The True Story of My Life (v. 1.0)
Разработано Ming Shen
No literary labor is more delightful to me than translating the beautiful thoughts and fancies of Hans Christian Andersen. My heart is in the work, and I feel as if my spirit were kindred to his; just as our Saxon English seems to me eminently fitted to give the simple, pure, and noble sentiments of the Danish mind.
This True Story of his Life will not be found the least interesting of his writings; indeed, to me it seems one of the most so. It furnishes the key, as it were, to all the rest; and the treasures which it unlocks will be found to be possessed of additional value when viewed through the medium of this introduction. It is gratifying for me to be able to state that the original Author has a personal interest in this English version of his “Life,” as I have arranged with my publishers to pay Mr. Andersen a certain sum on the publication of this translation, and the same on all future editions.
”The True Story of My Life“ is an Android Book App built on Jiuboo Book Template. Jiuboo is an Android book app publishing platform developed and maintained by Ming Shen. Book Apps published by Jiuboo may be written by the publisher or may be the public domain books. The app publishers do not need to publish books through publishing companies, Jiuboo allows any books and contents to be published on Mobile devices and multi millions of Smartphone users can read the contents for free. The publishers gets revenue from clicks on Ad banner directly.
Jiuboo book is an App Template, the publishersdo not need to be a technical person or Android programmer. An easy to follow 9 steps for any one who is able to access internet and who has contents or books to publish. You may write your own, or you may publish other's as long as you are legally allowed.
Jiuboo provides the flexibility of Book setup, such as, skin, text size, color, etc. and App setup such AdMob ID to drive revenue direct from users' clicks and Google Analytics to track the usage of your own Jiuboo apps. The easy 9 steps, no coding, quick publishing!
Jiuboo is still under development, and this app is the result of beta test. If you like it and plan to publish your own Book Apps, visit http://www.jiuboo.com to check if it is available for public
Feedback: anadroid@mingsh.com