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Лучшие по рейтингу бесплатные в категории 'Здоровье и спорт' в Android Market

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Иконка для 성병자가진단 1.5

성병자가진단 (v. 1.5)

앱쿠커A опубликовал приложение 2012-05-19
(обновлено 2012-05-19)

아파도 아프다고 말 못하는 병.
답답해도 속 시원히 말 못하는 병.

바로 성병입니다.

성병은 의외로 치료가 쉽지만,
주위의 시선에 대한 부담으로, 또 성병에 대한 무지로 그냥 방치해서
초기에 간단한 치료할 수 있는 시기를 놓치는 경우가 많습니다.

이 앱은
성병에 대한 기초적인 설명과 증상 및 치료에 관한
내용을 담고 있습니다.

성병에 대한 이해과 지식을 바탕으로
건강한 성 생활을 영위하시기 바랍니다.


이 앱은
성병에 대한 설명 및 증상, 치료에 대해서
일반적인 수준에서 언급하고 있습니다.

본인의 증상이 의심스러운 경우는
반드시, 전문병원을 찾아 전문의의 진료를 받을 것을


성병 증상 남자성병 여자성병 성병종류 성병치료 원인 감염 전파 점막 기생충 옴 트리코모나스 질염 냉증 하혈 간지러움 가려움 매독 에이즈 캔디다 사면발이 바이러스 콘딜로마 곤지름 음부 헤르페스 포진 연성하감 클라미디아 세균 임질 성병감염중임신 태아 위험 성병예방 콘돔 피임 원나잇 엔조이 직업여성 키스방 대딸방 키스감염 항문 성기 다이어램프 성교 냉 사타구니 배뇨 전립선염 요도염 발기 치료 약 복용 초기 초기증상 자가진단 자가 진단

Иконка для NutriAtlas 1.0.7

NutriAtlas (v. 1.0.7)

ZdravaPotravina.cz опубликовал приложение 2012-05-19
(обновлено 2012-05-19)

Aplikace má 4 hlavní funkce, které brzy rozšíříme o další:

- Seznam Éček
- Databáze potravin
- Zdravé recepty
- Nákupní lístek.

Seznam všech éček včetně označení jejich nebezpečnosti a nevhodných pro děti. Praktické informace už budete mít vždy po ruce ve vašem mobilu.

Databáze potravin obsahuje přes 6000 potravin včetně fotografií. Potraviny můžete vyhledávat podle názvu nebo naskenováním jejich čárového EAN kódu. Pomocí aplikace nebo webových stránek www.chemievjidle.cz můžete sami přidat další nové potraviny a nebo ke stávajícím potravinám doplnit informace.

V sekci Zdravé recepty si rychle najdete recept, který bude nejen zdravý, ale i si na něm pochutnáte. Recepty, stejně jako potraviny, můžete v mobilní aplikaci přidat a po přihlášení na webu ve svém profilu odeslat ke schválení.

Nákupní lístky si oblíbíte, jako užitečného pomocníka - potraviny z naši databáze nebo i vlastní položky si můžete přidat na svůj nákupní lístek přímo v mobilu nebo na webu. Na nákupu si pak v mobilu jednotlivé potraviny odškrtáte a tak již nezapomenete žádnou koupit.

Data v aplikaci jsou provázané s webem a Vaším osobním profilem na www.zdravapotravina.cz. Aplikace není myšlena jako samostatná, ale jako užitečný mobilní doplněk našich webových stránek.

Иконка для Alcohol Level Evolution 2.1

Alcohol Level Evolution (v. 2.1)

Tom Barbette опубликовал приложение 2012-05-16
(обновлено 2012-05-16)

Touch your avatar or one of your friends' each time you drink a beer, and you'll obtain a graph of your blood alcohol level and theirs in the past, the present and... the future !

I tried to make the formulas as good as possible, but this comes with absolutely no warranty ! So don't take the "drive limit" as it...

Please do not give ideas or ask for things in comments as I can't respond, and so I can't have more details when I need it. Use http://www.itstudents.be/bugzilla3/enter_bug.cgi?product=Alcohol%20Evolution%20%2F%20Alcool%C3%A9mie%20%C3%89volution
Please also send me traduction errors.

Иконка для Sleep2GHealth 1.2.2

Sleep2GHealth (v. 1.2.2)

Petr Nálevka опубликовал приложение 2012-05-16
(обновлено 2012-05-16)

This application is an add-on for Sleep as Android - the smart alarm clock which can track your sleep patterns. This add-on brings synchronization with your Google Health account. Currently it synchronizes one way (from Sleep as Android to Google Health) your length of sleep, ratings and comments. This application works only with the latest Sleep as an Droid version installed.

Иконка для Find Your Run 3.01

Find Your Run (v. 3.01)

Richard Schattauer опубликовал приложение 2012-05-15
(обновлено 2014-03-25)

Want to run a specific length and don't want to spend about 15 minutes on Google Maps to create/calculate your track ?
With this application you'll have your specific track, with an specific length, within an instant!

- get new random tracks whenever you want to!
- track your workouts!
- run those tracks and follow the voice telling you where to run!
- choose your output language / voice!!
- share your workout via facebook, twitter, ..
- all your workouts are being saved!
- localization depending on your phone-settings
- get your calories burnt for your workout!
- save this app on SD!
- choose between kilometers and miles!
- arrow showing you next checkpoint
- text showing you next checkpoint location
- get your starting position via GPS!
- get your starting position via Internet!
- get your starting position by searching for it!
- showing Altitude changes of track / workout

Features to come:
- music output
- and on .. (be patient!)

Message from author:
- If you find an error please report it! I would appreciate it, if you send a short message what you did right before an error popped up!
- Want new features ? Mail me!
- Please support me by clicking on the ad, following my application on facebook, etc.
- follow me on my blog! http://richardtialol.blogspot.com/

Contact / Requests:
If you have questions, want to contact me for specific features or problems or just want to tell me something, please contact me via mail: tialawllol@gmail.com

keywords(engb): find your run now bike track race length kilometer kilometre miles mi km new ride length easy
keywords(dede): finde deinen lauf rad fahren radfahren laufstrecke strecke meilen bestimmte weg länge einfach

Иконка для 减肥小秘书 3.22

减肥小秘书 (v. 3.22)

王景霞 опубликовал приложение 2012-05-15
(обновлено 2012-05-15)



Иконка для 칼로리 트레이너 2.5 (살빼는법) 2.5

칼로리 트레이너 2.5 (살빼는법) (v. 2.5)

Neoroid опубликовал приложение 2012-05-15
(обновлено 2012-05-15)

1kg를 빼려면 약 7700kcal를 소모해야 된다고 합니다.

칼로리 트레이너는 쉽고 간편한 인터페이스를 강조한 다이어트 어플리케이션입니다.

처음 시작시 신체정보를 입력하고 운동하기와 음식먹기로 칼로리 소모량을 체크할 수 있습니다. 언제든지 C 버튼을 눌러 총 칼로리를 초기화할 수도 있으며 살빼는법 메뉴를 통해 다이어트 상식을 얻을 수도 있습니다.

또한 가장 큰 강점인 수다떨기 메뉴에서 많은 다이어터 분들과 아픔(?)이나 다이어트팁들을 공유할 수 있습니다

[2.3 업데이트 사항]

1. 게시판이 분할되었습니다.
- 정보공유방에서는 다이어트 정보만 공유할 수 있으며 수다방에서는 친목을 다질 수 있게 되었습니다.

2. 게시판 아이디 지정 추가
- 게시판에 글을 쓰게 되면 처음 정한 닉네임에서 변경할 수 없게 됩니다.

3. 음식 추가 - 면종류, 건의음식 등
- 면종류와 건의받은 음식들이 업데이트 되었습니다.

4. 기본 소모 칼로리 설정 추가
- 날마다 소모되는 칼로리를 설정을 통하여 0으로 설정할 수 있습니다.

5. 다이어트 정보 추가
- 다이어트 정보가 추가되었습니다.

살빼는법,칼로리,칼로리트레이너,칼로리계산,다이어트후기,다이어트,줄넘기,박봄,수박 다이어트, 종이컵 다이어트, 살빼기, 기아팔뚝, 허벅지살, 종아리살, 팔뚝살, 뱃살, 바나나 다이어트, 바나나, 덴마크 다이어트, 눔 다이어트, 칼로리 카운터, 식욕 억제법, 엘자다리, L자 다리, 피부미용, 몸매관리, 미용, 비키니, 레몬디톡스, 볼살, 죽 다이어트, 물 다이어트, 하늘자전거, 살빼줘 안드로이

Иконка для Diabetes Tracker Lite 1.5.14

Diabetes Tracker Lite (v. 1.5.14)

Migital IA опубликовал приложение 2012-05-13
(обновлено 2012-05-13)

Do you suffer with Diabetes? Now record your Glucose levels for ready reference with you

Enter your details like Name, Age, Gender, Blood Group, height, weight (SI/US units) etc.
Enter your daily / periodic blood sugar readings in the Application
You and your doctor can analyze your Diabetic history accurately
View the graphical presentation and monitor the progress of your health
Symptoms and Useful tips to help you keep your Diabetes in control

Иконка для LoveScopes 1.0.5

LoveScopes (v. 1.0.5)

gamemybe опубликовал приложение 2012-05-12
(обновлено 2014-03-19)

LoveScopes gives predictions based on the planetary positions on your zodiac sign on a daily basis. Members of a particular zodiac sign exhibits certain characteristic traits which mark them separately from the rest. The astrologers make a study of these traits and punctuate it with his analysis and experience to make predictions about your love life. However, love is a tricky thing and more often than not the success of a romantic relation depends upon your attitude towards it. Hence, you must take a more lenient approach towards love predictions. There is always an amount of risk associated with using blanket love horoscopes.

If you are in a relationship allow more time to understand the particular needs of your partner. Remember, understanding and tolerance play crucial role in a love relation. Your intimacy and dependence will grow with time and you must avoid making hasty moves to reach the end.

If you want a better analysis of your love life you may consult an astrologer in person for personalize analysis. But avoid making decisions about your love life using blanket predictions.

The content is provided by our partner ProAstro.com.

Иконка для Drink More Water! 1.2.1

Drink More Water! (v. 1.2.1)

Firecracker Software LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-05-11
(обновлено 2012-05-11)

Do you feel dehydrated at the end of the day?  Then Drink More Water is the app for you.  Drink More Water will help track and remind you to drink enough water throughout the day.

Features include:
  Imperial (oz) or Metric (ml) units
  A progress bar to show you how much you've water you've consumed for the current day.
  Customizable buttons that allow you to add to the amount of water you've consumed.
  Customizable reminders that will remind you at the time convenient for you.
  Graphs to chart your progress over a week or a month.

We'll be making additional improvements over the next few weeks.  Please contact us if you have any suggestions support@firecrackersw.com

keywords: drink water, hydrate, drinking water

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