IEEE Wireless Dictionary (v. 1.0)
Разработано IEEE
IEEE Standards Wireless Dictionary app
Wireless technology has its own set of jargon and acronyms, particularly in commercial systems. This app provides professionals and students an in-depth understanding for IEEE wireless standards terms and definitions. This can't be found any where else. Over 3,200 terms and definitions with complete source citations are included. Search for definitions by Standard Number or Alphabetically.
Access the standard through the IEEE Xplore Digital Library (a subscription is required and license agreements apply). Details regarding IEEE Xplore Digital Library subscriptions & licensing may be found here. [embed link in "here": http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/subscriptions/index.html]
Technology areas addressed are:
- ad hoc networks, broadband wireless access (BWA)
- coexistence,integrity/confidentiality
- interference
- low-rate wireless personal area networks (LR-WPAN)
- media independent hand-over
- mobile broadband wireless access
- mobility
- quality of service (QoS)
- RF/microwave exposure assessment
- SAR measurements
- vehicular mobility
- wireless access
- wireless communications
- wireless local area networks (WLANs)
- wireless metropolitan area networks (WMANs)
- wireless networks security, wireless personal area networks (WPANs)
- wireless regional area networks (WRANs)
- and much more!