Identity Theft Guide! (v. 1.0)
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As the quickest growing crime in America, identity theft affects approximately 7 –10 million people every single year. Simply put, identity theft is the act of using someone else’s personal information, or their actual identity for personal gain. Frighteningly it happens without you even knowing it and once you have become aware of it, in most cases the damage has already been done.
How to prevent credit card identity theft from happening:
In order to prevent this kind of scenario, here are some important insights and safety tips about identity theft.
• Leaving the receipt or pay slip on any ATM station or gas pumps is not a good habit. Be observant with details. Always make sure to lock and sort out files for bills, and bank account receipts. Before throwing those things away make sure to shred them first. Bits and pieces of information can be used by a seasoned identity thief.
• In a current investigation done by the FBI, 30 percent of the victims admitted that they had been a victim of identity theft by a co-worker or a friend. In this case, be very wary of the people around you. Don’t just trust any bank documents to anyone else. Most of the suspects know the pattern and lifestyles of their victims
• Do not forget to get a copy of credit reports and statements. Get it from a reliable source like credit banking and bureaus.
• Choose out of the mailing list. The bank mailing list must come from the contacts of credit bureaus. As much as possible, call the bank registry office. This office can give an idea which mailing list is safe from identity theft.
• Never write down the security card number on the check. Many individuals can read it and can use it against the account. Do not also put the security card number in the wallet. It must be kept on a secured area for privacy.
• Another thing is, never print the bank account number on any documents, like for example a driver’s license.
• Delete any spam email messages that requires an account number. It can be a fraud strategy top get vital information from you. And also, stop other credit card offers from the internet. There are some hackers that can corrupt the bank notifications. Installing firewall and anti spyware software can also help. These softwares can protect the password of the computer and other personal data sheets.
Here's Just a "Sneak-Peak" At What You'll Uncover With The "Preventing Identity Theft" E-Book:
* All different types of identity theft to look out for.
* What you should do if you have fallen victim to identity theft yourself.
* The steps you need to take to recover your identity and line of credit!
* How to avoid the phishing scam.
* Suspicious emails to keep your eye on that could lead you down the road to identity theft.
* Telephone service fraud tips.
* How to avoid being the next victim of dumpster diving.
* What your liability is if you are the victim of identity theft.
* How to effectively protect your personal information.
* Atm skimming techniques that criminals use to look for!
* The key tips to apply to avoid identity theft.
* How to protect your credit card from the identity theft criminals.
* Avoiding check fraud.
* All the different methods of identity theft for you to be aware of!
* Actual identity theft cases to learn from.
* Excellent identity theft resources.
* Plus much MUCH More!
Go ahead and download your free "Identity Theft" app now!
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