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Иконка для Works of Zane Grey 12.2

Works of Zane Grey (v. 12.2)

MobileReference опубликовал приложение 2011-09-14
(обновлено 2011-09-14)

This collection was designed for optimal navigation on Kindle and other electronic devices. It is indexed alphabetically, chronologically and by category, making it easier to access individual books, stories and poems. This collection offers lower price, the convenience of a one-time download, and it reduces the clutter in your digital library. All books included in this collection feature a hyperlinked table of contents and footnotes. The collection is complimented by an author biography.

Table of Contents
List of Works in Alphabetical Order
List of Works in Chronological Order
Zane Grey Biography

Betty Zane
The Border Legion
The Call of the Canyon
The Day of the Beast
Desert Gold
The Desert of Wheat
The Hash-knife Outfit
The Heritage of the Desert
The Last of the Plainsmen
The Last Trail
Light of the Western Stars
The Lone Star Ranger
The Man of the Forest
The Mysterious Rider
The Rainbow Trail
Riders of the Purple Sage
The Rustlers of Pecos County
The Shortstop
The Spirit of the Border
Tales of Lonely Trails
To The Last Man
The U.P. Trail
Valley of Wild Horses
The Young Forester
The Young Lion Hunter
The Young Pitcher

Short Stories:
The Redheaded Outfield and Other Baseball Stories:
The Redheaded Outfield
The Rube
The Rube's Pennant
The Rube's Honeymoon
The Rube's Waterloo
Breaking into Fast Company
The Knocker
The Winning Ball
False Colors
The Manager of Madden's Hill
Old Well-Well

Selected Short Works:
Amber's Mirage
Bernardo's Revenge
California Red
The Camp Robber
Death Valley
The Great Slave
Lure of the River
A Missouri Schoolmarm
Monty Price's Nightingale
Nonnezoshe, the Rainbow Bridge
The Ranger

Иконка для Works of John Galsworthy 12.1

Works of John Galsworthy (v. 12.1)

MobileReference опубликовал приложение 2011-09-14
(обновлено 2011-09-14)

This collection was designed for optimal navigation on Android phones. It is indexed alphabetically, chronologically and by category, making it easier to access individual books, stories and poems. This collection offers lower price, the convenience of a one-time download, and it reduces the clutter in your digital library. All books included in this collection feature a hyperlinked table of contents and footnotes. The collection is complimented by an author biography.

Table of Contents

List of Works by Genre & Title
List of Works in Alphabetical Order
List of Works in Chronological Order
John Galsworthy Biography

Novels & Stories :: Plays :: Non-Fiction

Novels & Stories
The Burning Spear
The Country House
The Dark Flower
Five Tales (The First and Last, A Stoic, The Apple Tree, The Juryman, Indian Summer of a Forsyte)
The Forsyte Saga
The Freelands
The Island Pharisees
The Patrician
Saint's Progress
Villa Rubein and Other Stories (Villa Rubein, A Man Of Devon, A Knight, Salvation of a Forsyte, The Silence)

A Bit O' Love
The Eldest Son
A Family Man
The First and Last
The Foundations
Four Short Plays
The Fugitive
The Little Dream
The Little Man
The Mob
The Pigeon
Punch and Go
The Silver Box
The Skin Game
The Sun


Concerning Life, Part 1.
The Inn Of Tranquillity
Magpie Over The Hill
Riding In Mist
The Procession
A Christian
Wind In The Rocks
My Distant Relative
The Black Godmother

Concerning Life, Part 2.
The Grand Jury
That Old-Time Place

Concerning Letters
A Novelist's Allegory
Some Platitudes Concerning Drama
Meditation On Finality
Reflections On Our Dislike Of Things As They Are
The Windlestraw

Censorship And Art
About Censorship
Vague Thoughts On Art

Иконка для Works of Henry Fielding 12.1

Works of Henry Fielding (v. 12.1)

MobileReference опубликовал приложение 2011-09-14
(обновлено 2011-09-14)

Table of Contents

Amelia 1751
The Author's Farce play, 1730
The Covent Garden Tragedy play, 1732
An Essay on Conversation
Familiar Letter
History of Tom Jones, a foundling 1749
The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and his Friend, Mr. Abraham Abrams , Volume 1 novel, 1742
The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and his Friend, Mr. Abraham Abrams , Volume 2 novel, 1742
A Journey from this World to the Next 1749
Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon 1753
The Life of the Late Mr Jonathan Wild the Great novel, 1743
Pasquin play, 1736
Tragedy of Tragedies; Or, the Life and Death ofTom Thumb the Great play, 1731
True Patriot

Henry Fielding Biography

Иконка для Works of Nikolai Gogol 12.1

Works of Nikolai Gogol (v. 12.1)

MobileReference опубликовал приложение 2011-09-14
(обновлено 2011-09-14)

This collection was designed for optimal navigation on Android phones. It is indexed alphabetically, chronologically and by category, making it easier to access individual books, stories and poems. This collection offers lower price, the convenience of a one-time download, and it reduces the clutter in your digital library. All books included in this collection feature a hyperlinked table of contents and footnotes. The collection is complimented by an author biography.

Table of Contents

List of Works by Genre and Title
List of Works in Alphabetical Order
List of Works in Chronological Order
Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol Biography

Novels :: Play :: Short Stories

Dead Souls (Translated by C. J. Hogarth)
Taras Bulba (Translated by C. J. Hogarth)

The Inspector General (a.k.a. The Government Inspector) (Translated by Thomas Seltzer)

Short Stories
The Calash (a.k.a. The Carriage) (Translated by C. J. Hogarth)
The Cloak (a.k.a. The Overcoat) (Translated by C. J. Hogarth)
St. John's Eve (Translated by C. J. Hogarth)
Old-Fashioned Farmers (a.k.a. Old World Landowners)
The Mysterious Portrait (a.k.a. The Portrait) (Translated by C. J. Hogarth)
The Nose (Translated by Claud Field)
The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich (How the Two Ivans Quarrelled, or The Squabble) (Translated by C. J. Hogarth)
The Viy (Translated by Claud Field

Иконка для Objective-C Tutorial Free 1.24

Objective-C Tutorial Free (v. 1.24)

DSG опубликовал приложение 2011-09-14
(обновлено 2011-09-14)

Objective-C Tutorial Free

Иконка для Barbizon Handbook 1.1

Barbizon Handbook (v. 1.1)

Useful Development опубликовал приложение 2011-09-14
(обновлено 2013-07-07)

With the arrival of the Barbizon Electrician's Handbook App, Barbizon Lighting Company is giving Entertainment Technicians our coveted little flipbook AND MORE - now in a native application for Android! No more wondering "Where did I leave my Barbizon Flipbook!? If I only had it with me, I could cross-reference my CTB by manufacturer!"

Every page, formula, gel and lamp reference you'd find in our printed edition is here.

*Handbook Indexed Navigation!
*References for Electrical Terms, Wire and Cable, Lighting Fixtures, Lamps, Color, Patterns, Pipe, Knots, and More...
*Page to Page Navigation!
*Zoom and Pan of Handbook pages
*Interactive Contacts for All Barbizon Office locations, worldwide!

For every Barbizon employee - from accounting to sales to shipping - there is a single driving philosophy: Connect the customer with what they need, when they need it, at a fair price. With our Handbook App, we are providing our customers with one more means of connection - through your mobile device.

Whatever your stage, Barbizon has products, experience and expertise for lighting professionals and amateurs in every field!

Иконка для Works of John Dewey 12.1

Works of John Dewey (v. 12.1)

MobileReference опубликовал приложение 2011-09-14
(обновлено 2011-09-14)

This is an electronic edition of the complete works complemented by author biography. This book features a table of contents linked to every chapter. The book was designed for optimal navigation on Android.

Table of Contents
My Pedagogic Creed (1897)
Moral Principles in Education (1909)
Democracy and Education: an introduction to the philosophy of education (1916)
China, Japan and the U.S.A. (1921)

John Dewey Biography

Иконка для 만도 9

만도 (v. 9)

DocuHut co.,Ltd опубликовал приложение 2011-09-14
(обновлено 2011-09-14)

주식회사 만도의 사보 『만울림』은 ‘사랑받는 기업, Your beloved Mando’ 기업문화를 토대로 임직원과 가족을 대상으로 발행하여 독자들의 가정에 우편 배송하는 비영리 무가지입니다. 사보 『만울림』은 사랑받는 기업으로 나아가고자 회사의 임직원과 가족 간의 커뮤니케이션 장이 되고자 ‘기업문화의 나눔터, 만도가족의 열린 공간’이라는 슬로건 아래 사내외 소식을 공유, 전달하고 있습니다.

Иконка для Vade Mecum Juridico PRO 1.1

Vade Mecum Juridico PRO (v. 1.1)

Practical Solutions опубликовал приложение 2011-09-14
(обновлено 2011-09-14)

18/08/2011 - Já estamos trabalhando na atualização do conteúdo desse aplicativo. Dentro de alguns dias, estaremos liberando a atualização. Obrigado pela compreensão.

A concorrência está fazendo comentários injustos sobre o nosso aplicativo e pedindo para amigos comentarem que o aplicativo dele é melhor.
Para verificar qual o melhor, baixe a versão grátis de ambos os vade mecums e decida qual o melhor. Temos certeza que você optará pelo nosso!

Preço promocional de lançamento! Aproveite!

Dúvidas, sugestões ou pedidos para adicionar mais leis, envie um email para contato@practicalsolutions.com.br

Novas funcionalidades adicionadas: Marcação de texto e Comentários sobre os artigos. Para mais informações, leia o texto abaixo:

O Vade Mecum Jurídico PRO é um aplicativo que contém as principais leis brasileiras para serem consultadas pelos profissionais da área jurídica ou por qualquer cidadão.

Esse aplicativo irá ajudar os usuários a consultar, de forma rápida e simples, a legislação brasileira atualizada.
Para realizar as consultas, o usuário NÂO precisará estar conectado à internet, por isso, as consultas poderão ser feitas a qualquer hora e em qualquer local.

Além das principais leis brasileiras, o aplicativo apresenta funcionalidades como:

- Navegação por artigos: Navegue pelos artigos como se estivesse lendo um livro! Basta deslizar os dedos no visor touchscreen para avançar ou voltar os artigos. Para dispositivos sem tela touchscreen, pode ser usado o teclado físico do aparelho para realizar a navegação.

- Busca textual geral: Consultar todas as leis do aplicativo, pesquisando por um padrão textual informado pelo usuário.

- Busca Textual Específica: Consultar, na lei escolhida, pesquisando por um padrão textual informado pelo usuário.

- Marcações: O usuário poderá destacar o texto importante utilizando o recurso de marcações. Pode-se fazer quantidades ilimitadas de marcações e o usuário poderá customizar as cores das marcações, inclusive, usando várias cores.

- Comentários: Permite gravar e visualizar comentários (ilimitados) sobre o artigo em questão.

- Ajuda: O aplicativo vem com um arquivo de ajuda, para auxiliar o usuário a obter 100% de desempenho na utilização do mesmo.

A versão PRO, possui apenas as seguintes leis:
-Lei 9605/98 - Crimes Ambientais
-CLT - Consolidação das leis do trabalho
-Constituição Federal de 1988
-Constituição Federal de 1988 - ADCT
-Código Civil
-Código Civil - Introdução
-Código Comercial
-Código Comercial - Título Único
-Código Eleitoral
-Código Penal
-Código Penal Militar
-Código Tributário Nacional
-Código de Defesa do Consumidor
-Código de Processo Civil
-Código de Processo Penal
-Código de Processo Penal Militar
-Código de Trânsito Nacional
-Declaração Universal de Direitos Humanos
-Estatuto da Advocacia e da OAB
-Estatuto da Cidade
-Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente
-Estatuto da Igualdade Racial
-Estatuto do Desarmamento
-Estatuto do Estrangeiro
-Estatuto do Idoso
-Lei 10259/01 - Juizados Especiais Federais
-Lei 10520/02 - Pregão
-Lei 1060/50 - Assistência Judiciária
-Lei 11101/05 - Falência
-Lei 11340/06 - Maria da Penha
-Lei 11343/06 - Tóxicos
-Lei 12016/2009 - Mandado de Segurança
-Lei 3688/41 - Contravenções Penais
-Lei 4132/62 - Desapropriações por Interesse Social
-Lei 4717/65 - Ação Popular
-Lei 4898/65 - Abuso de Poder
-Lei 6015/73 - Registros Públicos
-Lei 6019/74 - Emprego Temporário
-Lei 6404/76 - Sociedade por Ações
-Lei 6515/77 - Divorcio
-Lei 6830/80 - Execução Fiscal
-Lei 7210/84 - Execução Penal
-Lei 7347/85 - Ação Civil Pública
-Várias outras leis!
-Súmulas do STF, STJ, TST, etc.
- e mais!

O aplicativo precisa de 12MB para instalação.

Иконка для The Countr... (本 ebook 书/Free) 1.0

The Countr... (本 ebook 书/Free) (v. 1.0)

Sty'll fish co., ltd опубликовал приложение 2011-09-14
(обновлено 2011-09-14)

T978177545011#free,novel,classics,bestseller,Magazine,ebooks,ebook,digital books,digital book,books,book,the books,the book,novels,免费,小说,文学,武侠,言情,爱情,杂志,书,無料,小説,文庫,ライトノベルス,ラノベ,ノンフィクション,おすすめ,話題,最新,人気,メジャー,有名,ランキング,名作,ヒット,ベストセラー,雑誌,電子書籍,書籍,本

「The Country House (Free)」
English novelist and playwright John Galsworthy was one of the most acclaimed writers of his time, and his fan base has continued to expand in the years since his death as new generations of readers discover his work. The Country House touches on many same themes that Galsworthy's best-known works explore, including the tribulations facing a new class of landed gentry in nineteenth-century England.

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