DODMilitaryTermsDictionary (v. 1.0)
Разработано Bob Ibanez
The Department of Defense Dictionary
of Military and Associated Terms (short
title: Joint Pub 1-02 or JP 1-02) sets forth
standard US military and associated
terminology to encompass the joint activity
of the Armed Forces of the United States in
both US joint and allied joint operations, as
well as to encompass the Department of
Defense (DOD) as a whole. These military
and associated terms, together with their
definitions, constitute approved DOD
terminology for general use by all components
of the Department of Defense. The Secretary
of Defense, by DOD Directive 5025.12, 23
August 1989, Standardization of Military and
Associated Terminology, has directed the use
of JP 1-02 throughout the Department of
Defense to ensure standardization of military
and associated terminology.
This book is over 600 pages in length.