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Лучшие по рейтингу книги и справочники в Android Market

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5061-5070 из 13647
Иконка для 历史是个什么玩意儿 1.2

历史是个什么玩意儿 (v. 1.2)

HARVESTERS опубликовал приложение 2012-09-16
(обновлено 2012-09-16)

在如同听相声般的快乐中汲取庞大的历史知识信息量,一本让人彻底赞成“读史可以明智”这句话的书,一版诲人不倦而又逗人不倦的最精彩历史文本。  袁腾飞继当年明月的《明朝那些事儿》、《百家讲坛》于丹、王立群之后,又一位妙语说史之大家,将引领中国另一股全民学史、读史、论史的新浪潮。说史条理分明,见解独到,旁征博引,焦点集中,信息量大,一部史书该有的优点全都具备。文风新颖特别,措辞犀利,锋芒毕露,一针见血,幽默风趣,一部史书没有的优点也全都具备。


Иконка для California Vehicle Code 105

California Vehicle Code (v. 105)

Zoltis Technologies опубликовал приложение 2012-09-14
(обновлено 2012-09-14)

Contains the California Vehicle Code

The California Vehicle Code contains almost all statutes relating to the operation, ownership and registration of vehicles (including bicycles) in the state of California in the United States. It also contains statutes concerning the California Department of Motor Vehicles and the California Highway Patrol.

The Vehicle Code includes various criminal law sections relating to the theft and misuse of motor vehicles. The Vehicle Code is one of 29 codes containing general statutes adopted by the California legislature and that have either been signed into law by the governor or that have become law without the governor's signature.


The Motor Vehicle Act of 1913 made driver's licenses mandatory for all motor vehicle operators in California as of December 31, 1913. That law as well as the Vehicle Acts of 1915 and 1923 were codified into the first version of the Vehicle Code in 1935. In 1959, the California State Legislature recodified the Vehicle Code (meaning that it was reorganized for clarity and numerous sections were renumbered).

  The California Codes are 29 legal codes enacted by the California State Legislature, which together form the general statutory law of the state of California.

  Due to tradition and sheer inertia, they have never been consolidated into a single unified code, unlike the United States Code or codifications in other U.S. states.

Иконка для Success from Within YOU! Pv 1.0

Success from Within YOU! Pv (v. 1.0)

Vertex Mind опубликовал приложение 2012-09-14
(обновлено 2012-09-14)

***  Discover How to Fast Track Your FUTURE!  ***

Dear Reader,

If you are like most people, you probably began your adulthood believing that you were going to be a success at whatever you chose to do.

It's a sad testimony to the world we live in, but you probably also learned very quickly that wishes and wants were the work of child's play; and, that they had little to do with what you reap in "real life."

It's a pattern that occurs all too often.  When we are very young our every want, wish and need are usually provided by loving parents. Most parents do a good job of giving their children everything they want. We're not saying that is good or bad, just a fact.

Once we leave the comfortable womb security and strike out on our own we discover that reality is a whole different ballgame.  Oh sure, we start off thinking we'll conquer the world but all too soon we discover that the world is conquering us!

Unfortunately we also become habitual destroyers of our own wants and wishes.  Those dreams of success all too frequently manifest into nightmares of reality.

Ask yourself these three questions:
1. What if there were a way to turn it all around?
2. What if you were able to recover a new enthusiasm and zest for life?
3. What if there were a way to dare to dream again?

Well, you can and it's much easier than you may think.
How Do You Recreate Success In Your Life?
Okay, since you are reading this it's a pretty good bet that you may be familiar with self-help information.  In fact, you may have even read a few motivational books on the subject.  

And, while most of those authors are very well known and icons in the industry of motivation, how often do you see others actually change their lives as a result of reading them?

Not very often, I'd wager.  Why do you think that is?  Are the principles not sound?  Of course they are.  Is the content faulty?  Not at all.  Well, then what is the problem?

Usually, the problem is. . .are you ready. . .belief!

It's easy to believe that Zig Zigler achieved success.  And who doesn't know that Carnegie was able to win friends and influence people - he was Carnegie after all!  No one disputes that Tony Robbins has no trouble with success!

So what's the problem with you?  You've never been able to believe that YOU can do the same.  Well, we're here to tell you today that you CAN!  You just need to believe it.

How do you do that?  Where do you get that kind of knowledge?  Glad you asked.  You need our handy little guide called "Success Within YOU."

and some of the best parts are . . .

• It isn't written by a self-help guru. It’s very easy to read.
• It doesn’t require much time to find out what buttons of your own you need to push.
• Cost of the guide is minimal – you'll laugh at the price!

Everything is there to help you understand that you CAN do this. The very fact that a regular guy just like us has been able to achieve his own level of success is reason enough to jump at this chance to learn how you can do it too.  Take a look at what you'll uncover:

   Learn how to avoid your comfort zone.
   Find out how to work less and accomplish more.
   Discover why you should embrace problems.
   Feeding your fire
   and more!

We truly hope you see the potential here, and realize how important this offer is!  
Please enojoy the preview and upgrade to full version with commercial free.

=============  Reader Instruction =====================  
• Double click page to toggle the screen size.
• Click page to show/hide navigator.
• Click page thumbnail image to jump to the page.
• Click page number button to jump to a specific page.
• Click |<== or ==>| button to flip page.
• Press and slide corner to flip page.

Иконка для İmsakiye ve Maarif Takvimi 1.0

İmsakiye ve Maarif Takvimi (v. 1.0)

Manny Calavera опубликовал приложение 2012-09-13
(обновлено 2012-09-13)

ÜCRETSİZ Ramazan İmsakiyesi ve Maarif Takvimi Uygulaması
• Ücretsiz olarak indireceğiniz bu uygulama ile Türkiye'nin ve Almanya'nın il il ramazan imsakiyelerini görüntüleyebileceksiniz.
• İstediğiniz bir ili seçip hem günlük hem de aylık olarak sahur ve iftar vakitlerine ulaşacaksınız. Aylık ramazan imsakiyesini gezerken zoom özelliği sayesinde hiç zorluk çekmeyeceksiniz.
• Uygulamanın en önemli yanı ise WİDGET ÖZELLİĞİ!! Dilerseniz size sunmuş olduğumuz widget özelliğini kullanarak(widget, masaüstünüzdeki ufak görseldir) sahur ve iftar vakitlerini uygulamaya girmeden de öğrenebilirsiniz. Ayrıca iftar vaktine kalan süreyi de bu widget sayesinde görebileceksiniz. Widget uygulaması güncellenirken internete gerek duymaz. Bu yüzden uygulamayı gönül rahatlığıyla BEDAVA kullanabilirsiniz.
• Bu uygulama sayesinde günlük maarif takvimi bilgilerine de ulaşacaksınız. Maarif takviminde günlük faydalı dini bilgiler ve örnek iftar menüleri bulabilirsiniz. Tek yapmanız gereken uygulama içindeki maarif takvimi bölümüne göz atmaktır.

Sizlerin daha rahat bir şekilde imsakiye vakitlerine ulaşması için hazırlamış olduğumuz bu uygulamanıyı kendi kişisel sitelerinizde paylaşırsanız büyük bir mennuniyet duyarız. Ayrıca uygulamamızın  daha fazla geliştirilmesi için lütfen şikayet ve önerilerinizi bizimle paylaşın.

NOT:-Şehir seçiminde değişiklik yaptığınızda Widget'ta bu değişikliğin görünmesi için yaklaşık 1dk kadar beklemeniz gerekmektedir.

Иконка для Dicionário Francês-Português 1.1

Dicionário Francês-Português (v. 1.1)

Porto Editora опубликовал приложение 2012-09-12
(обновлено 2012-09-12)

Atual, completo e indispensável
Necessita de ligação à Internet

O dicionário mobile de FRANCÊS-PORTUGUÊS (PORTUGUÊS-FRANCÊS) da Porto Editora é uma aplicação destinada a estudantes, tradutores e profissionais das mais diversas áreas. Os conteúdos disponibilizados através destes dicionários estão em permanente atualização, razão pela qual, para lhes aceder será necessário uma ligação ativa à Internet. Esta aplicação é uma valiosa ferramenta de trabalho e um auxiliar de estudo imprescindível que agora pode ter no seu dispositivo Android.

- Mais de 64 000 entradas em língua francesa, incluindo variantes francófonas
- Mais de 172 000 traduções em português, incluindo vocábulos do Brasil
- Vocabulário corrente e atual
- Termos das mais diversas áreas científicas e técnicas
- Cerca de 32 000 exemplos, expressões idiomáticas e provérbios
- Cerca de 395 000 palavras pesquisáveis
- Informação gramatical exaustiva: categoria gramatical, variante geográfica, área temática, nível de língua e contextos de uso
- Palavra do Dia
- Entradas mais consultadas

- Mais de 70 000 entradas atualizadas com o Acordo Ortográfico, incluindo variantes brasileiras
- Mais de 175 000 traduções em língua francesa, incluindo variantes francófonas
- Cerca de 800 000 palavras pesquisáveis
- Cerca de 33 000 exemplos, expressões idiomáticas e provérbios
- Vocabulário corrente e atual
- Termos dos domínios científico e técnico
- Informação gramatical exaustiva: categoria gramatical, variante geográfica, área temática, nível de língua
- Palavra do Dia
- Entradas mais consultadas

O dicionário mobile de Francês-Português / Português-Francês é uma aplicação criada à medida de todos aqueles que privilegiam a qualidade dos conteúdos num contexto de mobilidade.

Antes de adquirir esta aplicação, consulte os Termos e Condições de Acesso:


Иконка для iotek ereader 1.0.3

iotek ereader (v. 1.0.3)

Xichun Zhu опубликовал приложение 2012-09-12
(обновлено 2012-09-12)

Main features:
1. Supported e-book formats are

ePub,fb2,plucker,Non-DRM'd and Text.
2. Direct reading from tar, zip, gzip and

bzip2 archives. (Multiple books in one

archive are supported.)
3. Automatic library building.
4. Automatic language and character encoding

detection is supported.
5. Automatically generated contents

table.Embedded images support.
6. Footnotes/hyperlinks support.
7. Position indicator.
8. Keeps the last open book and the last read

positions for all opened books between

runs.List of last opened books.
9. Automatic hyphenations. Liang's algorithm

is used.
10. Text search.
11.Full-screen mode.
12. multi cool animations, such as page
flipping(ibook style)

Developed by iotek(www.iotek.com.cn)

Иконка для Bible Français Audio Visuelle 2.1

Bible Français Audio Visuelle (v. 2.1)

1prod4 опубликовал приложение 2012-09-11
(обновлено 2012-09-11)

Ayez à portée de main la bible et ses enseignements!

- Lisez et relisez les versets de l'ancien et du nouveau testament
- Ecoutez tous les livres saints sous formats mp3 (vous pouvez les télécharger, ou les écoutez en streaming avec un lecteur de type VPlayer).
- Contemplez les illustrations bibliques (notamment celles de Gustave Doré).

Mots Clés : Bible, Ancien Testament, Nouveau Testament, Foi, Saint Esprit, Chrétien, Jésus, Christianisme, Chrétien, Eglise, Catholique, Protestant, Orthodoxe, Evangiles, Evangeliste, Anglican, Francophone, Louis Segond, mp3, audio

Иконка для ドストエフスキー フィヨードル・ミハイロヴィチ 名作集 1.0

ドストエフスキー フィヨードル・ミハイロヴィチ 名作集 (v. 1.0)

愛読書 опубликовал приложение 2012-09-10
(обновлено 2012-09-10)

ドストエフスキー フィヨードル・ミハイロヴィチの名作集を集めた電子書籍アプリです。


Иконка для HTML Quick Reference Cards 1.4

HTML Quick Reference Cards (v. 1.4)

NadsTech.com опубликовал приложение 2012-09-10
(обновлено 2012-09-10)

Collection of HTML quick reference cards.

22 Cheat Sheets in your mobile to have the exact syntax wherever you go.

SD Installation support

HTML 5 Quick Reference Guide
HTML 5 Tag Reference
HTML and XHTML Quick Reference Charts
HTML Character Entities
HTML Cheat Sheet - Common HTML
HTML Cheat Sheet - Forms Lists and Frames
HTML Cheat Sheet - Images and Tables
HTML Cheat Sheet - Texts
HTML 5 Canvas Cheat Sheet
RGB Color Values
XHTML Character Entities
XHTML Cheat Sheet


This is a FREE application but please consider that it also contains Ads. I have configured it so you have two options you can change whenever you want and as you please. The idea is that you will have ONE AD TYPE OR THE OTHER, NOT BOTH, YOU CHOOSE WHICH ONE YOU PREFER IN THE MENU.

With one ad type you will have the usual BANNER that take space from the screen, that might not be a good option for small mobiles. The other option you can choose is a NOTIFICATION Ad. You will only get ONE at application start and thats all and you will have the full screen for maximum reading pleasure.

You can choose the Ad type you prefer and change it as you please. Of course, you always have the option of getting the FULL version with NO ADS at all.
My idea is that you guys can choose what you want, if you have a small screeen try notification if you have a tablet, the banner really does not disturb much. You choose!. Really hope you like this approach. Thanks !

The application displays advertising that is served over the Internet. None of the 3 are used for anything else that the reasons mentioned above.

Иконка для Fast&Powerful Writing Preview 1.1

Fast&Powerful Writing Preview (v. 1.1)

Vertex Mind LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-09-09
(обновлено 2012-09-09)

***  How To Unleash Your Inner Muse!  ***

Dear Reader,

Have you ever fantasized about writing a novel?  People who are voracious readers often become some of the best authors.  They turn the last page in a book and find themselves thinking, "I could write a book like this!"

Do you find that your job requires you to "stretch" your duties to include writing some kind of operational material?  Along with the economic downturn many employees find they are expected to take up the slack from workers who were terminated.  This happens no matter what their skill set might be.

Have you wondered about writing articles for magazines?  Same thing as the  person above.  Short stories and articles are often the stepping stones to other, more lucrative projects.

If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are in the right place!  Making the decision is only the beginning.  If your head is swimming with ideas but you don't know where to begin, you need help.  

Getting Started

Knowing WHAT to write is only part of the equation.  What you need is a systematic approach to your writing.  And, you don't need "theory." What you require is solid "how to" information presented in a logical manner.

What if I told you that such a resource exists?  What if I told you that you can learn everything you need to know to complete your first project and launch your new avocation or even vocation if you choose?

Ask yourself these three questions:
1. What if there were a simple way to conduct your research?
2. What if you were able to create a definitive mind map?
3. What if there were a way to get more done with less effort?

You CAN and it really is easier than you think.

How Can You Become a Working Author?

First, you need to know where you are going before embarking on your journey. Once you know your destination, you can begin to assemble the necessary tools and components to facilitate the trip.

There are different avenues you can traverse to assemble your tools. You can go back to school and spend time and money to obtain a degree that may or may not assure that you will become a working author.

You can search for a writers group in your locale who meets on a regular basis and share information and techniques.  In fact this is a good idea no matter how you obtain your training.

Or, you can read "Fast and Powerful Writing."

If  you are serious about writing you absolutely must have this powerful tool.

You will be amazed when you crack the digital pages of this mesmerizing book.  Everything you need to know about how to get started unfolds before your very eyes.

and get this . . .

• It isn't written by a guru, but a real published, working author.
• It doesn’t take forever to get the information you need.
• And, best of all it won't cost you your first born child!

Everything is there to help you understand and unleash your inner muse. Look at just a peek of what you'll uncover:

      Learn why systems are boring until you see the results!
      Find out why you should write the sales letter before writing the book!
      Discover how to improve your titles and headlines.
      Filtering your input to produce better output!

We truly hope you see the potential here, and realize how important this offer is!  
Please enojoy the preview and upgrade to full version with commercial free.

=============  Reader Instruction =====================  
• Double click page to toggle the screen size.
• Click page to show/hide navigator.
• Click page thumbnail image to jump to the page.
• Click page number button to jump to a specific page.
• Click |<== or ==>| button to flip page.
• Press and slide corner to flip page.

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