www.android-online.ru ПриложенияКниги и справочники

Лучшие по рейтингу бесплатные книги и справочники в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
2661-2670 из 6382
Иконка для Bible Versinator 1

Bible Versinator (v. 1)

Scott Jordan опубликовал приложение 2011-12-21
(обновлено 2011-12-21)

A fun quick reference to contradictory Bible verses. This app lets you choose a topic, choose your stance on that topic, then gives you the Bible Verse which supports your opinion! No matter what your view on a subject, you'll get the verse to fit your argument! A must have whether you're an Atheist or self-righteous Christian. This first version covers inconsistencies and contradictions concerning Adultery, Belief, Childbearing, Circumcision, Divorce, Happiness, Honoring Parents, Incest, Judging Others, Killing, Laws of Man, Lying, Materialism, Money, Non-Believers, Oaths, Pleasing Others, Pride, Public Prayer, Revenge, Stealing, Wealth, Wisdom, Women in Church, and Wrath.

Иконка для Funny Sex Quotes 1.5

Funny Sex Quotes (v. 1.5)

br apps опубликовал приложение 2011-12-21
(обновлено 2011-12-21)

Funny quotes about sex from a huge collection of authors.

"I consider sex a misdemeanor, the more I miss, de meaner I get.
-Mae West"
"If sex is such a natural phenomenon, how come there are so many books on how to do it?
-Bette Midler"

Sharing Quotes (Facebook,Twitter,Text, Email ect...)

Иконка для Italian Translator 1.4

Italian Translator (v. 1.4)

Pleng Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-12-21
(обновлено 2013-12-20)

English Italian Italian English Translator and Dictionary

* Simple and intuitive interface
* Translates sentences and words
* Reads loudly after translation
* Voice recognition
* send as SMS or email  (tab on translation to active it)

Interent access is required.

Please email me if something doesn't work as you would expect or you find any other problem or want to improve things.

Иконка для Free Dict: Latin English 1.9.1

Free Dict: Latin English (v. 1.9.1)

BitKnights Ltd опубликовал приложение 2011-12-21
(обновлено 2011-12-21)

Free Dict: Latin English is a fast OFFLINE dictionary. Database is downloaded on first use. Will sit on the SD card
This is the FREE, ad version of the Easy Dict: Italian English dictionary. To remove ads please buy Easy Dict: Italian English!
- Voice pronunciation (1.6+)
- 100,000+ translation pairs
- Scrolling through the whole dictionary
- Quick search while typing (accentuation independent)
- Detailed view with PHRASES tapping on the words
- Word-tap: you can tap on any word in the detailed view, to find its translations - available only in FULL VERSION
- Search integration (1.6+)
- Google translate integration
- Recents and Favorites
- Color schemes

Иконка для IDIVIDI Речник 1.0

IDIVIDI Речник (v. 1.0)

Makedonski Telekom AD Skopje опубликовал приложение 2011-12-20
(обновлено 2011-12-20)

IDIVIDI Dictionary provides you multilanguage two-way dictionaries, as well as lexicon of foreign word and their Macedonian interpretation. At the moment several languages are available (with Macedonian translation): English (~580.000 words), Albanian (~60.000 words), French (~40.000 words), German (~80.000 words) and Greek (~17.000 words).
IDIVIDI Dictionary can also be used through web site www.idividi.mk.

IDIVIDI речник е апликација која Ви обезбедува повеќејазичен двонасочен речник како и лексикон на странски зборови и нивно македонско толкување. Достапни се следните јазици со фонд на зборови кој континуирано се зголемува: англиски, француски, германски, грчки, албански (сите двонасочни кон македонски јазик).
IDIVIDI речникот можете да го користите и преку веб сајтот www.idividi.mk.
Оваа апликација е сопственост на Македонски Телеком АД - Скопје.

IDIVIDI recnik (rechnik) e aplikacija koja Vi obezbeduva povekjejazichen dvonasochen rechnik kako i leksikon na stranski zborovi i nivno makedonsko tolkuvanje. Dostapni se slednite jazici so fond na zborovi koj kontinuirano se zgolemuva: angliski, francuski, germanski, grchki, albanski (site dvonasochni kon makedonski jazik).
IDIVIDI rechnikot mozhete da go koristite i preku veb sajtot www.idividi.mk.
Ovaa aplikacija e sopstvenost na Makedonski Telekom AD - Skopje.

Иконка для No Way Out 2.0

No Way Out (v. 2.0)

Books to Go Now опубликовал приложение 2011-12-19
(обновлено 2011-12-19)

Sample Chapter for the exciting new romance:
No Way Out:

Trouble begins when Anne Shaw, a major department store buyer, is caught in a tangle of intrigue.  Max DeLuca, a U.S. government agent intervenes when she sees his partner die violently at the hands of a corrupt Mexican official.  From that minute on, Max and Anne run for their lives, and the trouble doesn’t stop there.

This book is available on Books to Go Now, Barnes and Noble, and Amazon.

No Way Out

Kathie Hayes/Ed Hayes
Genre: Romance/Adventure
Word Count: 36,429
Price: 5.99

Mexico City

Damn! They were compromised.  The tall, dark haired man holstered his pistol securely against his spine as he stepped out of the alley into the agitated crowd, and pretended to be one of the alarmed gawkers, watching for a sign of his partner, Dave.  He walked close to rusty corrugated metal walls of the warehouse staying out of the way of the textile workers stampeding the door.  Blood.  He followed the trail.  His shoulders jostled against the onslaught of harried bodies.  He slipped into a dark corridor framed by shipping containers. The gruesome blood trail was easy to follow.

Max DeLuca strained forward from the shadows to hear Dave’s words.  He watched a well-dressed blond woman kick at the soldiers restraining her.  The warehouse closed in on Max as more troops filed in for orders from their commander. To avoid detection from the Federales, Max slumped back into the deep shadows while edging closer.  He rounded a corner and started down an aisle until he was right behind the woman.

The commotion ahead alerted him to the Federales yanking Dave off the floor.  Dave’s body slumped between two thugs as if he was hung on a cross.  His head lolled forward.  Dave looked up into the blond woman’s eyes.  “All things big are small too.”  He smiled.

“What?” she yelled back, looking confused and scared.

Dave spotted Max.  “Max, all are the same.”  

And then he died.  

The greasy man in charge spat on the floor and swore, and indicated to his men to drop the body and start searching him.  

“What does that mean?” asked the head Federale in Spanish.

Hysterically, she replied, “I don’t know what you’re saying.”  After the Federale repeated in English, “I don’t know this man.  I’m just a buyer for Nordstrom.”

Иконка для Forgiveness Quotes 1.3

Forgiveness Quotes (v. 1.3)

br apps опубликовал приложение 2011-12-19
(обновлено 2011-12-19)

A collection of wise quotes about forgiveness.
"Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them so much."
-Oscar Wilde

Custom Facebook sharing
Sharing Quotes (Twitter,Text, Email ect...)

Иконка для PeriodicTable 1.3

PeriodicTable (v. 1.3)

PMLDesign опубликовал приложение 2011-12-19
(обновлено 2013-12-16)

This is a periodic table of chemistry elements. Touch twice an element to get more information. It allows you to find full information of an element from web. Also, you can search an element by name.

Иконка для 李白诗选 1.1

李白诗选 (v. 1.1)

互动百科 опубликовал приложение 2011-12-18
(обновлено 2011-12-18)




小百科是全球最大中文百科网站——互动百科提供的百科开放平台,每个小百科将拥有一个二级域名:××.baike.com,由各领域行家提供知识介绍及解决问题的方法; 您也可以申请。




Иконка для Royalty (Ads) 1.0.1

Royalty (Ads) (v. 1.0.1)

Stephen Willey опубликовал приложение 2011-12-17
(обновлено 2011-12-17)

Details the kings and queens of England and then the British monarchy from 1066 - Present

The list can be viewed either by year, or by royal household.  Each monarch is presented as a fact-file, a picture and a biography.

Info from Wikipedia.

Ad support.  To get rid of the ads, purchase the premium version.

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