一生要看的50部经典电影 (v. 1.0.0_19)
3GQA Dev Team опубликовал приложение 2012-08-20
在兼顾各层次观众口味的前提下,著名的电影鉴赏家们遴选了堪称经典的50部优秀电影,其中包括战争片、爱情片、科幻片、伦理片、悬疑片、动作片,等等。编者认为这些作品是电影史上权威的代表,它们或是在世界各大电影节上荣膺大奖;或是在知名电影杂志的“经典电影”评选中屡换殊荣;或是某一电影流派的巅峰之作;或是被各地狂热的影迷们世代推崇……总之,它们均是电影史上名留青史的、可经受住时间考验的、被资深电影人津津乐道的、能让每一代人从中获益的作品。 |
Copeland X-Ref (v. 1.1)
The SMS Group опубликовал приложение 2011-04-01
Instant mobile access to Emerson’s compressor cross-reference database. |
Escuela Sabática (v. 3.2.1)
Andy Olivares опубликовал приложение 2011-04-01
Aplicación que permite la lectura de la Escuela Sabática de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día. |
cucinadict (v. 1.0005)
R.Piola опубликовал приложение 2012-08-19
dizionario di termini di cucina, by http://cucina.piemonte.net |
P2/19 Philosophy Audiobook (v. 1.2)
Classic Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-08-19
Plato was born in Athens, Greece, in around 428 BC. The son of an influential family, Plato would probably have been expected to play a significant role in the politics of Athens in later life, but, as a pupil of Socrates, his interests became more philosophical. |
Сонник (демо версия) (v. 1.23)
Pretty Planet опубликовал приложение 2012-08-19
В данной программе Вы можете найти 7 самых популярных сонников: сонник по Фрейду, сонник Ванги, сонник Миллера, сонник Хассе, ассирийский сонник и другие. |
Israel Abrahams (v. 1.0)
Ming Shen опубликовал приложение 2012-08-19
The Book of Delight |
Horatio Alger, Jr (v. 1.0)
Ming Shen опубликовал приложение 2012-08-19
“Ragged Dick” was contributed as a serial story to the pages of the Schoolmate, a well-known juvenile magazine, during the year 1867. While in course of publication, it was received with so many evidences of favor that it has been rewritten and considerably enlarged, and is now presented to the public as the first volume of a series intended to illustrate the life and experiences of the friendless and vagrant children who are now numbered by thousands in New York and other cities. |
二十世纪西方文论 (v. 1.0)
Ming Shen опубликовал приложение 2012-08-19
二十世纪是一个动荡的时代,两次世界大战给人类带来了深重的灾难,高科技的发展,又使人们的生活日新月异。同样,二十世纪的世界文坛也不平静,各种各样的流派、思潮、运动相继登场,争先亮相。这些流派的形式、风格、创作技巧各有不同,但都以二十世纪现代美学、文学理论为其思想和理论基础。本书重点介绍了现象学、阐释学、存在主义以及“法兰克福学派” (西方马克思主义的代表学派)的美学及文学理论,系统、准确地评述了这些流派的基本观点和倾向,用浅显的语言阐释了深奥、晦涩的理论,为读者 更好地理解西方现代派文学及其作家、作品,提供了非常有益的帮助。 |
Siddur Israel (sfaradi) (v. 2.0)
Netanel Kalfa опубликовал приложение 2012-08-19
Israel Siddur application is a mobile arrangement comes with you everywhere. |