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Популярные книги и справочники в Android Market

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4501-4510 из 13647
Иконка для English Italian Dictionary 2.0.2

English Italian Dictionary (v. 2.0.2)

movin'App опубликовал приложение 2012-10-19
(обновлено 2012-10-19)

English-Italian and Italian-English Dictionary
Dizionario Inglese-Italiano e Italiano-Inglese

* More than 57.600 words
* Bookmark your favorite translations for fast reference
* Works offline --> No internet connection needed, perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available
* Listen to the correct pronunciation in British or American English and Italian using Android's built-in Text-to-speech synthesizer.
* Share translations by SMS, email, etc.
* Optimized for Android ICS


Q: How can I share a translation?
A: Just press 2-3 seconds over the translation and you will be presented with a menu with all available sharing options based on the apps installed in your device (Email, SMS, Facebook, etc)

Q: How can I change the speed of the voice?
A: The speed of the speech is controlled by the TTS engine installed with Android. It can be set up by going to:
Settings --> Voice input & output settings --> Text to speech settings --> speech rate

Q: I don't like the voice. How can I improve it?
A: The default text-to-speech engine installed with Android is Pico TTS, it’s pretty simple and sometimes may sound a bit electronic. You can always install alternatives like eSpeak, SVox or IVONA from Google Play. Please check our blog post about this subject: http://www.movinapp.com/talking-android

Q: How can I change the speech language?
A: Just go to Menu --> Settings and select the language. Currently, 3 languages are available:
  * English (US)
  * English (GB)
  * Italian

The text-to-speech (TTS) technology may not be available in some devices. To check if your phone is able of speech synthesis: Menu -> Settings -> Voice input & output -> Text-to-speech settings.
If not installed, your device may ask you to install the TTS engine. An internet connection may be required. We recommend installing it before traveling as roaming data tariffs may be very expensive.

Tags: dictionary, Italian, Italiano, Inglese, English, US, UK, GB, speech, offline, travel, search, ricerca

Иконка для English Spanish dictionary 2.2.0

English Spanish dictionary (v. 2.2.0)

movin'App опубликовал приложение 2012-10-18
(обновлено 2012-10-18)

English-Spanish and Spanish-English Dictionary
Diccionario Inglés-Español y Español-Inglés

* More than 85.900 words
* Bookmark your favorite translations for fast reference
* Works offline --> No internet connection needed, perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available
* Listen to the correct pronunciation in British or American English and Spanish using Android's built-in Text-to-speech synthesizer.
* Share translations by SMS, email, etc.
* Optimized for Android ICS


Q: How can I share a translation?
A: Just press 2-3 seconds over the translation and you will be presented with a menu with all available sharing options based on the apps installed in your device (Email, SMS, Facebook, etc)

Q: How can I change the speed of the voice?
A: The speed of the speech is controlled by the TTS engine installed with Android. It can be set up by going to:
Settings --> Voice input & output settings --> Text to speech settings --> speech rate

Q: I don't like the voice. How can I improve it?
A: The default text-to-speech engine installed with Android is Pico TTS, it’s pretty simple and sometimes may sound a bit electronic. You can always install alternatives like eSpeak, SVox or IVONA from Google Play. Please check our blog post about this subject: http://www.movinapp.com/talking-android

Q: How can I change the speech language?
A: Just go to Menu --> Settings and select the language. Currently, 3 languages are available:
  * English (US)
  * English (GB)
  * Spanish (Spain)

The text-to-speech (TTS) technology may not be available in some devices. To check if your phone is able of speech synthesis: Menu -> Settings -> Voice input & output -> Text-to-speech settings.
If not installed, your device may ask you to install the TTS engine. An internet connection may be required. We recommend installing it before traveling as roaming data tariffs may be very expensive.

Tags: dictionary, Spanish, English, US, UK, GB, speech, offline, travel, search, diccionario, español, espanol, ingles, voz, viajar, viajes, buscar

Иконка для 侠客行 1.1

侠客行 (v. 1.1)

ZHOU YU GANG опубликовал приложение 2012-10-18
(обновлено 2012-10-18)

金庸著名作品。金庸,原名查良镛,华人最知名的武侠小说作家、新闻学家、企业家、政治评论家和社会活动家,中国作家协会名誉副主席,《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》主要起草人之一,香港最高荣衔“大紫荆勋章” 获得者,华人作家首富。金庸与古龙、梁羽生并称为中国武侠小说三大宗师。他在1948年移居香港,是香港明报创办人,并著有“飞雪连天射白鹿,笑书神侠倚碧鸳”等14部武侠小说,作品亦被改编成影视剧集、游戏、漫画等产品,脍炙人口。金庸小说深受欢迎,不少文坛才子和读者都提笔撰写书评,形成「金学」研究的风潮。

Иконка для 书剑恩仇录 1.1

书剑恩仇录 (v. 1.1)

ZHOU YU GANG опубликовал приложение 2012-10-18
(обновлено 2012-10-18)

金庸著名作品。金庸,原名查良镛,华人最知名的武侠小说作家、新闻学家、企业家、政治评论家和社会活动家,中国作家协会名誉副主席,《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》主要起草人之一,香港最高荣衔“大紫荆勋章” 获得者,华人作家首富。金庸与古龙、梁羽生并称为中国武侠小说三大宗师。他在1948年移居香港,是香港明报创办人,并著有“飞雪连天射白鹿,笑书神侠倚碧鸳”等14部武侠小说,作品亦被改编成影视剧集、游戏、漫画等产品,脍炙人口。金庸小说深受欢迎,不少文坛才子和读者都提笔撰写书评,形成「金学」研究的风潮。

Иконка для 碧血剑 1.1

碧血剑 (v. 1.1)

ZHOU YU GANG опубликовал приложение 2012-10-18
(обновлено 2012-10-18)

金庸著名作品。金庸,原名查良镛,华人最知名的武侠小说作家、新闻学家、企业家、政治评论家和社会活动家,中国作家协会名誉副主席,《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》主要起草人之一,香港最高荣衔“大紫荆勋章” 获得者,华人作家首富。金庸与古龙、梁羽生并称为中国武侠小说三大宗师。他在1948年移居香港,是香港明报创办人,并著有“飞雪连天射白鹿,笑书神侠倚碧鸳”等14部武侠小说,作品亦被改编成影视剧集、游戏、漫画等产品,脍炙人口。金庸小说深受欢迎,不少文坛才子和读者都提笔撰写书评,形成「金学」研究的风潮。

Иконка для Measure for Measure FREE 11.08.20

Measure for Measure FREE (v. 11.08.20)

iwpSoftware опубликовал приложение 2012-10-17
(обновлено 2012-10-17)

The play "Measure for Measure" by the great English playwright William Shakespeare as an e-book app featuring voice output (TextToSpeeck).

Themes: Theater, theatre, comedy, tragedy, classic play, literature, world literature, universal literature

This FREE edition of the app includes ads which finance the development. If the ads annoy you or you just want to support this app's development, you can upgrade to the PRO edition which is completely ad-free. Apart from that both versions are equal.

Standalone software - no need for an eBook reader like Aldiko, Kindle, RepliGo, BeamReader, Laputa, Moon+, FBReader, iSilo etc.

Just install it and enjoy reading or listening.


* Options menu
  + Help page
  + Settings page
    - Text color
    - Background color
    - Text size
    - Text padding
    - Reset
  + Link to all iwpSoftware apps
     in Android Market
  + Go to bookmark
  + Set bookmark
  + Set current image as wallpaper
  + Link to image/item/description

* General features
  + Voice output
     (text to speech, TextToSpeech)
  + Move to SD card
  + Clickable table of contents
  + English and German
     program language
  + Contents rotate
  + Fullscreen images
     on/off by long click

Do you like this app?
Please rate it!
Your feedback via e-mail is welcome!

If you meet problems or feel the need of some features you consider important, please contact us via e-mail before leaving a bad review.


Иконка для College And Me 1.0.2

College And Me (v. 1.0.2)

Fake Book Library опубликовал приложение 2012-10-17
(обновлено 2012-10-17)

College and Me, Four years and thousands of dollars later ... a comprehensive outlook of all I learned in college.

This is a total fake book! The content pages of this book are totally blank. There is nothing on them. Because ... as the punch line page shows, Oh crap, that was it?

Prank anyone into thinking this is a real book and watch their reaction as they change blank page after blank page. It is totally hilarious … This blank book has 2 blank pages. If you want to have more blank pages, then check out the Fake Book Builder application where you can build your own fake books.

>> Other Fake Book Pranks:

+ Men On Women
+ Women on Men
+ Teen Mind
+ Back to School
+ Summer Vacation

If you have any issues, please send us an email fakebooklibrary@gmail.com. We  can’t fix issues reported by comments, so please sent let us know directly. Thanks.

Иконка для 步非烟武侠全集1.1 1.1

步非烟武侠全集1.1 (v. 1.1)

ZHOU YU GANG опубликовал приложение 2012-10-16
(обновлено 2012-10-16)

步非烟,女,青春文学作家,80后文学代表作家之一,出生于四川成都,中学就读于全国闻名的重点中学成都石室中学,毕业于北京大学中文系,2006年获得北京大学古代文学硕士学位,现于北京大学中文系读博中,师从“北大少帅”之称的钱志熙教授。2004年起,在《今古传奇》、《武侠故事》、《新武侠》、《武侠小说》上发表作品数十篇上百万字。2005年中进入出版市场,现已出版作品10余部。其写作风格以武侠和魔幻色彩交相辉映为长,故事性与文学性兼重的写作特色以及学历背景,拥有以期刊读者为基础,但又广泛于期刊读者,因此在以高中~大学的青少年为主的读者群基础上,更受到大学以上的高学历人群追捧,是近年来最具实力和号召力的新锐青春偶像派实力作家。   2004年获温瑞安神州奇侠奖 ,全国大学生武侠小说征文比赛二等奖 。2005、2006年获黄易武侠文学奖。2005嵩山杯武侠征文一等奖。2004年任北大中文系诗社主编。2005年成为凤凰卫视《戈辉梦工厂》首期专访明星。国内一线网游《剑侠情缘2》新武侠代言人。06年大型武侠网游功夫online文化大使。2008年中央电视台《艺术人生》节目的访谈嘉宾。   2010年1月6日与一起写网签订了战略合作协议,成为一起写网举办的大学生原创故事、剧本大赛的形象代言人。

Иконка для 2011 NACDS 1.9.3

2011 NACDS (v. 1.9.3)

Core-apps опубликовал приложение 2012-10-16
(обновлено 2012-10-16)

The NACDS Pharmacy & Technology Conference is the best in the business for bringing together the leading retailers with suppliers of healthcare products, pharmacy technology, software and innovative goods and services.

Gain important strategic and tactical information from numerous education sessions. Our education programs are without parallel, covering the latest on state-of-the-art pharmacy operations, practice and clinical issues, distribution and marketing.

Conduct numerous critical meetings with key decision-makers over three days of exhibit hall and "Meet the Rx Market" meetings.

Иконка для Yo Puedo ser Mejor. AudioEbook 2.0.0

Yo Puedo ser Mejor. AudioEbook (v. 2.0.0)

Libro Movil опубликовал приложение 2012-10-15
(обновлено 2012-10-15)

En este audiolibro de autoayuda en español, encontrará el secreto para aumentar su confianza en sí mismo, que es la clave para el éxito y la superación personal, con palabras llenas de motivación podrá generar un profundo cambio de vida…

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