"I have invited you, ladies and gentlemen, in order to inform you prenepriyatnoe news: we went to the auditor," - these words from the comedy of Nikolai Gogol familiar to all. "Inspector" - one of the most famous plays, remained popular in the XIX century to the present day. Slim, but at the same time simple and understandable to everyone humor makes it attractive to different people, regardless of sex or age. The play always goes to the theater, Gogol's hero was played by a generation of talented artists. Work on the play Gogol began in autumn 1835. Traditionally, the plot was suggested to him by Alexander Pushkin. Is confirmed by the Russian writer Vladimir memories Sologub: "Pushkin and Gogol met and told him about the case, the former in the province of Novgorod Ustyuzhna about a road master, impersonation official of the Ministry and robbing all the city's inhabitants."