Want to learn how to flash any Sprint Samsung Android to Boost Mobile?
Now you can with this app!
This app is a guide that will teach you how to flash any Sasmung Android phone to Boost Mobile with everything working but 4G!
If you think you can not do this then there is an alternative. Search Flash My Phone in the Android Market to see our flashing services.
To flash your phone with these programs you NEED to disable your anti virus. Please understand these files are not viruses and the only reason you need to disable your anti virus programs is because anti virus programs think these programs are bad because they have been cracked to work for free. I am the owner of Flash A Phone and before you decide please visit our website so you know we are serious at http://flashaphone.com
NOTE: If the Download button does not work you must download and install Dolphin HD Browser from the Market for Free and then restart this app and click the button again. This time select Dolphin Web Browser instead of the original web browser.
If the flash method does not work please contact me at mfoster@flashaphone.com and I will refund the full price AND send you $1. I will need your phone model information!
There is nothing to loose!
Mike Foster
This app was made for my good friend Travis Collatz!
Tags: flash, sprint, boost mobile, page plus, android, Virgin Mobile, CDMA Network