Simple Car Care (v. 1.0)
Разработано APPCRAFT
This new mobile eBook provides tips and tricks how to keep your vehicle in tip-top shape and getting all the benefits of a car that is maintained:
- You will save on fuel costs
- You can take that family vacation you always dreamed of but were afraid to take because of the car
- Your car will last you longer than you thought possible
- You wont have to be late for meetings
- The air conditioning or heating will not give out when you need it the most
- You will save on service and repair costs
- It affords you the luxury of a pleasant drive, no matter the distance
- The re-sale value of car will be very reasonable
- The over all cost of having a car reduces if the car is well maintained
- You can take your girlfriend out without worrying about the car breaking down during your date
- Your car will feel as good as new for a longer time
According to the United States Department of Transportation, the average life span of a vehicle is 12 years, or around 128,500 miles. Also, according to the US Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American household’s second largest expense is car maintenance, accounting for nearly 17% of the total expense. Now wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could make your car last that long and at the same time not cost you a bomb in maintenance? A well maintained car is the biggest asset of a household.
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