During the early 70’s, often referred to as The Golden Years of Television Comedy, many television situation comedies, all written by Vince Powell and his late partner Harry Driver, appeared regularly in the top ten TV ratings and were watched by up to 16 million or more viewers – shows such as George & the Dragon, Never mind the Quality Feel the Width, Bless This House, Nearest & Dearest, For the Love of Ada and Spring & Autumn. Harry Driver had been struck down by polio at the start of their writing partnership and spent most of his life in a wheelchair. After his death in 1973 Vince carried on writing alone to write more successful TV programmes including Surprise Surprise, Blind Date, Mind Your Language, A Sharp Intake of Breath, Never the Twain and Young at Heart. During his long career Vince met, and became friends with many of the stars he worked with including Sid James, Arthur Lowe, Tommy Cooper, David Niven, Michael Aspel, Sir David Jason, Morecambe & Wise, Bruce Forsyth, Cilla Black, Sir Donald Sinden and Sir John Mills, all of whom you will meet within the pages of his autobiography.
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