FIAT 500 Vehicle Info (v. 1.5.0)
Tweddle Group Technologies опубликовал приложение 2011-06-22
The 2012 FIAT 500 vehicle information app combines owner manual information with product features, benefits, and heritage. It is the new “essential” for owners and fans of FIAT vehicles providing ready access to vehicle info right at your fingertips … anytime, anyplace! Key feature categories include vehicle operation, vehicle maintenance, instruments and controls, warranty information, and customer assistance. Other features and benefits include links to Mopar parts and accessories, FIAT gear and merchandise, and FIAT social media sites. FIAT is a registered trademark of FIAT Group Marketing & Corporate Communication SpA, used under license by Chrysler Group LLC. |
明朝那些事儿(全集) (v. 1.1.01) 最空网掌上娱乐 опубликовал приложение 2011-06-20
这篇文主要讲述的是从1344年到1644年这三百年间关于明朝的一些事情,以史料为基础,以年代和具体人物为主线,并加入了小说的笔法,对明朝十七帝和其他王公权贵和小认物的命运进行全景展示,尤其对官场政治、战争、帝王心术着墨最多,并加入对当时政治经济制度、人伦道德的演义。 |
Persuasion (v. 2.1)
Ozitech - Free games Best games опубликовал приложение 2011-06-18
"Persuasion" is a great literary work, and, to my mind, Jane Austen's finest book. This was her final completed novel before her death and was written in 1816 and was published posthumously in 1818. The title was not chosen by Jane Austen. |
Lincoln Sayings (v. 1.0)
AutoGen Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-06-17
Abraham Lincoln's wise sayings. |
诱惑 (v. 1.1.01) 最空网掌上娱乐 опубликовал приложение 2011-06-16
在生活中,再平凡的人,只要是男人,都可能会遇到权力、金钱、美女这人生三大诱惑。有的男人在权力面前倒下了,还有的男人在金钱面前倒下了,但更多的男人,都倒在了美色面前。因为自古英雄难过美人关,一个顶天立地的男儿,可能对权力不屑一顾,视金钱犹如粪土。可是窈窕淑女,君子好逑。这世上有哪个男人不喜欢美女,经受得住美女的诱惑呢? |
拳皇本纪 (v. 1.1.01) 最空网掌上娱乐 опубликовал приложение 2011-06-16
原名《KOF之风流宿命》讲述一位平凡的雇佣军成长为格斗天皇的故事,和与众多MM的感情纠葛,希望大家能够喜欢。 |
经典巨作之茅山后裔 (v. 1.0)
peng6sl опубликовал приложение 2011-06-16
一本描述中国传统秘术—茅山道术的小说,故事说的是张国忠、张毅城父子运用茅山道术踏足天下的故事,从驱鬼镇邪到探秘寻奇无所不及,民间冤案、千古谜团将被一一揭开,他们的足迹甚至遍及亚欧异域,不同的文化、不同的地域、不同的信仰,中国最厉害的茅山道术,是否能一展全长? 书中没有刀光剑影的打斗,没有飞檐走壁的神功,这不是一部虚张声势的视觉大片,而是一本真正的玄幻小说,他将带你领略博大精深的茅山道术,将带你在异域神迹破解谜团,真正的思想盛宴,将从这里展开! |
塔读-2011最给力的小说软件 (v.
kaiqi опубликовал приложение 2011-06-16
2.01版本更新说明如下: |
Codice della Strada (v. 1.13)
Maggioli Editore опубликовал приложение 2011-06-15
Il Codice della Strada con Regolamento di Esecuzione, Leggi Complementari e Giurisprudenza consultabili ovunque ti trovi, in modo rapido ed efficiente grazie all'interfaccia chiara e le utilità a disposizione. |
Chinese Wisdom DaoDeJing (v. 1.0)
Kenny li опубликовал приложение 2011-06-14
Tao Te Ching, perhaps one of the oldest books still in existence, and perhaps one of the most profound. The original text, written in ancient Chinese has been kindly translated and commented upon by someone I know not who, nor when. Whoever they are, they have the most profound grasp and understanding of the subject matter, and I honour them as a master. Of the many translations of the Tao Te Ching, this one, for me, is the most rewarding. |