龙凤宝钗缘 (v. 1.43)
hui.seraph опубликовал приложение 2011-12-25
本书为梁羽生武侠小说《龙凤宝钗缘》。 |
Lichen Guide (v. 2.0.1)
Michael Hicks опубликовал приложение 2011-12-25
A field guide to some of the common lichens of the Pacific Northwest. Based on surveys conducted at the Evergreen State College, April, 2011. |
Conftron Conference Scheduler (v. 4.0.5)
Ben Von Handorf опубликовал приложение 2011-12-24
Conftron is a conference information application for multiple midwest technical gatherings. Tired of finding a different app for every conference you go to? Tired of finding some of them don't have the features you want? Tired of finding your nice Android tablet winds up acting like a gigantic phone with most of them? |
修真种植大户 (v. 2.0.02)
http://apk.zuikong.com опубликовал приложение 2011-12-24
黄皓在网上买了一块开光宝玉,偶然中发现浸泡过开光宝玉的水,浇灌在盆栽灵芝上,盆栽灵芝居然变成了千年灵芝。将它浇灌在普通黄精上,黄精居然变成了千年黄精…… |
浣花洗剑录 (v. 1.43)
hui.seraph опубликовал приложение 2011-12-24
《浣花洗剑录》为古龙中期重要作品,是古龙武侠小说的一个里程碑,代表着他武侠创作的成熟期,本书特别向“宫本武藏”等日本时代小说取经,探索武道,另辟武侠蹊径。《浣花洗剑录》与《大旗英雄传》、《武林外史》、《绝代双骄》堪称古龙中期“四大名著”. |
ATPE Summit (v. 1.8.3)
Core-apps опубликовал приложение 2011-12-23
The Association of Texas Professional Educators is the preeminent educator association in Texas and makes a positive difference in the lives of educators and in the lives of schoolchildren. As professionals, our members are committed to supporting quality public education and the professional rights and obligations of the education community. Working in partnership with parents, business, community and government, ATPE provides the programs and services that enable educators and schoolchildren to achieve their highest potential. |
阳神 (v. 2.0.02)
apk.zuikong.com mobile apps опубликовал приложение 2011-12-23
世间是一个大苦海。 |
Out of the Best Books (v. 2.9)
Notice Software LLC опубликовал приложение 2011-12-22
An inspiring daily quote or poem from some of the best books and authors, both fiction and nonfiction. |
连城诀 (v. 1.43)
hui.seraph опубликовал приложение 2011-12-21
《连城诀》,长篇武侠小说,当代著名作家金庸著。《连城诀》描述了农家子弟狄云因为生性质朴,屡被冤枉欺骗,在历经磨难之后,终于看穿人世险恶,回归自然的故事。此书语言质朴生动,情节紧凑,故事感人,全书充满了一股悲愤之气,读来令人如鲠在喉。可说是金庸作品中的奇特之作。 |
官场小说《官神》 (v. 1.2)
kid опубликовал приложение 2011-12-21
为官者达到举重若轻、点石成金、出神入化的境界,是为官神。 |