www.android-online.ru ПриложенияКниги и справочники

Новые книги и справочники в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
7031-7040 из 13647
Иконка для The Histor... (本 ebook 书/Free) 1.0

The Histor... (本 ebook 书/Free) (v. 1.0)

Sty'll fish co., ltd опубликовал приложение 2011-09-12
(обновлено 2011-09-12)

"T978177545000#free,novel,classics,bestseller,Magazine,ebooks,ebook,digital books,digital book,books,book,the books,the book,novels,免费,小说,文学,武侠,言情,爱情,杂志,书,無料,小説,文庫,ライトノベルス,ラノベ,ノンフィクション,おすすめ,話題,最新,人気,メジャー,有名,ランキング,名作,ヒット,ベストセラー,雑誌,電子書籍,書籍,本

「The History of Henry Esmond: A Colonel in the Service of Her Majesty Queen Anne (Free)」
Can't get enough historical fiction? Immerse yourself in this imaginative retelling of the events that led up to and followed the restoration of the British monarchy in the late seventeenth century. Thackeray's sweeping epic encompasses a huge cast of fascinating historical characters, but focuses on the perspective of Henry Esmond, a military officer serving in Queen Anne's personal militia."

Иконка для Herbert Museum Mobile Guide 1.1

Herbert Museum Mobile Guide (v. 1.1)

Slam Productions Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-09-12
(обновлено 2011-09-12)

The Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Coventry, England UK. Mobile Guide App
Find out about The Herbert, use the app when visiting The Herbert to find extra information about objects and use it as your personal tour guide.

Иконка для 생체기능조절물질개발사업단(CBM) 1.1

생체기능조절물질개발사업단(CBM) (v. 1.1)

PLANI опубликовал приложение 2011-09-12
(обновлено 2011-09-12)

  기술이전가능한 독창적 신약후보물질개발과 선진형 신약플랫폼기술 및
  신기술 개발 확보를 통한 신약개발 경쟁력 향상.
  본 사업에서는 유전자치료, 백신 등과 같은 생물학적치료법과
  차별화하여 합성신약을 대상으로한 의약품개발을 중심으로 기존의
  전통적 의약개발에서 탈피하여 새로이 부각되고 있는 유전체연구,
  단백체연구, Bio & Chemo-informatics 등 생명공학기술에 바탕을
  둔 독창적 신의약개발을 핵심전략으로 채택하고 있으며 국내에서
  추진되고 있는 관련 생명공학연구성과를 최대한 흡수, 활용하여
  신의약개발 연구의 씨앗으로 활용하도록 하며 신의약개발에 병목이
  되어 왔던 Pharmacokinetic과 Toxicokinetic 분야를 유전정보와
  접목한 Pharmaco-genomics, Toxico-genomics 기술을 통하여 해결
  하며 이미 확보된 화합물은행 및 초고속 약효검색기술(HTS)을 확대,
  활용하는 추진전략에 의해 새로운 차원의 신의약개발의 성공가능성을
  극대화할 것이다.

Иконка для Works of Plutarch 12.3

Works of Plutarch (v. 12.3)

MobileReference опубликовал приложение 2011-09-12
(обновлено 2011-09-12)

Table of Contents:

Essays and Miscellanies
The Lives of the noble Grecians and Romans, Volume I Translated by Aubrey Stewart
The Lives of the noble Grecians and Romans, Volume II Translated by Aubrey Stewart
The Lives of the noble Grecians and Romans, Volume III Translated by Aubrey Stewart
Morals Translated by Arthur Richard Shilleto

Plutarch Biography

Иконка для ICH e-Learning 1.4

ICH e-Learning (v. 1.4)

ToMobile опубликовал приложение 2011-09-12
(обновлено 2013-07-04)

Aplicación móvil que permite a los alumnos de ICH de e-learning acceder a sus cursos. Una vez identificado, el alumno podrá consultar al tutor, contactar con sus codiscipulos, evaluarse, gestionar sus datos o ver su situación global (o itinerario) dentro del curso.

La aplicación es gratuita pero requiere ser alumno de ICH para acceder a la información utilizando sus claves de acceso. Para ello se encuentran dentro de la aplicación tres maneras distintas de hacerlo: vía web, vía telefónica o vía correo electrónico.

Иконка для Works of Frances H. Burnett 12.1

Works of Frances H. Burnett (v. 12.1)

MobileReference опубликовал приложение 2011-09-12
(обновлено 2011-09-12)

This collection was designed for optimal navigation on Android phones. It is indexed alphabetically and by category, making it easier to access individual books and stories. This collection offers lower price, the convenience of a one-time download, and it reduces the clutter in your digital library. All books included in this collection feature a hyperlinked table of contents. The collection is complimented by an author biography and illustrations.

Table of Contents

A Mummer's Tale (1921)
Balthasar and Other Works (1909):
- The Cure's Mignonette
- M. Pigeonneau
- The Daughter of Lilith
- Laeta Acilia
- A Note on a Point of Exegesis
- The Red Egg
Child Life In Town And Country (1909)
Honey-Bee (1911) (Illustrated)
Penguin Island (1908)
Thais (1890)
The Aspirations of Jean Servien
The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard (1881)
The Gods are Athirst (1912)
The Merrie Tales Of Jacques Tournebroche (1909)
The Queen Pedauque (1893)
The Red Lily (1894)
The Well of Saint Clare (1909)
The Revolt of the Angels (1914)

The Life of Joan of Arc, Volume 1 (1908) (Illustrated)
The Life of Joan of Arc, Volume 2 (1908) (Illustrated)
Short Stories:
The Mass of Shadows (1921)
Marguerite (1921) (Illustrated)
The Miracle Of The Great St. Nicolas (1920)
The Seven Wives Of Bluebeard (1920)
Putois (1907)
The Story Of The Duchess Of Cicogne And Of Monsieur De Boulingrin

Иконка для Android Developer Guide 2 Free 1.25

Android Developer Guide 2 Free (v. 1.25)

DSG опубликовал приложение 2011-09-12
(обновлено 2011-09-12)

Android Developer Guide 2 Free

Иконка для Works of Winston S. Churchill 12.1

Works of Winston S. Churchill (v. 12.1)

MobileReference опубликовал приложение 2011-09-12
(обновлено 2011-09-12)

Table of Contents:

List of Works by Title and Genre
List of Works in Alphabetical Order
List of Works in Chronological Order
Sir Winston S. Churchill Biography

Non-fiction ::Poems :: Speeches :: Letters :: Newspaper Articles


The Story of the Malakand Field Force: An Episode of Frontier War
The River War: An Account of the Reconquest of the Sudan
London to Ladysmith via Pretoria
Liberalism and the Social Problem


The Influenza, written at the age of 15


Churchill's First Radio Address as Prime Minister (10 May 1940)
Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat (13 May 1940)
We shall fight on the beaches (4 June 1940)
Their Finest Hour (18 June 1940)
The Few (20 August 1940)
Never Give In, Never, Never, Never (29 October 1941)
The Price of Greatness is Responsibility (6 September 1943)
Winston Churchill announces the Surrender of Germany (8 May 1945)
Sinews of Peace (5 March 1946)
We must build a kind of United States of Europe (19 September 1946)
Reply upon his award of Honorary Citizenship (9 April 1963)


"Gas against uncivilized tribes" memo (12 May 1919)
Letter to Cecil Rhodes (12 July 1900)

Newspaper Articles

Mr. Winston Churchill's Capture, June 3, 1900, The New York Times
How Lieut. Churchill Escaped From Boers, December 13, 1900, The New York Times
Zionism versus Bolshevism, February 8, 1920, Illustrated Sunday Herald

Иконка для Works of Alexander Pope 12.3

Works of Alexander Pope (v. 12.3)

MobileReference опубликовал приложение 2011-09-12
(обновлено 2011-09-12)

This collection was designed for optimal navigation on Android phones. All books included in this collection feature a hyperlinked table of contents and footnotes. The collection is complimented by an author biography.

Table of Contents

Alexander Pope Biography
About and Navigation

An Essay on Criticism
An Essay on Man
The Iliad (as Translator)
Memoir of Fr. Vincent De Paul; Religious of La Trappe (as Translator)
The Odyssey (as Translator)
The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope, Volume 1
The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope, Volume 2

Иконка для Works of William Butler Yeats 12.1

Works of William Butler Yeats (v. 12.1)

MobileReference опубликовал приложение 2011-09-12
(обновлено 2011-09-12)

This collection was designed for optimal navigation on Android phones. This collection offers lower price, the convenience of a one-time download, and it reduces the clutter in your digital library. All books included in this collection feature a hyperlinked table of contents and footnotes. The collection is complimented by an author biography.

Table of Contents:

Fiction :: Non-Fiction :: Plays :: Short Stories :: Poetry

The Celtic Twilight

Four Years

Cathleen Ni Houlihan
The Countess Cathleen
The Hour Glass
The Land of Heart's Desire
The Unicorn from the Stars

Short Stories
The Crucifixion of the Outcast
The Curse of the Fires and of the Shadows
The Heart of the Spring
Of Costello the Proud
The Old Men of the Twilight
Out of the Rose
Rosa Alchemica
Stories of Red Hanrahan
Synge and The Ireland of His Time
Where There is Nothing, There is God

Against Unworthy Praise
The Arrow
Baile and Aillinn
The Black Tower
Broken Dreams
The Dolls
Easter, 1916
Ego Dominus Tuus
The Everlasting Voices
The Fiddler of Dooney
The Fish
The Harp of Aengus
Her Praise
He Wishes For the Clothes of Heaven
The Host of the Air
The Hosting of The Sidhe
In the Seven Woods
An Irish Airman Foresees his Death
King and No King
The Lake Isle of Innisfree
Lapis Lazuli
Leda and the Swan
Love and Death
The Lover Tells of the Rose in his Heart
Mad as the Mist and Snow
The Mask
The Moods
No Second Troy
O Do Not Love Too Long
The Old Age of Queen Maeve
A Prayer for my Daughter
The Rose of the World
The Rose Tree
Sailing to Byzantium
The Second Coming
The Secret Rose
The Seven Sages
The Shadowy Waters
The Song of the Happy Shepherd
The Stolen Child
Swift's Epitaph
Those Dancing Days Are Gone
The Three Beggars
The Tower
To A Young Beauty
To A Young Girl
To The Rose Upon The Rood of Time
Towards Break of Day
The Two Trees
What Was Lost
The Wheel
When You Are Old
The Wild Swans at Coole
The Wisdom of The King

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