XXI Century Dictionaries are based on the latest research, considering traditional and the most recent Russian linguistic approaches. The dictionaries reflect all changes and processed that have been taking place in the Russian language for several decades. Strict professional requirements for authors, mandatory expert appraisal by Russian Academy of Sciences, highly qualified editorial and publishing preparation provide the highest level of dictionaries.
Dictionary FEATURES:
• NEW! Enhanced customization options allow you to choose background color. Black, white and sepia themes are available (To select a theme go to Menu -> Setting -> Theme)
• NEW! Enlarge or reduce font size for your comfort by pinch or pressing +/- bottoms. (You can save font size as scaled. To do this go to Menu -> Setting ->Save scale).
• NEW! Search by voice. Speak your queries instead of typing words in a dictionary. (Use Google voice recognition service. Search in Russian language is available for OS 2.2 and higher.)
• NEW! Easy copy-and-paste functions copy words to the clipboard for translation.*
• NEW! Dictionary installation on SD card to save space of your device (Available for OS 2.2 and higher).
• NEW! Now you can install a Word of the day widget on your Home screen directly from the application. (To do this go to Menu -> Settings -> Install widget)
• NEW! Manage Word of the day widget settings: select dictioanry direction, font size and update period (manual or automatic).
• Look up unfamiliar words in dictionary directly from the home screen! The dictionary provides translations in a Quick Search Box alongside other search results.**
• Russian Morphology module helps to translate words in any grammatical form.
• List of similar words is displayed in case of misspelling
• Find the word even if you don’t know its exact spelling using Wildcard Search (use “?” and “*” symbols to replace the missing letters).
• Integrate dictionary with the Flash Cards application and quiz yourself with words you have added from the dictionary.
• Test yourself with a Word of the day widget on your Home screen. A random entry from the dictionary is changed daily.
• Automatically switching translation directions using the language of the word entered.
• Hyperlinks between related articles and directions.
• Search History feature shows the last 20 words looked up.
• No Internet connection required: simply download the dictionary to your device and use it with no further expense incurred.
• Multilingual interface available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish languages.
* with the launched dictionary you can copy an unknown word from an application you are using at the moment (e.g. web browser), then switch back to the dictionary and automatically get the translation of the copied word or phrase if it is available in the application base.
** To turn on this option, install a dictionary. Then go to Menu->Settings->Search->Searchable items and mark SlovoEd dictionary.
About Paragon
Paragon Software Group is the leading developer of multi-platform software applications for smartphones and desktop computers. Our product portfolio includes over 120 Multilingual Dictionaries (for 30+ languages and all possible language pair combinations) with databases by the world’s leading publishing houses such as Berlitz, Langenscheidt, Merriam-Webster, Collins, Duden, PONS, Van Dale, VOX, etc.