www.android-online.ru ПриложенияЗдоровье и спорт

Последние обновлённые бесплатные в категории 'Здоровье и спорт' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
2151-2160 из 2372
Иконка для BCBSIL Provider Finder 1.1

BCBSIL Provider Finder (v. 1.1)

Health Care Service Corp опубликовал приложение 2011-04-06
(обновлено 2011-04-06)

With the BCBSIL Provider Finder, you'll be able to quickly find an urgent care facility or locate a contracting network provider based on your plan. This free application allows you to search for a health care provider nationwide by name, specialty and network. You'll also be able to find out if the doctor is accepting new patients.

Иконка для BCBSNM Provider Finder 1.1

BCBSNM Provider Finder (v. 1.1)

Health Care Service Corp опубликовал приложение 2011-04-06
(обновлено 2011-04-06)

With the BCBSNM Provider Finder, you'll be able to quickly find an urgent care facility or locate a contracting network provider based on your plan. This free application allows you to search for a health care provider nationwide by name, specialty and network. You'll also be able to find out if the doctor is accepting new patients.

Иконка для BCBSOK Provider Finder 1.1

BCBSOK Provider Finder (v. 1.1)

Health Care Service Corp опубликовал приложение 2011-04-06
(обновлено 2011-04-06)

With the BCBSOK Provider Finder, you'll be able to quickly find an urgent care facility or locate a contracting network provider based on your plan. This free application allows you to search for a health care provider by name, specialty and network. You'll also be able to find out if the doctor is accepting new patients.

Иконка для BCBSTX Provider Finder 1.1

BCBSTX Provider Finder (v. 1.1)

Health Care Service Corp опубликовал приложение 2011-04-06
(обновлено 2011-04-06)

With the BCBSTX Provider Finder, you'll be able to quickly find an urgent care facility or locate a contracting network provider based on your plan. This free application allows you to search for a health care provider by name, specialty and network. You'll also be able to find out if the doctor is accepting new patients.

Иконка для Food Nutrition 1.0.1

Food Nutrition (v. 1.0.1)

Edwards LLC опубликовал приложение 2011-04-06
(обновлено 2011-04-06)

Find Nutrition and Calorie information for thousands of foods.  Search or browse through your favorite restaurant and store brands, while looking up nutrition on the go.

Иконка для Epilepsy Awareness Quiz 1.1

Epilepsy Awareness Quiz (v. 1.1)

Next Gen Fantasy Sports опубликовал приложение 2011-04-06
(обновлено 2011-04-06)

-Asks 7 questions about Epilepsy and seizures in a multiple choice format.
-After all 7 questions have been answered, gives percent correct as well as the percent correct of all who have taken the quiz.
-Over 2,000 questions answered so far.

Иконка для Défibrillateurs en France 1.0

Défibrillateurs en France (v. 1.0)

Défibrillateurs en France опубликовал приложение 2011-04-05
(обновлено 2011-04-05)

Contribuez à sauver des vies !

Vauban Humanis vous présente l’application « Défibrillateurs en France » vous permettant à tout moment grâce à votre Iphone de sauver des vies. A télécharger d’urgence.

Une application interactive recensant les Défibrillateurs Automatiques Externes (DAE) installés en accès public, partout en France.
Au lancement de l’application, vous serez automatiquement géolocalisé afin d’être guidé au défibrillateur le plus proche de l’endroit où vous vous trouvez et de pouvoir réagir le plus rapidement possible à un arrêt cardiaque dont vous seriez témoin.

Vous devez vous déplacer ? Indiquez la ville ou l’adresse de votre destination et découvrez les défibrillateurs installés à proximité.

- de découvrir les défibrillateurs les plus proches de l’endroit où vous vous trouvez, ou du lieu de votre choix
- de contribuer à la communauté et signaler un défibrillateur qui n’est pas encore référencé sur la carte
- de vous initier aux gestes qui sauvent en cas d’arrêt cardiaque
- d’appeler le SAMU directement, pour gagner de précieuses minutes

Télécharger l’application DEFIBRILLATEURS EN FRANCE c’est augmenter les chances de survie de vos proches, vos amis, vos voisins.

Иконка для Plastic Analyzer 1.1

Plastic Analyzer (v. 1.1)

MAQ Software опубликовал приложение 2011-04-05
(обновлено 2011-04-05)

Plastic analyzer v1.1 Plastic analyzer helps you know the quality of plastic you are using on a daily basis. Go green.

Иконка для 가족건강 365 1.1

가족건강 365 (v. 1.1)

가족건강365운동본부 опубликовал приложение 2011-04-04
(обновлено 2011-04-04)

‘가족건강365’ 프로그램은
하루 세 번! 여섯 가지 채소와 과일을 다섯 가지 색으로 맞춰 먹으면 6대 암, 5대 생활습관병을 예방할 수 있다는 국민건강 프로그램입니다.

  국민건강을 위해 채소·과일 생산자와 소비자, 학계, 언론이 한자리에 모여 ‘오늘 뭐 먹지?’를 해결해 줄 프로그램을 만들었습니다. 다이어트 식단, 우리 아이들을 위한 식단 등 주제에 따라 한 달 동안 무엇을 어떻게 먹어야 할지를 알려주는 스케줄 프로그램입니다.
  하루하루의 먹을거리 목록과 요리 레시피를 제공하고, 오늘 먹은 음식을 체크하여 운동량 표를 통해 필요한 운동량까지 확인할 수 있습니다.

Иконка для Crunch Fitness 1.2.3

Crunch Fitness (v. 1.2.3)

IdeaWork Studios, Inc. опубликовал приложение 2011-04-04
(обновлено 2011-04-04)

We’re putting Crunch’s unique brand of fitness at your fingertips with our free Android app. Not only will it allow you to stay totally connected with Crunch when you’re on the go, it will give you new ways to enrich your member experience.

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