Fairy tale "Snow Queen" will remind adults and young readers to tell about such feelings as love, devotion, fidelity. A Tale of Love's sister and brother of the mighty and majestic snow-queen, on her witchcraft and true friendship. Here the beauty of the human heart in the fact that Gerda's sister Kay, was able to defeat witchcraft and most of the Snow Queen to release his brother from prison snowy realm. The little girl turned out to be stronger than the snow queen, thanks to a hot, sensitive heart in his chest. Andersen was able to show the usual unusual fragile girl who had the extraordinary strength of spirit. Fairy tale "Snow Queen" clearly shows the good and evil, and gently remind us all about perseverance and courage in meeting the objectives. Selfless heroism and sacrifice the baby Gerda, eclipsing even the mighty deeds of heroes, drags the millions of children's hearts. Almost everyone knows from childhood fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen. Each of his tales are unique, with a special gift to instill in people the belief in goodness, justice and beauty. The important fact is that the tales of the great Danish writer and poet, wrote not only for children but for adults. Tales of GH Andersen represent the "boundless world" full of good deeds and feelings, the true human values that have the remarkable property to give hope and heal the soul.