ProReader в Android Market

Icon for ProReader 1.0 ProReader (v. 1.0)
Разработано LM co.

ProReader is a text reading tools. It provides decoding function that allows you to read special encoded text. You can enjoy your reading and need not worry about copying by others.

*Version Notice
This is the paid version. It provides:
1. Unlimited number of books.
2. 3 users account.
3. Fling Login Feature.(Remember to fling your finger in 9 box to login.)

You may try the free Trail version, “ProReader Free” to have a trial on this application.


Generate Book and User
1. You can download the feature graphics and rename it to “.zip” and unzip it. You can find a program called “BookTransfer.exe” in it.
2. You can follow the instruction of the program to create your own user account and books.
3. Notice that the user account must be in sequence with the names “userX” where X is a number. (eg. user1, user2, user3)
4. You should create a folder called “ProReaderBook” in your SD card.
5. You should put the “User Login File” ( into folder “ProReaderBook”.
6. You should create folder that corresponding to your “User Login File” ( in folder “ProReaderBook”.
7. You should put the encoded books folder into the folder you create in step 6.

Enjoy your reading!


Закачек: <50
Размер: 27.0 KB
Опубликовано: 2012-10-09
Обновлено: 2012-10-09

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