The PONS Dictionary German<>Bulgarian CONCISE is a medium-sized dictionary with 181,000 keywords, phrases and translations.
Do you read and write in German or Bulgarian in your everyday life, your spare time or your job?
Then the PONS Dictionary German-Bulgarian/Bulgarian-German CONCISE is the perfect reference tool for you.
Who can really benefit from this app?
Everyone who has to continually look up English or Russian terms in everyday life, in their spare time or even in their job.
About the contents:
• Current and comprehensive vocabulary containing around 74,000 keywords and phrases and more than 107,000 translations
• Bi-directional: German => Bulgarian and Bulgarian => German
• General and specialized vocabularies from a variety of fields
• With context examples, information on language use and lots of other important information on grammar
What can the app do?
• Instant look-up directly on the device
• Look up unfamiliar words directly from the home screen. Search your App for translations via the Quick Search Box used for search engine selection. Results are then displayed on the home screen.
• Don’t worry if you’re not sure how to spell a word – the similar words or wild card search function will find what you are looking for.
• Search by voice. Speak your queries instead of typing words in a dictionary (available for phones with Google voice recognition service).
• Vocabulary lists: Add words that you want to learn to your ‘Vocabulary lists’. Use the vocabulary list quiz as a quick and effective way to learn the words!
• Jump from one language direction to the other with just one click: from ‘German => Bulgarian’ to ‘Bulgarian => German’ and vice versa. Access linked entries, equally with just one click.
• Once the App has been opened, you can copy in any word from another application (e. g. your browser) and look it up.
• Word of the day widget displays a random entry from the dictionary daily. Learn up to 365 new words a year without even trying!
• Font size and background colour may be adjusted individually.
• Installation on memory cards (available for OS 2.2 and higher).
• This application provides 100% offline functionality. You do not incur any roaming charges.
Is the size of the dictionary right for me?
50,000 headwords and phrases
Ideal for everyday and leisure use (the most important vocabulary)
75,000 headwords and phrases
Ideal for adults who want to learn the language or for use at language schools/adult education centres
130,000 headwords and phrases
Ideal for everyday, leisure and business use (medium-sized vocabulary)
130,000 headwords and phrases.
Ideal for students from 5th grade up to graduation
315,000 headwords and phrases
Ideal for everyday, leisure and business use (large vocabulary)
345,000 headwords and phrases
Ideal for everyday and business use (large vocabulary featuring a wide range of business terms)
390,000 headwords and phrases
Ideal for professional users, such as teachers, students, translators, engineers, lawyers, computer scientists, medical experts, etc. (the most comprehensive vocabulary collection that PONS has to offer)
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