www.android-online.ru ПриложенияКниги и справочники

Лучшие по рейтингу бесплатные книги и справочники в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
711-720 из 6382
Иконка для 《明朝那些事儿》全七册典藏版 1.2

《明朝那些事儿》全七册典藏版 (v. 1.2)

野百合 опубликовал приложение 2012-01-26
(обновлено 2012-01-26)


Иконка для MyQuran Indonesia 1.2.3

MyQuran Indonesia (v. 1.2.3)

the WALi studio опубликовал приложение 2012-01-25
(обновлено 2012-01-25)

Ini adalah MyQuran versi (Free) Indonesia.
Dikhususkan untuk masyarakat Indonesia, baik yang didalam negeri maupun diluar negeri.
We Love Indonesia.

Dengan MyQuran ini, diharapkan pembaca menikmati membaca Al-Quran dengan mudah dan perasaan bahagia.
MyQuran ini sangat spesial karena adanya system achievement yang insyaAllah membuat pembaca termotivasi untuk lebih sering membaca Al-Quran dan juga bisa menjadi bahan renungan sesering apa kita membaca dan mencoba memahami isi Al-Quran.

Adapun fitur - fitur yang ada pada MyQuran ini yaitu :
1. Desain yang indah
Dengan desain yang indah dan menyejukkan mata, diharapkan pembaca nyaman berlama - lama membaca Al-Quran.

2. Tajwid berwarna
Tajwid berwarna diharapkan membantu pembaca dalam membaca Al-Quran dengan tajwid yang benar. Jika ada kesalahan dalam tajwid, harap segera hubungi kami.

3. Terjemahan berbagai bahasa
Banyak sekali bahasa yang kami sediakan dalam MyQuran ini. Pengguna dapat memilih bahasa yang diinginkan.

4. Transliterasi
Ini merupakan tulisan latin dari Al-Quran, untuk sementara belum mendukung logat Indonesia. Jadi disini masih menggunakan logat Inggris.

5. Achievement System
Memberikan penghargaan kepada pembaca agar termotivasi untuk lebih sering membaca Al-Quran.

6. Jadwal dan Tugas
Pengguna dapat menentukan jadwal kapan saja ingin membaca Al-Quran. Untuk Tugas, dapat membantu pengguna untuk mengkhatamkan Al-Quran maupun menghafal Al-Quran.

7. Bookmark
Pengguna dapat memberi tanda pada ayat tertentu yang dianggap penting untuk dibahas nantinya.

8. Ubah Status Facebook
Kirimkan ayat yang dipilih untuk mengubah status facebook anda. Sebarkan ayat - ayat Allah.

9. Audio
Pengguna selain dapat membaca Al-Quran, juga dapat mendengarkan Al-Quran dari Qari yang sudah kami sediakan. Untuk versi free dibatasi 10Mb bandwidth.

Jika menemukan kesalahan dalam penulisan, tajwid, dan sebagainya, dapat kirimkan email ke support@threeoffun.info

Sekali lagi, bagi yang menemukan kesalahan, harap hubungi kami lewat EMAIL : support@thewalistudio.com karena jika melalui COMMENT kami tidak bisa melakukan apapun.


Jazakallahu Khairan

Tags : Quran, Reciter, Audio, Indonesia, Asmaul Husna, Bookmarks, Facebook

Иконка для CFR - Title 25 1.0

CFR - Title 25 (v. 1.0)

BigTwit Software, LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-01-25
(обновлено 2012-01-25)

Title 25 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Indians, for DroidLaw.


DroidLaw Includes:

*Federal Rules of:
         - Civil Procedure
         - Evidence
         - Appellate Procedure
         - Criminal Procedure
         - Bankruptcy Procedure
         - U.S. Constitution

*Available purchase options:
         - State Codes / Laws
         - United States Code
         - United States Supreme Court case opinions
         - Code of Federal Regulations
         - Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP)

**** 2011 Federal Register and Uniform Commercial Code coming soon!

*Features include:
         - RSS Section for legal news/blogs
         - Keyword searching
         - Limit searching to specific chapters/titles
         - Bookmark and include your own notes
         - Save offline
         - Share content
         - Change font size
         - Move App to SDCard

**** Now compatible with Android Tablets!

**** Additional legal reference material available on the Android Market.  All purchased add-ons can be accessed through the center app drawer or by adding a shortcut on the DroidLaw Dashboard by long-pressing the screen.

Иконка для CFR - Title 11 1.0

CFR - Title 11 (v. 1.0)

BigTwit Software, LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-01-25
(обновлено 2012-01-25)

Title 11 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Federal Elections, for DroidLaw.


DroidLaw Includes:

*Federal Rules of:
         - Civil Procedure
         - Evidence
         - Appellate Procedure
         - Criminal Procedure
         - Bankruptcy Procedure
         - U.S. Constitution

*Available purchase options:
         - State Codes / Laws
         - United States Code
         - United States Supreme Court case opinions
         - Code of Federal Regulations
         - Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP)

**** 2011 Federal Register and Uniform Commercial Code coming soon!

*Features include:
         - RSS Section for legal news/blogs
         - Keyword searching
         - Limit searching to specific chapters/titles
         - Bookmark and include your own notes
         - Save offline
         - Share content
         - Change font size
         - Move App to SDCard

**** Now compatible with Android Tablets!

**** Additional legal reference material available on the Android Market.  All purchased add-ons can be accessed through the center app drawer or by adding a shortcut on the DroidLaw Dashboard by long-pressing the screen.

Иконка для Guidebook Initial

Guidebook (v. Initial)

MokWon AppCenter опубликовал приложение 2012-01-24
(обновлено 2012-01-24)

Guidebook for Small/Meduim Biz in DaeJeon Area.

Иконка для 盗墓笔记2 1.0

盗墓笔记2 (v. 1.0)

unetman опубликовал приложение 2012-01-23
(обновлено 2012-01-23)

五十年前,一群长沙土夫子(盗墓贼)挖到一部战国帛书,残篇中记载了一座奇特的战国古墓的位置,但那群土夫子在地下碰上了诡异事件,几乎全部身亡。五十年后,其中一个土夫子的孙子在先人笔记中发现了这个秘密,他和一批经验丰富的盗墓高手前去寻宝。但谁也没有想到,这个古墓中竟然有着这么多诡异的事物:七星疑棺、青眼狐尸、九头蛇柏……这神秘的墓主人到底是谁,他们到底能不能找到真正的棺椁?为什么墓中还有那么多谜团无法破解?后来发现的海底诡异船墓、秦岭上的万年神木以及崇山峻岭中的天宫雪墓与这座古墓又有着怎样的关系? 它们背后究竟隐藏着哪些千古之谜?够胆量就看《盗墓笔记》。

Иконка для E-nummerguiden 1.2

E-nummerguiden (v. 1.2)

Pugo опубликовал приложение 2012-01-23
(обновлено 2012-01-23)

This application is in swedish only and targeted for the swedish market.

E-nummerguiden is a reference application giving easy access to the food additives that are categorized as E-numbers. The app contains a complete list with all E-numbers and detailed information about individual additives. There are also information about which additives that are accepted by the swedish organisation KRAV.

Keywords: E-numbers, enumbers, additives, food

Иконка для UCSF MOBILE 1.0

UCSF MOBILE (v. 1.0)

UC San Francisco опубликовал приложение 2012-01-23
(обновлено 2012-01-23)

The UCSF Mobile App for Android gives you everything you need to stay connected, whether you’re out of the area or simply traveling between campus locations. With features like a shuttle trip planner, a UCSF personnel directory, fitness center information, and the latest news and events, you’ll never be out of touch with what’s happening at UCSF.


SHUTTLE INFORMATION: Free trip planner and navigation information for all of UCSF’s free shuttles.

DIRECTORY: On-the-go directory containing contact, title, department, and location information for UCSF faculty, staff, residents, fellows, and affiliates.

FITNESS: Easily find facility information, including event, class and program details, for UCSF fitness centers at Parnassus and Mission Bay.

MAPS: Location information for both Parnassus and Mission Bay are included in this interactive map feature.

LIBRARY: Hours, maps, directions, and other logistical information for UCSF libraries at Parnassus and Mission Bay are available.

EVENTS: A mobile version of our UCSF Events Calendar covers all campus happenings.

NEWS: A mobile subscription of all news and media coverage (regarding such areas as patient care, research discoveries, and education) is provided here by the UCSF News Office.

EMERGENCY: At all times, UCSF police and other emergency numbers are made available through this feature.

Иконка для Gladsaxe Public Libraries Version 1.

Gladsaxe Public Libraries (v. Version 1.)

Bridgeit опубликовал приложение 2012-01-23
(обновлено 2012-01-23)

With this app You have access to Gladsaxe Public Libraries on Your smartphone.

You can:
- search in the libraries database
- request and reserve materials
- get access to your personal information
- save titles as personal favorites
- share titles via Facebook, Twitter, SMS and email

Иконка для RUTCLA 121.1

RUTCLA (v. 121.1)

steve kim опубликовал приложение 2012-01-22
(обновлено 2012-01-22)

대한 예수교 장로회(예장개혁총회)의
세계 복음화. RUTC.렘넌트 를 위해 복음 전파 하시는
류 광수 목사 주일 메세지 입니다.
*모바일 앱
*주일 예배
(MP3 메세지 바로듣기)
*말씀요약 TEXT 보기
*비디오 영상 다운로드
  (WMV.MP4)동영상 다운로드
*MP3 다운로드
(개인을 위한 올바른 정보를 얻는 여부에 따라 인생성공이 달려있는 것 입니다)
(RUTC소개.메세지 자료실.집회와 훈련.교회찿기.기타등등)
*LA지역 신앙상담
(LA마가다락방 지교회.서울 임마누엘교회.대구마가다락방)
(LA마가다락방 지교회.서울 임마누엘교회.대구마가다락방)
(LA마가다락방 지교회.서울 임마누엘교회.대구마가다락방)
*업데이트 안내
매주 일요일오전 04시~06시 LA 시간에 업데이트 됩니다...
매주 금요일 20시~23시 LA 시간에 업데이트 됩니다...

한주간도 말씀을 잡고 승리 하시고
많은 분들께 복음전해 주시길 바랍니다...

Presbyterian Church of Jesus (evangelism), the General Assembly of the evangelization of the world. RUTC. Remnant Optical Flow for the evangelical minister a week your message. * Prayer Handbook (Korean. ENGLISH. 日本语. Русский. 中国 语. Espaol.Taiwan.) * Sunday Worship (MP3 message barodeutgi) * TEXT view word summary (Worship. The core service. Industrial Mission) video downloads ( Worship. the core service. Industry Missions) (WMV.MP4) * MP3 downloads video downloads (Worship. the core service. Industrial Mission) * Receive a message (to get the correct information for individuals, depending on whether you think life is a success depends ) * RUTC.COM (RUTC introduce a message. Library. meetings and training. chatgi church. and so on) * LA local religious counseling (LA Mark, a local church attic. Immanuel Church in Seoul. Daegu Obama attic) * Church Location (LA Mark, a local church attic. Seoul Immanuel Church. Daegu Obama attic) * Church find out how the top (navigation information) (LA Mark attic local church. Seoul Immanuel Church. Daegu Obama attic) * Update 1. Sunday message every Sunday 4:00 a.m. to 6:00 LA time is updated ... 2. Industrial Mission. Core. 20:00 to 23:00 every Friday will be updated on the LA Times ... Not believe for one week and said holding the winning gospel to many people please tell ...

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