Vietnamese<>Italian Diction TR (v. 3.0.84)
Mobile Systems опубликовал приложение 2011-10-20
The Audio Collins Mini Gem Vietnamese-Italian & Italian-Vietnamese Dictionary is an up-to-date, easy-reference dictionary, ideal for learners of Vietnamese and Italian of all ages. The dictionary covers about 10,000 words from each language with Collins pre-recorded audio pronunciation for each word. |
Vietnamese<>Dutch Dictionary T (v. 3.0.84)
Mobile Systems опубликовал приложение 2011-10-20
The Audio Collins Mini Gem Vietnamese-Dutch & Dutch-Vietnamese Dictionary is an up-to-date, easy-reference dictionary, ideal for learners of Vietnamese and Dutch of all ages. The dictionary covers about 10,000 words from each language with Collins pre-recorded audio pronunciation for each word. |
梦回大清 (v. 0.7.13)
AdView开发者联盟 опубликовал приложение 2011-10-19
一个生活在21世纪的女孩子,故宫里的一次迷路,竟穿越时空回到了清朝,并身不由己地进入危机四伏的皇宫内院。热情如火的十三阿哥、深沉内敛的四阿哥、命运多舛的小姐妹、威严的康熙皇帝……无数在史书中读过人物,带着各自的喜怒哀乐,纷至沓来。历史与现实扑朔迷离,相爱与相伤难以取舍,爱恨情仇间何去何从?在既知的历史中,为何还要面临一次又一次的艰难抉择?…… |
Call of Duty: Zombies Cheats (v. 1.0)
Houkago Tea Time опубликовал приложение 2011-10-19
Call of Duty: World at War Zombies! |
סידור ספרדי (v. 0.99.09)
DanielM опубликовал приложение 2011-10-17
לראשונה סידור ספרדי (עדות המזרח) שבשונה מהסידורים האחרים כולל אינדקס מפורט שנותן לדלג מקטע לקטע ללא צורך בגלילה ארוכה. |
The Art of War (tablet) (v. 1.0)
SmarterComics опубликовал приложение 2011-10-15
Have the entire comic book in one App on your Android (tablet), no reader required. |
Vietnamese<>Danish Dictionary (v. 3.0.84)
Mobile Systems опубликовал приложение 2011-10-14
The Audio Collins Mini Gem Vietnamese-Danish & Danish-Vietnamese Dictionary is an up-to-date, easy-reference dictionary, ideal for learners of Vietnamese and Danish of all ages. The dictionary covers about 10,000 words from each language with Collins pre-recorded audio pronunciation for each word. |
Great helicopters : Bell 205 (v. 21.0)
TELEMAQUE опубликовал приложение 2011-10-13
Mechanics lovers only : The most beautiful Bell 205 !! When engineering meets Art and human being transforms raw material into scandalously beautiful and effective machines. Keywords : Bell 205, Lifestyle, helicopter |
Great planes : F16 (v. 20.0)
TELEMAQUE опубликовал приложение 2011-10-13
Mechanics lovers only : The most beautiful F16 !! When engineering meets Art and human being transforms raw material into scandalously beautiful and effective machines. Keywords : F16 , Lifestyle, squadron |
总裁言情系列 (v. 1.0)
PersonTech опубликовал приложение 2011-10-13
2010年最新流行台灣言情小說題材--總裁系列,收錄了:《鐵血總裁》、《冷面復仇總裁》、《誤撞總裁情郎》、《冷酷交易》、《冷情總裁》、《總裁時尚戀愛法則》、《總裁陰謀》、《總裁的俏女郎》、《總裁的笨情人》、《邪云的情人》、《總裁的冰美人》、《大總裁求愛小秘書》、《總裁的銷魂夜》、《一號總裁情人》、《惡魔總裁的專情告白》、《總裁的野蠻女王》、《堡主總裁女奴秘書》、《我愛壞總裁》、《總裁V.S.辣情婦》、《總裁的晚安情婦》二十部精選作品。 |