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Лучшие по рейтингу бесплатные в категории 'Здоровье и спорт' в Android Market

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941-950 из 2372
Иконка для ICE - In Case of Emergency 1.7

ICE - In Case of Emergency (v. 1.7)

Detlon опубликовал приложение 2011-10-08
(обновлено 2011-10-08)

ICE - In Case of Emergency.
Application that may save your life!
It is a convenient place to store your personal information needed by the rescue team, such as: name, blood type, alergies.
It allows you also to define which people from contacts to notify when necessity occurs. No need to create separate ones in your address book!
Just put the widget in the visible place on your android desktop. Data which widget presents are read only.
To edit the data run application from menu or via shortcut.
If you are worried someone could change your data, you can set the password protection on, in settings section.
There is no default password. If you turn the protection on and will not change the password afterwards, you enter the edition leaving the prompt blank.

Recent changes:
Fixed selecting phone number problem

Иконка для ベクレルtoシーベルト 1.4

ベクレルtoシーベルト (v. 1.4)

TANUKI Company опубликовал приложение 2011-10-06
(обновлено 2011-10-06)



一応、"緊急被ばく医療研修"様のウェブサイトに掲載されている"経口摂取"の値をもとに計算していますが、専門ではないので、ご指摘・リクエスト等ありましたら、メールでもコメント欄でも結構ですので、お願いいたしますm(_ _)m


Иконка для Laborlelet Kisokos 1.0

Laborlelet Kisokos (v. 1.0)

Origo Zrt. опубликовал приложение 2011-10-06
(обновлено 2011-10-06)

Az alkalmazás célja, hogy a segítséget nyújtson a felhasználók számára a kórházi laborleletekben szereplő orvosi kifejezések, adatok megértéséhez.

A Laborlelet Kisokosban szereplő adatok tájékoztató jellegűek. Origo nem vállal felelősséget az adatok félreértéséből, téves diagnózisból adódó károk esetén.

Az Origo Zrt. számára kiemelt fontosságú cél a felhasználók által rendelkezésre bocsátott személyes adatok védelme, a látogatók információs önrendelkezési jogának biztosítása. Az alkalmazással kapcsolatban megadott adatok, tárolt információk során az Origo által megfogalmazott Személyes adatok védelméről szóló nyilatkozat az irányadó.

Kérdéseit, véleményét várjuk e-mailben az ugyfelszolgalat@origo.hu címre.

A LifeNetwork Laborlelet kisokos alkalmazás kiadója az Origo Zrt. © Minden jog fenntartva.
Verzió: 1.0.1

Иконка для Véralkohol Kalkulátor 1.1

Véralkohol Kalkulátor (v. 1.1)

Origo Zrt. опубликовал приложение 2011-10-06
(обновлено 2011-10-06)

Az alkalmazás célja, hogy segítséget nyújtson a felhasználók számára az alkoholfogyasztást követő véralkoholszint számításhoz.

Figyelem! Az alkalmazás által számított és megjelenített adatok kizárólag tájékoztató jellegűek, a valóságban egyénenként különbözőek lehetnek. Az Origo Zrt. nem vállal felelősséget az adatok félreértéséből, téves számításából adódó károk esetén.
Az alkalmazással kapcsolatban megadott adatok, tárolt információk során az Origo által megfogalmazott személyes adatok védelméről szóló nyilatkozat az irányadó.
Kérdéseit, észrevételeit várjuk e-mailben az ugyfelszolgalat@origo.hu címre.

Иконка для Fitness World 1.0.4

Fitness World (v. 1.0.4)

Shape ApS опубликовал приложение 2011-10-05
(обновлено 2011-10-05)

As a member of Fitness World, Denmark’s largest fitness chain, you can now easily book or cancel classes on your Android phone.

The app allows you to:

- Detailed search for classes
- Book or cancel classes
- Get a quick overview of your bookings/reservations
- the app automatically remembers favorite centers/classes

Иконка для 예방접종도우미 1.09

예방접종도우미 (v. 1.09)

질병관리본부 опубликовал приложение 2011-10-05
(обновлено 2011-10-05)

모바일용 예방접종 아기수첩 출시
우리아이 예방접종 관리 ! 스마트폰 안으로 쏙~
초보맘, 워킹맘의 필수 다운로드 어플리케이션

“예방접종도우미” 앱을 이용하면 그동안 자녀가 받은 예방접종 기록을 스마트폰으로 손쉽게 조회할 수 있고, 아기 정보를 등록해 놓으면 다음 예방접종 일정에 맞춰 알람 서비스를 받을 수 있습니다.
필수예방접종을 보다 저렴하게 받을 수 있는 <예방접종 비용지원 의료기관>을 검색할 수 있습니다.

■ 어플리케이션 특징
  ㅇ 국가 예방접종 기록 데이터베이스에 등록된
      예방접종 기록 조회
     (모바일 아기수첩 기능)
     (의료기관 및 보건소에서 등록한 예방접종
       기록에 한해 조회가능)
  ㅇ 누락된 예방접종기록 및 다음 예방접종 일정
      보기 기능
  ㅇ 다음 접종일정에 맞춰 알람 서비스 제공
  ㅇ 출생일 기준 필수 예방접종 및
      기타 예방접종 스케줄 한눈에 보기
  ㅇ 보건소 및 예방접종 비용 지원 의료기관
      조회 기능
  ㅇ 예방접종 전·후 주의사항 등 안전한
      예방접종을 위한 정보제공
  ㅇ 감염병 의학정보 및 치료, 예방법 안내

■ ID/PW 가 없는분들은 예방접종도우미사이트(http://nip.cdc.go.kr)에서 회원가입하세요~

■ 공공기관의 개인정보 보호를 위하여 비밀번호가
  3회이상 틀릴경우 로그인이 제한됩니다.
  (http://nip.cdc.go.kr) 에서 임시 비밀번호를 발급 받아서 사용하
  거나 질병관리본부 예방접종관리과로 직접 전화주셔도 됩니다.
  연락처 - 043)719-7366,7377

■ 예방접종도우미 앱을 사용하면서 발견되는 오류 및 업데이트가
  필요한 사항은 예방접종도우미(http://nip.cdc.go.kr)사이트
  Q&A 게시판에 남겨주시기 바랍니다.

■ 이번 버전에 업데이트 된 내용(6.3)
  - 우리아기 아기수첩, 우리아기 일정보기 필수/기타 구분탭 추가
  - 홈으로 바로가기 버튼 추가
  - 모바일용 공지사항 보기 추가

Иконка для PoopLog 2.02

PoopLog (v. 2.02)

Kefsco опубликовал приложение 2011-10-05
(обновлено 2011-10-05)

PoopLog is a free application that allows you to track your bowel movements using the Bristol Stool Scale on your Android powered device. Once you record the type of bowel movement, volume, and time, PoopLog allows you to attach a note, attach a photo, and even allows you to share any part of your entry with other installed applications (such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, SMS, Email, etc..). PoopLog also features an extensive reporting option which will allow you to export your PoopLog to a text file for easy analysis by a health practitioner.

*NEW*: PoopLog now has the ability to log a pain/discomfort level from 0-10. This option is disabled by default, but can be enabled via Settings > Defaults.

!! UPDATE ALERT !! I am working on and will soon be releasing a large update that will include more logging options, charting, and trends!

Stay tuned to @kefsco, or kefsco.com for any news!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why develop PoopLog? Is it a joke application? I was out of work, and on disability for 7+ months due to severe bowel problems.. I'm a geek, so I started tracking everything, even my bowel movements. I figured others might want to do the same, so I gave birth to PoopLog. While it can be fun to track and tweet, PoopLog was originally developed to assist with tracking bowel movements for easy analysis by a health practitioner.

I can really attach a photo to my PoopLog? Why? This wasn't an original feature of PoopLog, and won't become available until PoopLog2 is released. For some reason, this is the most requested feature from my users so I had no choice but to include this great feature! When you take your first photo, you will be asked if you would like your PoopLog photos hidden from the Android gallery. This option is configurable through the PoopLog application settings.

Why does PoopLog require install permissions? The only permissions required are to read/write to the external storage device (ie: microsd), and to access the camera. This is required exclusively to import/export generated reports and read/write PoopLog photos. PoopLog doesn't connect to the internet, doesn't obtain your device's identity or contacts, and doesn't transmit any information out from your device to anyone, ever, unless you select the share option for a PoopLog entry.

Why can't I share my PoopLog directly to the Facebook for Android application? The Facebook for Android application contains a flaw where it believes you are attempting to share a link, rather than share text. This issue appears to affect every Android developer, including myself. For now, you can workaround this issue by using the 'Copy to Clipboard' button. Once you do this, you can manually open your Facebook application and paste the text from your clipboard with a long-press on any text-field. Hopefully the Facebook for Android developers will fix this soon.

Why does it take so long to open an attached PoopLog photo? I've heard reports of attached PoopLog images taking upwards of 30+ seconds to open. I am not sure what is causing the latency, but will look into it and resolve it in an upcoming version.

What features can be expected in future versions of PoopLog? I am playing with the ability to geotag entries, allowing users to view a map/trail of their PoopLog. Also, I am working on implementing some sort of label/tagging system in order to sort entries into multiple custom categories (ie: smell, contents..). You can follow developments on Twitter via @kefsco, and if you have any suggestions, comments, ideas, or any feedback at all, email feedback@kefsco.com.

Is PoopLog open-source? Currently, no. If I ever get around to cleaning up my code, my goal is to release it for anyone to use.

Will PoopLog ever be an iPhone/iPad/iOS app? No.

I hope that you find PoopLog useful and fun, as silly as it may be.

Иконка для Heart Rate Zones 1.5

Heart Rate Zones (v. 1.5)

Andrew Wayman опубликовал приложение 2011-10-05
(обновлено 2011-10-05)

Incorporating heart rate zones into a training program makes it easy to follow hard-easy training system by helping runners to choose the best training intensity for any given workout. The Heart Rate Zone app from Runners Ally will help you find your custom heart rate zones, so that you tailor your training plan to your current level of fitness.

Иконка для Easy Yoga Lite 1.5

Easy Yoga Lite (v. 1.5)

KP опубликовал приложение 2011-10-04
(обновлено 2011-10-04)

Easy yoga Lite learn more than 20 different yoga positions.

Learn Yoga at your own pace with guides suited to all, from beginner to advance.

You are the guru. No one can tell you better than yourself what your body needs. Yoga is a practice that helps you be more consciously aware of this unique union of your mind, body, and spirit.

EASY YOGA is a safe and diversified yogic practice that you can take anywhere, anytime, and customize your practice.

Stretch Your Body Not Your Budget

Save on courses fees with Easy Yoga for your smart phone.

Customize your own Yoga sequences and practice better with a fully interactive experience.


✔Sample poses with photos, step by step instructions
✔ Easy to follow Step by step directions
✔ User Friendly Navigation

More Yoga Then Purchase <a href="market://details?id=com.myriadimagine.easyyogalite" title="Easy Yoga" >Easy Yoga</a> with 45+ diffrent yoga positions with video guide.

Иконка для Feng Shui Secrets 2.0.0

Feng Shui Secrets (v. 2.0.0)

Karmic Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-10-03
(обновлено 2013-08-10)

The best hand-picked collection of Feng Shui secrets for your Android phone! Packaged with Beautiful design and Easy to Use interface.

Increase and balance your Health and Wealth with the ancient Chinese knowledge.

Enjoy hundreds of lessons on your phone and share them with your friends and loved ones on daily basis!

Additional features include:
- Save quotes to Favorites
- Search lessons by a keyword
- Send lessons via email or SMS

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