こころ(夏目漱石) (v. 1.0)
愛読書 опубликовал приложение 2012-08-26
夏目漱石の「こころ」の電子書籍アプリです。 |
黄河鬼棺 第一部 镇河印 (v. 1.0)
Ming Shen опубликовал приложение 2012-08-25
黄河村落晦涩的儿歌,河底石台中的透明人影,千年前的铁链,到底想捆住什么东西,死去的神秘老人,到底在河底看到什么?一切谜团的答案,尽在黄河鬼棺之中…… 故事讲述的是一个离奇的让人无法相信的故事,一个生意并不如意的古董商人,偶然间被牵扯进了一件发生在黄河清淤工程中的诡异事件当中,凡是经历这个事件的人一个接着一个毫无预兆的死去,他自己也逐渐感觉到了死亡的一步步临近。然而死因却依然扑朔迷离,在他锲而不舍的努力下,一个个谜团被抽丝剥茧,终于露出了隐藏在黄河的淤泥下面恐怖秘密……黄河村落晦涩的儿歌,河底石台中的透明人影,千年前的铁链,到底想捆住什么东西,死去的神秘老人,到底在河底看到什么?一切谜团的答案,尽在黄河鬼棺之中…… |
Livro do Guerreiro (v. 0.15.13111)
Daniel Wander опубликовал приложение 2012-08-20
O ferro é gerado na terra e, na forja com o fogo, em aço é transformado, através da purificação. Assim é o homem, do pó fora gerado, e o seu EU é forjado no fogo de sua vida, para que sua alma seja purificada. |
中国帝王后宫私生活之谜全纪录 (v. 1.0.0_19)
3GQA Dev Team опубликовал приложение 2012-08-18
我们在这里洞开中国封建帝王的后宫别院,涤扫尘封千年的皇家秘史,其目的不仅是回溯华夏数千载的历史,也不尽然是揭示皇权喋血的残酷无情,更没有玩味帝王将相的香艳情事之“雅趣”,只是期许撕开中国帝王鲜为人知的“私生活”的面纱,为中国历史平添一份真实、一份公允。 |
正说清朝十二帝 (v. 1.0.0_19)
3GQA Dev Team опубликовал приложение 2012-08-18
“历史是镜子,历史也是艺术。它可以借鉴,更可以欣赏。”讲起历史,阎老师就像是说故事。做了三年多的央视《百家讲坛》栏目制片人,接触的专家学者近千位,能把学问当评书讲的,能把历史当故事说的,阎老师是第一人。 |
Free From School (v. 1.0)
Ming Shen опубликовал приложение 2012-08-18
A journal of how Rahul Alvares was educated outside of the traditional school system. It's not every day that a 16 year old writes a book. In fact, girls and boys of that age are supposed to spend their time studying what other people write. It is presumed that at that age they do not themselves have anything significant or interesting to say. And the education system guarantees just that. The best rewards go to those who can parrot set answers to set questions in examination halls. Those who try to use their imagination or reply differently are often punished with low grades. Rahul Alvares did not set out to write a book. Under the encouragement of his parents, he consciously set out to try his hand at learning things outside the school framework and you might say as a result, Free From School actually came looking for him! |
Bridge Types Handbook (v. 1.0.0)
Marvin Huang опубликовал приложение 2012-08-16
The first bridges were made by nature itself — as simple as a log fallen across a stream or stones in the river. The first bridges made by humans were probably spans of cut wooden logs or planks and eventually stones, using a simple support and crossbeam arrangement. Some early Americans used trees or bamboo poles to cross small caverns or wells to get from one place to another. A common form of lashing sticks, logs, and deciduous branches together involved the use of long reeds or other harvested fibers woven together to form a connective rope capable of binding and holding together the materials used in early bridges. |
脑筋急转弯 (v. 2.0.0)
新.愿 опубликовал приложение 2012-08-14
脑筋急转弯是一种大众化的文字游戏,也有人称之为“脑筋急转秀”。这种文字游戏有个明显的特点,题面很普通,但答案十分气人,一经破,令人喷饭。像早几年就有的“读完‘北京大学’要多长时间?”(答案是不足一秒)、“动物园里只比大象鼻子短的动物是什么?”(答案是“小象”),都令人叫绝。 |
Mon aquarium (v. 2.2)
appsbar kathyt опубликовал приложение 2012-08-14
C'est juste un test pour comprendre le fonctionnement de cet outil et ce qu'on peut en attendre |
Die Göttliche Komödie (v. 1.0)
Ming Shen опубликовал приложение 2012-08-13
Durante degli Alighieri (May/June c.1265 – September 14, 1321), commonly known as Dante, was a major Italian poet of the Middle Ages. His Divine Comedy, originally called Commedia and later called Divina by Boccaccio, is considered the greatest literary work composed in the Italian language and a masterpiece of world literature. |