网游连载《重生之贼行天下》 (v. 1.0)
kid опубликовал приложение 2011-10-31
孤寂的行者, |
易中天品三国 (v. 1.6)
野百合 опубликовал приложение 2011-10-31
《易中天品三国》全五十二章 |
25 Recipes for R (v. 1.2.10)
O'Reilly Media опубликовал приложение 2011-10-30
25 Recipes for Getting Started with R, published by O'Reilly Media |
Programming Amazon EC2 (v. 1.2.10)
O'Reilly Media опубликовал приложение 2011-10-30
Programming Amazon EC2, published by O'Reilly Media |
The Tortoise Twins - Zubadoo (v. 1.1.1)
Zubadoo опубликовал приложение 2011-10-30
The Tortoise Twins is an original story for children about how a brother and sister, Eric and Elsa, work together to win a race against Archie the Hare. |
Biblia - Două tăişuri Sword (v. 2.3)
KenMac Technology Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-10-29
Biblia - Două tăişuri Sword, a really user-friendly, fast and powerful bible Android app. Definite suitable for public and private reading, teaching, preaching, memorizing etc... |
飘邈之旅 (v. 1.0)
googlover опубликовал приложение 2011-10-28
很多年前,第一次看到长篇小说《水浒传》,因为当时再也找不到类似的小说。一套《水浒传》几乎被翻烂,从此开始痴迷侠义小说。 直到看了《射雕英雄传》后,这种痴迷就变成了狂热。大学毕业后,能找到的好书都已看完,可是痴迷依旧不减。 这时网络给他开辟了一片天地,想写书的念头不停地冒出,终于有一天,忍不住挥笔闯入玄幻天地,由此踏上了写作之路 |
道缘儒仙 (v. 1.0)
googlover опубликовал приложение 2011-10-28
本书弘扬传统文化,汇总古今神仙。纵横天地之间,囊括宇内之奇,被誉为新世纪的《西游记》! |
BTO Ringers Info (v. 1.06)
British Trust for Ornithology опубликовал приложение 2011-10-28
An app to help bird ringers, nest recorders and scientists check the correct ring sizes/codes to use for each bird species ringed in the UK (for both adults and pulli). Also contains useful info on the types of rings themselves (sizes, metal type, scheme address) and bird weight and wing length, where data allow. Nest record data (where available) and helpful codes are now included. |
五代史演义(史诗巨著) (v. 1.0)
Baowa опубликовал приложение 2011-10-28
蔡东藩(1877—1945),名郕,字椿寿,号东藩,清山阴县临浦(今属萧山)人。14岁中秀才,后又进京朝考,名列优贡,分发福建候补知县,因不满官场恶习,数月即称病回乡,辛亥革命之后,曾先后在杭州及绍兴等地教书。自1916年蔡东藩用10年的心血和惊人的毅力,先后完成了前汉(含秦)、后汉、两晋、南北朝、唐、五代、宋、元、明、清、民国共11部历史通俗演义,合称《中国历代通俗演义》,时间跨度自秦始皇到民国九年,凡二千一百六十六年。其内容跨越时间之长、人物之众、篇制之巨,堪称历史演义之最。被人誉为“一代史家,千秋神笔”。 |