This is a completed application of family name MIYAKE. They accommodate the comprehensive data about Japanese family names in terms of sorts, roots, ranks, distribution, genealogy, history of famous families, ancestry and so on. The feature of this application is the finest details of its data which you could never obtain from website search. The data was written and edited by Mr.Hiroshi Morioka, a surname researcher and is from his latest research. This contains not only the rank in all over Japan but of that in each prefecture and a real distribution rate, which hadn't been introduced in the past.
It has more details than a paper encyclopedia and is more accurate than internet search with the good feature as an application function. You will find the good knowledge about your own name and its roots. You can not miss the opportunity when you have your own surname, and you might have a new and different future by knowing your surname, your friends', your partner's and their roots.