemicals, homemade lawn green-up recipes, proper cutting height and watering, secrets to enrich your lawn's soil, PH testing, working with lime and understanding how to use fertilizer to get the best green up results... Best of all this handy guide is free! |