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Лучшие по рейтингу книги и справочники в Android Market

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1201-1210 из 13647
Иконка для Free Dict: Hungarian English 1.9.1

Free Dict: Hungarian English (v. 1.9.1)

BitKnights Ltd опубликовал приложение 2011-12-14
(обновлено 2011-12-14)

Free Dict: Hungarian English is a fast OFFLINE dictionary. Database is downloaded on first use.Will sit on the SD card
This is the FREE, ad version of the Easy Dict: Hungarian English dictionary. To remove ads please buy Easy Dict: Hungarian English!
- Voice pronunciation(1.6+)
- 254,000+ translation pairs
- Scrolling through the whole dictionary
- Quick search while typing (accentuation independent)
- Detailed view with PHRASES tapping on the words
- Word-tap: you can tap on any word in the detailed view, to find its translations - available only in FULL VERSION
- Search integration (1.6+)
- Google translate integration
- Recents and Favorites
- Color schemes

Иконка для NRA Show 2011 1.8.3

NRA Show 2011 (v. 1.8.3)

Core-apps опубликовал приложение 2011-12-12
(обновлено 2011-12-12)

The National Restaurant Association Restaurant, Hotel-Motel Show is the largest gathering of the international foodservice community, bringing manufacturers, dealers, distributors, service providers and operators from all 50 states and over 100 countries together under one roof.   With 60,000+ attendees, 1,800+ exhibiting companies and 70+ education sessions, NRA Show creates opportunity for foodservice businesses of every size and scope to find the latest products, services, ideas, information and contacts to grow their business.

Иконка для JapaneseSexy Erina #3 1.0.3

JapaneseSexy Erina #3 (v. 1.0.3)

think book опубликовал приложение 2011-12-11
(обновлено 2013-12-04)

Japanese Sexy girl Erina photograph collection "Hitotsudake..."#3

Erina Sexy bikini!

T:152 B:82 W:58 H:83

Get the photogravure of a cute and sexy Japanese idol!

Иконка для Mommy bird and her chick 1.0

Mommy bird and her chick (v. 1.0)

mobileaddicts опубликовал приложение 2011-12-11
(обновлено 2011-12-11)

Mommy bird and her chicks -an interactive children’s book.
★Perfect book for spring time and easter ★
★Free - Special Limited Time Sale! ★
★ A great book for Pre-Readers

Mommy bird and her chick is a short story about a bird that builds a nest; lays eggs and raise her chicks.  
Features available in this interactive book for your Android device include narration, captivating artwork and an animation for each page. To promote interaction with books in young children, each page has a hotspot which is animated and plays audio when it’s touched.
There are two ways to read this book:
★ "Read to Me" — listen to the narrated story. Touching on animated object will play sound also
★ "Read it Myself" — read the book in its traditional form

Additional Features:
★ Each page has a hotspot that pan and zoom when page is displayed
★ Tapping on hot spot animates the object with audio for kids to learn a word or concept.

Copy Rights – General Solutions and Services, LLC. All rights reserved.

Иконка для 러브캣 상권 1.0

러브캣 상권 (v. 1.0)

BigBook опубликовал приложение 2011-12-11
(обновлено 2011-12-11)

[빅북 전자책]팬픽이라 하면 떠오르는 것이 무엇일까? 많은 사람들이 ‘팬픽’이라는 장르를 ‘아이들의 치기가 만들어낸 순간의 장난감’ 정도로 이해하는 것 같다. 팬픽션(Fanfiction)이라는 말을 있는 그대로 풀어보면 ‘팬들이 쓴 소설’ 등으로 이해할 수 있는데, 대부분의 작품이 동성애를 다룬다거나 읽기 민망할 정도의 선정적인 소재를 차용했다. 이 때문에 ‘팬픽’이 ‘그들만의 리그’ 혹은 ‘기본도 되지 못한 잡글’ 정도의 처우를 받아왔다.

*국내 최초의 디지털 셀프출판 사이트 '북씨'(www.buuci.co.kr)가 제공하는 앱북입니다. 북씨는 전자책 출판을 원하는 분들에게 무료 전자책 및  앱북 출판서비스를 제공합니다.  
문의 : info@mydepot.co.kr

빅북, bigbook,전자책, e북, 이북, 책, ebook, 교보문고, 교보, 인터파크, 비스킷, 예스24, 북큐브, 카카오, 네이버, 네이버북스, 다음, 싸이월드, 푸딩, 구글, 마이피플, 소설, 출판, 출판사, 올레톡, 도서, 베스트셀러, 작가, 셀프출판, 마이디팟, 앱북, 1인출판

Иконка для Le Koran 1.0

Le Koran (v. 1.0)

MobileReference опубликовал приложение 2011-12-11
(обновлено 2011-12-11)

TRADUCTION NOUVELLE FAITE SUR LE TEXTE ARABE PAR M. KASILMIRSKI Interprète de la Légation Française en Perse NOUVELLE ÉDITION ENTIÈREMENT REVUE ET CORRIGÉE ; AUGMENTÉE DE NOTES, COMMENTAIRES ET D'UN INDEX Le Coran est le livre sacré de l'islam. Sa tradition le présente comme le premier ouvrage rédigé en langue arabe claire, affirmation à la base de la notion d'« inimitabilité » du Coran. Le Coran regroupe les paroles de Dieu qui auraient été révélées au prophète et messager de l'islam Mahomet par l'archange Gabriel. Cette révélation s'étend sur une période de vingt-trois ans. Le Coran est parfois appelé simplement al-kitâb (le livre) ou adh-dhikr (le rappel). Il constitue une des deux parts de la révélation à Mahomet, l'autre part étant constituée des hadiths prophétiques. Les musulmans le considèrent comme une manifestation d'un attribut divin, le kalam, qui représente la capacité de Allah (le nom de Dieu en arabe) à transmettre à ses prophètes certaines informations relatives au bien et au mal, à la vie et à la mort, au paradis et à l'enfer, ainsi qu'aux lois fixant les limites entre le licite et l'illicite. En ce sens, il est, pour les musulmans, l'expression incréée de cet attribut d'Allah adressée à l'intention de toute l'humanité, c'est-à-dire détenteur d'une vocation universelle, contrairement aux révélations précédentes qui étaient destinées en tout premier lieu à un peuple en particulier.

- Extrait de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre

Иконка для 永久差異 〜IFRSの嵐の次に来るもの 1.0.0

永久差異 〜IFRSの嵐の次に来るもの (v. 1.0.0)

ZEIMU KEIRI KYOKAI CO.,LTD опубликовал приложение 2011-12-10
(обновлено 2011-12-10)

一方で日本の財政状態を考えると、「税収の確保」は避けられない課題である。本書はそんな二律背反する命題を解くためのヒントを与えるものである。タイトルの「永久差異」とは、税効果会計と呼ばれる会計手続きで用いられる用語であるが、本書では、会計と税務の“差異”、欧米と日本の税金に対する考え方や節税の手法に関する“差異”、さらには、組織運営の“差異”と 、様々な“差異”の説明をしている。これらの“差異”が“永久差異”とならないことの警鐘の意味が込められている。


※対応OS: Android OS 1.6 以上

• 山田有人(やまだありひと)







• 仕事ができる人の問題解決力
• 複眼思考の会計学

Keywords: 税務経理協会 ぜいむけいりきょうかい MCBook 山田有人 やまだ ありひと 永久差異 えいきゅうさい IFRS  会計 税務

Иконка для OKtm Siddur Lite

OKtm Siddur Lite (v.

OKtm Websites IL опубликовал приложение 2011-12-10
(обновлено 2011-12-10)

♔ Lite version of our popular OKtm Siddur!
♔ Differences: does not includes: DynamicSmart Siddur, Zmanim, Minyanim, Luach (Jewish calendar) and other tools.
Includes all Nusachim.

♔ Please send feedback directly to us. We fix quick. Please Don't send feedback to the Market :(

Jewish Hebrew Weekday Siddur סידור לימות השבוע בעברית
Includes ALL the following Nusachim: Ashkenaz, Sefarad, Edot Hamizrach (Sphardic), Ari (comparable with Tehilat Hashem of Chabad).
♔ Works on Android 1.6 and up!
♔ No need to install fonts or root phone!
♔ Easy to navigate Hebrew Siddur, includes Shacharit, Mincha, Maariv, Benching, Hallel, Musaf, Omer counts etc.

Other Features:
♔ Change text appearance
♔ Full Hebrew and English menus
♔ Convenient context menu (can be disabled)
♔ Full screen option
♔ Pinch and Zoom option
♔ No internet connection required
♔ Return to last location in Siddur
♔ Supports all sizes of screens
♔ Supports rooted devices, or Hebrew System (Israeli cell phone)
♔ Installs on SD card to save space
♔ Help file
and more!

Keywords: Sidur, Sfaradic, Spharadi, Sfarad, Prayer book, Bible, Hebrew, Jew, Tehilat Hashem, Chabad, Lubavitch, Torah Ohr, Tefilah, Israel

Иконка для Crystal Guide Pocket Edition 1.30

Crystal Guide Pocket Edition (v. 1.30)

M.Stevens опубликовал приложение 2011-12-10
(обновлено 2011-12-10)

A premium all-in-one pocket reference for crystals / gemstones and minerals.  Includes detailed facts, geological data and crystal healing, spiritual, numerology, elixir and chakra information for hundreds of crystals.  

*** Free updates are released regularly to expand the crystal database. If the gem stone you are looking for is not in it yet, just send us a request from within the app (under Tools -> Request a Specific Crystal...) and we'll get it added for you in the next update! Be sure to check for app updates frequently to ensure you always have the latest version ***


- Constantly expanding A-Z list of gemstones and minerals, each with its own unique geological / metaphysical profile.
- Search for healing stones by ailment / area of improvement or by chakras.
- Search for stones by name or by upto 10 geological properties.
- Birthstone / zodiac information (by month and by star sign).
- Crystal numerology data.
- Geological reference charts and chakra information.
- Built in web shop for UK users.
- Free future database updates!
- Supports App2SD and Move To SD (android 2.2+)

Ideal for mineral collectors, crystal healing, meditation, spiritual healing, psychics, geologists and researchers alike.

We support our apps! If you run in to a problem, please drop us an email and we'll do our best to resolve it for you (please also check your junk mail for replies, just in case).

Иконка для 武汉处女的坟墓 2.1

武汉处女的坟墓 (v. 2.1)

Baowa опубликовал приложение 2011-12-10
(обновлено 2011-12-10)


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