"The Berenstain Bears Love Their Neighbors" is now available as an omBook for your Android device.
★ "I wholeheartedly recommend the Berenstain Bears e-book apps" - CNET
★ "Even adults will be charmed by this story" - Kids Apps Mobi
★ "This app will educate and entertain kids of all ages" - PadGadget
★ "Will educate and entertain kids and inspire and delight their parents" - Geekasms
★ "Interactive in a way that enhances early reading skills" - Digital Storytime
"Love your neighbor as yourself."
"And who is my neighbor?"
—Luke 10:27-29
Most of the Berenstain Bears’ neighbors are like the Bear family. They keep their homes neat and clean. Except for the Bogg Brothers who live in a run-down shack. Then The Bears' children learn that being a good neighbor takes more than keeping a nice home.
New features only available in this interactive omBook for your Android device include professional narration, background audio and enlarged artwork for each scene. To promote reading in young children, individual words are highlighted as the story is read and words zoom up when pictures are touched. By combining the original text and artwork with features that entertain and promote reading, this omBook appeals to readers of all ages.
Three ways to read this omBook (Oceanhouse Media digital book):
★ "Read to Me" — listen to the narrated story with words highlighted as they are read
★ "Read it Myself" — read the book in its traditional form
★ "Auto Play" — plays like a movie, automatically reading and turning pages. Great for younger children!
Additional Features:
★ Picture / Word association — words zoom up and are spoken when pictures are touched
★ Professional audio narration
★ Custom background audio for each scene
★ Pages pan & zoom to accentuate the beautiful, original art of the Berenstains
Additional The Berenstain Bears apps are available!
See the full catalog at: www.oceanhousemedia.com/berenstain
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Part of the Living Lights series. Living Lights Berenstain Bear books help children learn how God wants them to live every day.
Official Zondervan licensed app: www.zonderkidz.com