BlackBerry 9780 Bold Gadget He (v. 1.0)
TMTI Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-06-30
Gadget Help and Support |
Czech<>Danish Dictionary TR (v. 3.2.94)
Mobile Systems опубликовал приложение 2012-06-30
The Audio Collins Mini Gem Czech-Danish & Danish-Czech Dictionary is an up-to-date, easy-reference dictionary, ideal for learners of Danish and Czech of all ages. The dictionary covers about 10,000 words from each language with Collins pre-recorded audio pronunciation for each word. |
Czech<>Croatian Dictionary (v. 3.2.94)
Mobile Systems опубликовал приложение 2012-06-30
The Audio Collins Mini Gem Czech-Croatian & Croatian-Czech Dictionary is an up-to-date, easy-reference dictionary, ideal for learners of Croatian and Czech of all ages. The dictionary covers about 10,000 words from each language with Collins pre-recorded audio pronunciation for each word. |
BKS Hebrew-English Dictionary (v. 1.3.0)
BEIKS LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-06-30
The compact and completely offline Hebrew to English dictionary features approximately 12,000 headwords, making it more than sufficient for the widest range of language reference needs. Whether professional on the job or a language student on the go you should find this dictionary a handy and useful addition to your communication arsenal. The dictionary can be installed either to the internal memory, or to a memory card. A reverse offline English to Hebrew dictionary as well as a bi-directional English-Hebrew-English dictionary for Android is also available. Due to the specifics of Android market, the dictionary will be installed to the internal memory. For installation to memory card, or for the bi-directional dictionary, please visit the BEIKS' web site, or contact our support email address. |
小妮子帅气新作:G小调进行曲 (v. 1.0.0_19)
3GQA Dev Team опубликовал приложение 2012-06-30
小妮子新作帅气逼人隆重登场。哇哇哇~,女主角七彩真是“艳福不浅”哦,身边竟然围着5+1个超级大帅哥!而且个个都具有迷死人不偿命的独特性格……咳咳,“帅哥智囊团”鸣响号角、五大无谋军师轮番上阵,E世代##养成计划启动ING~。冷感帅哥不要跑,看我丑小鸭璀璨大变身,不信搞不定你!!! |
完美沟通成就完美结果:有效沟通 (v. 1.0.0_19)
3GQA Dev Team опубликовал приложение 2012-06-30
沟通为什么如此重要?沟通为什么如此困难?如何让沟通成为公司的竞争优势?如何建立起公司里的“沟通文化”?如何解开公司里沟通的死结?如何在工作中与上司、同事和下属顺畅有效地沟通?有效沟通的 |
老舍长篇经典巨著:四世同堂 (v. 1.0.0_19)
3GQA Dev Team опубликовал приложение 2012-06-30
作品以祁家四世同堂的生活为主线辅以小羊圈胡同各色人等的荣辱浮沉、生死存亡,真实地记述了北平沦陷后的畸形世态,形象地描摹了日寇铁蹄下广大平民的悲惨遭遇、心灵震撼和反抗斗争,是老舍先生正面描写抗日战争的不朽之作。 |
泡沫破碎的互联网企业:十亿美金的教训 (v. 1.0.0_19)
3GQA Dev Team опубликовал приложение 2012-06-30
创业者个人能力欠缺、团队涣散、经营方向把握不当、时局不利,还是资金动用失措?每一个被忽视的细节,都可能是失败的导火索! |
乔布斯给中国CEO的四堂必修课:苹果的哲学 (v. 1.0.0_19)
3GQA Dev Team опубликовал приложение 2012-06-30
本书从乔布斯的个人创业经历,在商业旅程上的战略决定,企业管理思想、营销策略、产品理论等方面,讲述和解读一个无所畏惧的“角斗士”的商业哲学。围绕乔布斯,有着种种溢美的称谓和种种传奇的故事,其实他的成功并不如许多人想象般难以复制。也许很多人都有着美好的梦想,他们也毫不妥协、毫不动摇地坚决执行了下去,但是他们还缺少一种切实可行的战术和手段来实现它。这,正是本书想要深度剖析的内容——乔布斯最适合中国CEO的商业智慧精髓。 |
Sumerian Proverb of the Day (v. 1.0)
weaveworld опубликовал приложение 2012-06-30
Sumerian Proverb of the Day / Sumerian Cuneiform Writing |