TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions (v. 2)
Ben McNelly опубликовал приложение 2012-08-03
TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook: Created for United States Special Forces, describing manufacture of improvised weapons and explosives from readily available materials. |
Family crest of Japan (v. 1.1.7)
kobunhada опубликовал приложение 2012-08-03
It is an information application program of the family crest that the general and the feudal lord used. |
File Extension Directory (v. 1.1)
KOKANES опубликовал приложение 2012-08-02
File Extension can be defined as last characters appear after a period ["."] in any file name. Basic use of this utility is to search the program associated with the particular file extension. Utility also offers to view extensions associated with particular category of files. |
聊斋志异 (v. 1.0)
Ming Shen опубликовал приложение 2012-08-02
《聊斋志异》是一部用传奇手法写成的“鬼狐史”。这部奇书自问世以来,就一直深深地吸引着广大读者。书中的许多故事更是家喻户晓,妇孺皆知。该书作者蒲松龄,生活在中国封建社会最后两个朝代相交替的时代:他生于明崇祯十三年(1640 年),清康熙五十四年(1715 年)辞世。动荡不堪的社会,触目惊心的现实,使这位出身于书香世家、聪明绝顶又敏感浪漫的文人,在广泛搜罗创作素材的基础上,呕心沥血,写成这部奇特的盖世之作——《聊斋志异》。《聊斋志异》所记叙的事件无不奇奇怪怪,每一个故事又都是那么引人入胜,有时让人读得毛骨悚然。作者借写鬼、写狐、写那些似乎不是现实中能够发生的事,来鞭挞、揭露、讽刺人类社会中的残忍、野蛮、丑恶,将封建社会“吃人”的本质形象地展现在读者面前;同时,歌颂、抒发作者对人类社会所寄予的美好理想、美好情感,以及人世间的善良、美好和真情。提到鬼怪,小读者们也许会被书中的故事吓得不敢独自呆在黑暗中;也许会问:这世上是不是真的有鬼?其实,不用多解释你们也知道,世界上其实根本没有鬼。但是,当有的人做了坏事、恶事,却逃脱惩罚时,正直的人就希望他们最终将会受到惩罚。于是,就有了这个超现实的力量——鬼、神。与此同时,作者所希望的美好事物,由于封建礼教的束缚,在当时的现实中难以见到,或者不能公开地歌颂,就只能让它们发生在超现实的社会里,发生在人与鬼、人与狐精之间。 |
莎士比亚 十四行诗 (v. 1.0)
Ming Shen опубликовал приложение 2012-08-02
莎士比亚十四行诗大约创作于1590年至1598年之间,其诗作的结构技巧和语言技巧都很高,几乎每首诗都有独立的审美价值。 |
Childrens Book (v. 1.12)
Brilliant Software Ltd. опубликовал приложение 2012-08-02
The purpose behind these illustrations and rhymes are to give each child the courage they need to embark on a journey they have not experienced previously. Like adults, children want to feel secure no matter where they are. This book illustrates how things may appear more intimidating than they actually are. “First Day Blues” gives each child the courage to experience their first day of school with excitement rather than fear. |
English Dictionary 3000 (v. 1.0.1)
Marco Calì опубликовал приложение 2012-08-01
English 3000 is an English - Italian dictionary containing only the 3000 most important and used words of the English language. |
社長のための税効果会計 (v. 1.0)
Realtosh LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-07-31
~まえがきより~ |
Holy Quran on biNu (v. 3.2.4)
biNu опубликовал приложение 2012-07-31
Read the Quran in English and over 20 other languages (Arabic, Bengali, Urdu, Farsi, Indonesia, Hindi, Melayu, Swahili, Turkish & more) fast and free. |
Ebook Reader (v. 3.0.5) опубликовал приложение 2012-07-31's Ebook Reader lets you read your favorite books on the go. Choose from a massive collection of popular books that you can download in a jiffy. |