English-Lithuanian Dictionary (v. 2.3)
Xynotec опубликовал приложение 2012-05-18
English<->Lithuanian DictDroid is "offline dictionary" (doesn't require internet connection) with features: |
English<->Polish Dictionary (v. 2.3)
Xynotec опубликовал приложение 2012-05-18
English<->Polish DictDroid is "offline dictionary" (doesn't require internet connection) with features: |
North America - Volume 2 (v. 1.0.2)
Digi-Media-Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-05-17
Extract-The site of the present City of Washington was chosen with three special views: firstly, that being on the Potomac it might have the full advantage of water-carriage and a sea-port; secondly, that it might be so far removed from the sea-board as to be safe from invasion; and, thirdly, that it might be central alike to all the States. It was presumed, when Washington was founded, that these three advantages would be secured by the selected position. As regards the first, the Potomac affords to the city but few of the advantages of a sea-port. Ships can come up, but not ships of large burden. The river seems to have dwindled since the site was chosen, and at present it is, I think, evident that Washington can never be great in its shipping. Statio benefida carinis can never be its motto. As regards the second point, singularly enough Washington is the only city of the Union that has been in an enemy's possession since the United States became a nation. In the war of 1812 it fell into our hands, and we burned it. As regards the third point, Washington, from the lie of the land, can hardly have been said to be centrical at any time. Owing to the irregularities of the coast it is not easy of access by railways from different sides. Baltimore would have been far better. But as far as we can now see, and as well as we can now judge, Washington will soon be on the borders of the nation to which it belongs, instead of at its center. I fear, therefore, that we must acknowledge that the site chosen for his country's capital by George Washington has not been fortunate. |
The Life of the Bee (v. 1.0.2)
Digi-Media-Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-05-17
Preface-Does an analogous work on the bee exist? I believe I have read almost all that has been written on bees; but of kindred matter I know only Michelet's chapter at the end of his book "The Insect," and Ludwig Buchner's essay in his "Mind in Animals." Michelet merely hovers on the fringe of his subject; Buchner's treatise is comprehensive enough, but contains so many hazardous statements, so much long-discarded gossip and hearsay, that I suspect him of never having left his library, never having set forth himself to question his heroines, or opened one of the many hundreds of rustling, wing-lit hives which we must profane before our instinct can be attuned to their secret, before we can perceive the spirit and atmosphere, perfume and mystery, of these virgin daughters of toil. The book smells not of the bee, or its honey; and has the defects of many a learned work, whose conclusions often are preconceived, and whose scientific attainment is composed of a vast array of doubtful anecdotes collected on every side. But in this essay of mine we rarely shall meet each other; for our starting-point, our aim, and our point of view are all very different. |
弁理士H24法文集 (v. 3.0)
TMken опубликовал приложение 2012-05-17
【注意】富士通F-05Dにおいて、「インストールできるがアプリ起動後にエラーが発生し、強制終了する」というエラー報告を受けています。F-05Dをご利用の方は、インストールしないようにお願いいたします。また、上記端末以外の方も、インストール後すぐにアプリ起動・動作確認を行い、不具合を発見した場合には購入キャンセル処理を行なっていただくよう、お願いいたします。 |
Morality as a Religion (v. 1.0.2)
Digi-Media-Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-05-17
Preface-With a view to propagating such a conception of Religion, wholly based on Morality, a Society was founded in the autumn of the past year which assumed the title of "The Ethical Religion Society," and described itself as a branch of "The Ethical Church," "the Church of men to come," which is one day to emerge from the united efforts of all who believe in the everlasting "Sovereignty of Ethics," the unconditioned Supremacy of the Moral Law. The Ethical Movement is now beginning to spread in Europe and America. It is represented very largely in the United States, where, indeed, it was inaugurated some twenty years ago by Dr. Felix Adler, of New York; in Germany, by a score or more of Societies; in Italy, in Austria, in Hungary, and quite recently in France and Norway. London, of course, is represented by numerous Societies, and Ireland possesses one at Belfast. So far, there has been nothing definite accomplished towards a federation of these representative Bodies, though some preliminary steps have been taken in the formation of an international committee. The various Societies are quite independent, nor are their speculative opinions always in agreement. One only principle is universally and unreservedly acknowledged, namely, the absolute supremacy and independence of Morality, whatever philosophical differences may exist as to speculative matters connected therewith. The Movement stands for freedom. In certis, unitas; in dubiis, libertas. |
El Conde de Montecristo (v. 1.3.0)
Libro Movil опубликовал приложение 2012-05-17
Edmundo Dantés ha estado veinte años encarcelado en el castillo de If. Allí conoce al padre Faria que le desvela la existencia de un tesoro oculto en la isla de Montecristo. Dantés huye de la prisión y encuentra el tesoro. A partir de ahora su objetivo es vengarse de las personas que lo encarcelaron. |
Alice in Wonderland (v. 4.0)
SmartLab опубликовал приложение 2012-05-17
Reading the children story of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland with a practical ActiveStory App. |
Morfix Dictionary - Free (v. 1.0)
Melingo опубликовал приложение 2012-05-17
The Morfix Android app by Melingo. Free, convenient interface to Israel's leading English-Hebrew-English dictionary service and sophisticated Wikipedia search in Hebrew and English. |
脑筋急转弯 (v. 3.03)
david.he опубликовал приложение 2012-05-17
这是一款基于ANDROID系统的脑筋急转弯离线查询系统,包含了3600条常见的脑筋急转弯,是您无聊时开心的小玩意,也是逗女朋友开心的好帮手 |