eBooks or Electronic books are self-contained "executable" files of HTML. This HTML may be a web site you’ve created or HTML you’ve specifically prepared to be compiled into a downloadable .exe file for distribution. When downloaded, this file will self install on your client’s desktop.
eBooks are very similar to normal physical books in the sense that they are rich in content. They are a huge resource for information. Anything you can put in a physical book, you can put in an eBook. If your site is about tropical birds, why not write a tropical bird guide. If your site is about web design, you could write a beginner’s web tutorial.
An eBook basically is a packaged offline web site that allows authors a great deal of flexibility in presentation of content. eBooks can be downloaded from your website and stored and read offline at any time. eBooks come with user friendly navigation tools that lets the reader skip to any page or search for any keyword in the eBook.
eBooks can be completely interactive with the Internet and can contain live links,graphics, forms, JavaScript, embedded video, audio, animation and more. Hyperlinks and internal search engines enhance navigation, allowing the reader to find items of interest quickly and easily. eBooks combine the functionality and purpose of physical books along with complex software.
eBooks will play a very important role in Internet Marketing over the next few years, no matter what the product or service offered by a company is. How can your business benefit from the eBook direction especially in terms of Internet Marketing? Read on to find out.