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Популярные книги и справочники в Android Market

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4861-4870 из 13647
Иконка для Sherlock Holmes Complete no-ad 1.1.4

Sherlock Holmes Complete no-ad (v. 1.1.4)

gwofoundry опубликовал приложение 2012-06-03
(обновлено 2012-06-03)

Sherlock Holmes: (9 books)
Contains the following books
1. The Study in Scarlet
2. The Sign of Four
3. The Hound of the Baskervilles
4. The Valley of Fear
5. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
6. The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
7. The Return of Sherlock Holmes
8. His Last Bow
9. The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

No ads.

1. Auto bookmarks the last read position
2. Keeps position in each chapter
3. Full screen mode from MENU

Tap 'Continue Reading' button to read from where you last stopped.

Email your suggestions and comments to gwofoundry@gmail.com

Tags: ebook, Sherlock Holmes, classic, detective, investigator, genius

Иконка для 海边的卡夫卡 1.0

海边的卡夫卡 (v. 1.0)

ZHOU YU GANG опубликовал приложение 2012-06-03
(обновлено 2012-06-03)

村上春树最新长篇小说,半年热销东瀛80万册! 主人公田村卡夫卡君不是随处可见的普通的十五岁少年。他幼年时被母亲抛弃,又被父亲诅咒,他决心“成为世界上最顽强的十五岁少年”。他沉浸在深深的孤独中,默默锻炼身体,辍学离家,一个人奔赴陌生的远方。无论怎么看——在日本也好,或许在中国也好——都很难说是平均线上的十五岁少年形象。 背负命运诅咒的少年远走异乡,心在希望与绝望之间碰撞,世界在现实性与虚拟性之间游移……

Иконка для 乔布斯的魔力演讲 2.0

乔布斯的魔力演讲 (v. 2.0)

googlover опубликовал приложение 2012-06-02
(обновлено 2012-06-02)

苹果公司创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)是世界舞台上最具沟通魅力、最擅长掳获人心的演讲者,任何人与他相比都是望尘莫及

Иконка для Dog Owners Veterinary Handbook 1.0

Dog Owners Veterinary Handbook (v. 1.0)

Bob Ibanez опубликовал приложение 2012-06-02
(обновлено 2012-06-02)

If you own a dog and most people do this is the book to have on your phone it covers everything you need to know to keep your dog healthy and safe from minor injuries to major health problems this book is a lifesaver.With over 650 pages of information.
The Dog Owner’s Home Veterinary Handbook has been a familiar title on my
bookshelf for more than two decades. It’s the book I turn to, time and again,
for definitive answers on canine health.
I’ve owned several editions of this book, always replacing my old one with
the latest. But I have been surprised to learn that many dog breeders, and sev-
eral of my journalist colleagues, have all three editions, going all the way back
to 1980, because they just can’t bear to part with them. Go to a canine sport-
ing event and ask the exhibitors which health book they turn to most often.
Chances are, it will be this one. Type in the title on any Internet search
engine and you will see hundreds of web sites that recommend it.
This is an old book with a long legacy, but also a new one with some excit-
ing additions. You’ll find the latest information here on vaccine protocols;
flea, tick, and heartworm preventives; raw diets; arthritis medications and
supplements; treatments for cancer and kidney disease; and treatments for
cognitive dysfunction in senior dogs. New drugs and surgical techniques are
explained, and the latest information on how to prevent bloat is detailed.
Canine influenza, one of the newest diseases of dogs, is covered. You’ll also
find the latest information on what we know about the canine senses, and
possible organic causes of behavior problems such as aggression and compul-
sive behaviors.
When the third edition was published in 2000, therapies using supple-
ments, nutraceuticals, and holistic modalities such as acupuncture were
largely untested. Now, for illnesses where holistic treatments have proven to
be beneficial, they are listed under the Treatments section.
Another new development is that scientists have described the canine
genome. The result is a wealth of information on breed dispositions for cer-
tain genetic conditions, and on genetic testing for certain diseases—all of
which is discussed in this edition.
According to a 2006 study by Veterinary Pet Insurance Co., the top ten
canine medical conditions for which their policy holders filed claims were:
Skin allergies
Ear infections
Stomach upsets
Bladder infections
Benign tumors
Eye infections
Enteritis (diarrhea)
You will also find all of those common canine health problems here—
covered completely and comprehensively. And, whatever troubles your dog,
you will find it described clearly and have a variety of treatment options to
discuss with your veterinarian.
As an editor, it’s always an honor to work on a book that is already a classic in
its field and will continue to be one. I also had the pleasure of working on the
third edition with Dr. James Giffin. Because I was involved, I tend to look at
that edition very critically. I have spent seven years wishing there were things
we had done differently. At last, I have my chance. In this edition, the cross-
references are easier to use, the index is expanded, there’s an index of charts
and tables, and overall, when you come home with your dog from the veteri-
narian’s office full of questions, it’s easier to find what you are looking for.
Keywords:Veterinary Medicine,Veterinary,Vet,Dog,Dog Health,Medicine,Pdf,Book,How-To,Animal,Animal Health,Animal Injury.

Иконка для 中国灭门惨案大全 1.0

中国灭门惨案大全 (v. 1.0)

Baowa опубликовал приложение 2012-06-02
(обновлено 2012-06-02)



Иконка для New York State Laws 1.1

New York State Laws (v. 1.1)

serulia опубликовал приложение 2012-06-02
(обновлено 2012-06-02)

New York State Law app for Android contains the New York Penal Code and criminal violations in an easily readable mobile format.  This is a useful tool for attorneys, law school students, judges, plaintiffs and defendants.

  1. General purposes
  5. General rules of construction and application
10. Definitions
15. Culpability
20. Parties to offenses and liability through accessorial conduct
25. Defenses in general
30. Defense of infancy
35. Defense of justification
40. Other defenses involving lack of culpability
55. Classification and designation of offenses
60. Authorized dispositions of offenders
65. Sentences of probation,conditional discharge and unconditional discharge
70. Sentences of imprisonment
80. Fines
85. Sentence of intermittent imprisonment
100. Criminal solicitation
105. Conspiracy
110. Attempt
115. Criminal facilitation
120. Assault and related offenses
121. Strangulation and related offenses
125. Homicide, abortion and related offenses
130. Sex offenses
135. Kidnapping, coercion and related offenses
140. Burglary and related offenses
145. Criminal mischief and related offenses
150. Arson
155. Larceny
156. Offenses involving computers; definition of terms
158. Welfare fraud
160. Robbery
165. Other offenses relating to theft
170. Forgery and related offenses
175. Offenses involving false written statements
176. Insurance fraud
177. Health care fraud
178. Criminal diversion of prescription medications and prescriptions
180. Bribery not involving public servants, and related offenses
185. Frauds on creditors
187. Residential Mortgage Fraud
190. Other frauds
195. Official misconduct and obstruction of public servants generally
200. Bribery involving public servants and related offenses
205. Escape and other offenses relating to custody
210. Perjury and related offenses
215. Other offenses relating to judicial and other proceedings
220. Controlled substances offenses
221. Offenses involving marihuana
225. Gambling offenses
230. Prostitution offenses
235. Obscenity and related offenses
240. Offenses against public order
241. Harassment of rent regulated tenants
242. Offenses against service animals and handlers
245. Offenses against public sensibilities
250. Offenses against the right to privacy
255. Offenses affecting the marital relationship
260. Offenses relating to children and incompetents
263. Sexual performance by a child
265. Firearms and other dangerous weapons
270. Other offenses relating to public safety
275. Offenses relating to unauthorized recording of sound
400. Licensing and other provisions relating to firearms
405. Licensing and other provisions relating to fireworks
410. Seizure and forfeiture of equipment used in promoting pornography
415. Seizure and forfeiture of vehicles, vessels and aircraft
     used to transport or conceal gambling records.
420. Seizure and destruction of unauthorized recordings of sound
     and forfeiture of equipment used in the production thereof.
450. Disposal of stolen property
460. Enterprise corruption
470. Money laundering
480. Criminal forfeiture - felony controlled substance offenses
485. Hate crimes
490  Terrorism
500. Laws repealed; time of taking effect

Keywords: New York, attorney, NYC, New York City, New York State, law, penal code, Albany, Buffalo, lawyer, lawyers

Иконка для Legidex 1.3

Legidex (v. 1.3)

Sismics опубликовал приложение 2012-06-02
(обновлено 2012-06-02)

Retrouvez facilement les textes de loi !

Legidex est un outil de navigation qui vous permet d'accéder facilement au contenu de Légifrance, dans un format adapté à Android.

Cette application s'adresse aux juristes, avocats, étudiants en droit mais également à tous ceux qui ont besoin de consulter un code.

L'application Legidex permet d'accéder à l'intégralité des codes en vigueur :
- Code civil
- Code de commerce
- Code pénal
- Code du travail
- Code des douanes
- Code du domaine de l'État
- Code de l'éducation
- Code de justice administrative
- Code de justice militaire
... 75 codes sont référencés et consultables librement, par l'intermédiaire d'un outil de recherche par mot clé ou par numéro d'article.

Nécessite un accès à internet.

Prix de lancement, pendant une durée limitée !

Иконка для MuRRo das Lamentações 0.11.13075

MuRRo das Lamentações (v. 0.11.13075)

Editora Belluno опубликовал приложение 2012-06-01
(обновлено 2012-06-01)


Neste caso compreendeste que:

a) Os jornais, a rádio e a televisão são os veículos mais ridículos da mentira. Não apenas nos afastam dos verdadeiros problemas como empurram todos os indivíduos a identificarem-se com imagens feitas e a colocarem-se abstratamente no lugar de um chefe de Estado, de uma vedete, de um assassino, de uma vítima, enfim, a reagir como se fosse outro. As imagens que nos dominam são o triunfo do que nós não somos e daquilo que nos aliena de nós mesmos, daquilo que nos transforma em objetos a classificar, a etiquetar e a hierarquizar segundo o sistema de mercadorias universalizadas.

b) A educação de massas no Brasil é construída por sete ou oito apresentadoras de TV analfabetas e que existe uma linguagem subterrânea na boca dessas cretinas a serviço da moral vigente e do Poder. Essa bovinização não está apenas na informação, na publicidade, nas idéias feitas, nos hábitos e nos gestos condicionados. Está também em toda linguagem da vida cotidiana, isto é, em toda e qualquer linguagem que não está posta a serviço de nossa soberania pessoal e de nossos prazeres.

c) O sistema mercantilista impõe suas representações, suas imagens, e seus sentidos, cada vez que alguém trabalha para ele. Isto é dizer que se impõe a maior parte do tempo. Este conjunto de idéias, imagens, identificações e condutas determinadas pela necessidade de acumulação e de renovação de mercadorias formam o espetáculo onde cada um representa aquilo que não vive e onde cada um vive falsamente aquilo que não é. É por isso que na atualidade o papel e a função de cada um é a mais deslavada das mentiras e um mal estar sem fim.

d) O circo/espetáculo (ideologias, cultura, arte, papéis, imagens, representações, palavras-mercadoria, riqueza etc.) é o conjunto das condutas sociais pelas quais os homens, no sistema mercantilista, participam dele contra eles mesmos, convertendo-se em meros objetos de sobrevivência, renunciando ao prazer de viver realmente para si e de construir livremente sua vida.

e) Sobrevivemos em um conjunto de imagens com as quais somos empurrados a identificar-nos. Atuamos cada vez menos por nós mesmos e cada vez mais em função de abstrações que nos dirigem segundo as leis-de-cão do comércio e da fé.

f) Os papéis ou as ideologias podem ser favoráveis ou hostis ao sistema dominante, isso não importa muito, uma vez que permanecem no espetáculo. Apesar do blábláblá de muita gente por aí, só é revolucionário aquilo que destrói a mercadoria e seu sistema. ... e que vivemos numa realidade invertida, usando máscaras que imitam a vida verdadeira e que acabam por empobrecê-la. Já lutas, conscientemente ou não, por uma sociedade onde o direito à comunicação real pertença a todos, onde cada um possa dar a conhecer o que bem quiser, onde a construção de uma vida apaixonante liquide de uma vez por todas a necessidade de “representar” e de dar mais importância às aparências do que ao vivido autenticamente.

Ezio Flavio Bazzo

Иконка для 지구의 보호자를 찾는 희망의 국토종단 1.0

지구의 보호자를 찾는 희망의 국토종단 (v. 1.0)

Suseonjae Books опубликовал приложение 2012-06-01
(обновлено 2012-06-01)

위기의 지구! 희망 살림 국토종단

국토종단을 결심한 김재훈 박사는 서울대 공학박사로서 국방과학연구소에서 30여년간 신무기 개발의 중심에 있던 유능한 과학자였다.

논리적이고 이성적이며 지극히 현실적이던 김박사는 작년 명상을 통해 자연과 교감하게 되었다.

동식물과의 대화로 알게 된 사실은 지구는 생명체이고 인간의 이기심과 무관심으로 '어머니 지구'라고 불리는 우리의 별이 죽어가고 있다는 것이었다.

생각보다 지구의 상태가 위험하다는 것을 알게 된 김박사는 한명의 나약한 인간이 무엇을 할 수 있을까를 고민하게 되었고 과감히 평생을 바친 직장을 나와 상처받은 지구의 아픔을 함께하고 지구의 위험을 알리기 위해 걷게 되었다.

금번 국토 종단에서는..

- 인간의 무관심과 이기심으로 죽어가는 지구에게 진심으로 사과하고 반성하는 정성스런 마음으로 걷기에 집중하며 현재까지의 삶의 대한 반성과 지구에 대한 용서와 사랑을 전합니다.

- 걸으며 실천하는 나의 작은 실천 4가지를 통해 지구의 보호자가 되어 봅니다.

- 걷기 과정중에 동.식물/자연과 교감하며, 인간은 지구의 보호자임을 알고 사랑의 마음을 불러 일으키어 주변 사람들과 이런 경험을 같이 나누어 봅니다.

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참가비용 : 없음 (단, 식사 및 숙박은 개인 부담)
참여방법 : 네이버 블로그 http://blog.naver.com/sorryearth
문의처 : 1644-1150 (오전 10시~오후6시) (e-mail: sorryearth@naver.com)
후원 : 수선재, 선문화진흥원

위기의 지구, 당신이 희망입니다!

Иконка для EP Activities - free 1.2.0

EP Activities - free (v. 1.2.0)

BNome опубликовал приложение 2012-06-01
(обновлено 2012-06-01)

Free ad-supported version. EP activities let's you follow what the european parliament is working on. This application gives you an insight of the different procedures analysed by the european parliament in plenary session. Using this application you can also star procedures to quickly find out how it evolves during its life.

TAGS : EP, european parliament, plenary session, procedures, parlement européen, PE, session plénière, procédures, dossier, legal basis, base légale, summary, résumé, Europäische Parlament, europarl

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