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Иконка для 실비보험(보험친구) 1.1

실비보험(보험친구) (v. 1.1)

Androidschool опубликовал приложение 2012-07-11
(обновлено 2012-07-11)

각 보험사별 실비보험 가입을 도와드립니다.

다양한 상품으로 찾아뵙겠습니다.

[사용법]단말기 하단 메뉴버튼을 통해 세부기능 사용가능

[tag]실비,실비보험,보험,평생일기장,닉넴방,지역방,수다떨기,경제야놀자,스포츠신문,만화천국,쇼핑조아,월드뉴스,암보험,종신보험,실비보험,부모님보험,어린이보험,유틸리티, 휴대폰설정, 도구, 전화, SMS, 폰꾸미기(벨소리),배경화면(라이브 월페이퍼,링톤), 멀티미디어(음악,사진,영상,동영상), 엔터테인먼트(영화, 공연, 연애인, 스타, 배우, 가수), 문서(아래아한글,워드,엑셀,파워포인트,PDF 뷰어,오피스), 사무, 비즈니스, 편의기능, 생활(요리), 건강(다이어트,운동), 유아/아동/엄마와 아기(어린이,육아), 위치(지역), 교통(버스,지하철,비행기,기차), 여행, 소셜, SNS, 모임, 놀이, 게임, 만화(카툰), 경제, 금융(은행,증권,보험), 뉴스, 방송(TV), 신문, 날씨, 문화, 예술, 종교(불교,천주교,기독교), 스포츠, 교육, 학교(공공기관) 게임, 성인, 아스팔트, 고스톱, 벨소리, 맞고, angry, music, asphalt, tap, mp3, 테트리스, 무료배경화면, sex, music box, 배경화면, tap sonic, 만화, 푸딩, 배터리, fruit, 섹시, 레이싱, 팔라독, 디펜스, 앵그리버드, 야구, 음악, 야동, 당구, 자동차게임, 마이피플, 채팅, 자동차, music junk, 카카오톡, 성인만화, 리듬, 가로세로, angry birds, 19, 폰꾸미기, 슈퍼마리오, MusicBox, 몽키3, tap tap, 영화, 배경, 기타, 버스, 지하철, 네이버, 유틸리티, 휴대폰설정, 도구, 전화, SMS, 폰꾸미기(벨소리),배경화면(라이브 월페이퍼,링톤), 멀티미디어(음악,사진,영상,동영상), 엔터테인먼트(영화, 공연, 연애인, 스타, 배우, 가수), 문서(아래아한글,워드,엑셀,파워포인트,PDF 뷰어,오피스), 사무, 비즈니스, 편의기능, 생활(요리), 건강(다이어트,운동), 유아/아동/엄마와 아기(어린이,육아), 위치(지역), 교통(버스,지하철,비행기,기차), 여행, 소셜, SNS, 모임, 놀이, 게임, 만화(카툰), 경제, 금융(은행,증권,보험), 뉴스, 방송(TV), 신문, 날씨, 문화, 예술, 종교(불교,천주교,기독교), 스포츠, 교육, 학교(공공기관), 티티톡 *건강 및 운동
응급의료 정보제공, CardioTrainer, 매직데이, 워터 매니져,사운드슬립 음악치료 *교육 나만의 단어장 Voca Voca, 즐거운 사자성어,StudyMaster 스터디마스터 *교통전국버스, 서울버스, 지하철 내비게이션, 지하철 도착정보, 고속버스 예매,지하철 종결자 : Smarter Subway *금융 카드생활, 증권통, NH 스마트뱅킹 *날씨 원기날씨
*뉴스 및 잡지 SBS 뉴스, YTN for Phone, *도구 알약 안드로이드, 컬러라이트, Smart App Protector, 도돌폰 사용량,Battery Indicator, Uninstaller, 클릭 청소기, 스팸문자차단, 단위 변환기,WiFi 연결 *도서 및 참고자료 다음, Google Sky Map, 네이버,좋은생각 소리잡지2, 성경 *라이프 스타일 미니 T world, 디데이위젯, 내폰안에 114, 열린약국찾기, 배달의 민족, TV 맛집, 편의점 할인 목록, 부동산 뱅크, 스캔서치, NH 나눔로또, 2011 토정비결S, 급수별한자학습
*만화 웹툰모아 *미디어 및 동영상 Ringdroid, 아프리카, 다음 tv팟, MBC 라디오 mini,벨소리 메이커 *비지니스 워크넷, 취업검색 *사진
FxCamera, PhotoWonder, 푸딩카메라 *생산성 아스트로 파일관리자, Advanced Task Killer, 어플스토커, Jorte, N드라이브, U+Box - 동영상인코딩 웹하드, VOD *소셜 콘텐츠 twitter, 싸이월드, 페이스북, Hi There *쇼핑 바코드 스캐너, Daum 쇼핑하우, 택배조회, 커피할인
*스포츠 한국 프로 야구, LIVE스코어 - 스포츠1위 *엔터테인먼트
무료 배경화면, Talking Tom Cat, CGV 영화예매, 포토관상, 버즈니 영화 가이드, 이미지 패러디, 노래방 책 검색, 푸딩얼굴인식, 고스톱, 타자연습, SBS 고릴라, 가로세로 낱말맞추기, 시크한 엄마의 요절복통 에피소드, [미유]이상형 월드컵, 1to50,유행어 플레이어2, 1박2일 여행지, 멜론 *여행 및 지역정보 다음 지도, 고속도로교통정보, 국내여행 총정리, 글로리 코레일, 대한민국 구석구석 *음악 및 오디오 MyMusicOn 가사지원 음악 플레이어, 세이캐스트-무료음악감상,MP3 MusicBox Pro
*의료 응급상황 대처방법 *커뮤니케이션 카카오톡, 네이트온, Tikl, 다음 마이피플, 미투데이, 문자 이모티콘, Skype, LightSMS (무료 문자 보내기), 문자추적기 스마트푸드, 링코코, 이츄이상형-소셜데이팅, 건비트-리듬게임, 초성퀴즈온라인-퍼즐게임, 아스팔트5-레이싱게임, 한컴오피스한글뷰어-편의생활, 수도권도서관-편의생활, 이색카페-여행, 타임스프레드-편의생활, 미사일피하기-게임, 대한민국인물열전-상식,노래방네온사인-게임,플러피버드-퍼즐게임,비보이배틀-리듬게임,로보텍(Robotek)-액션게임,에어포트매니아-시뮬레이션게임,텝텝-리듬게임,매일복부요가-건강,아이유라이브배경-배경화면, 여행갈래?-여행,밀크홀릭-음식,sk엔카-중고차,심심이-채팅게임,포도리모콘-편의생활,토익990-교육,구글스카이맵-교육,블루스카이 라이브배경-배경화면,ZombieBooth-포토,컬러스티커-배경화면,아시아나항공-교통예약,미스터위너-게임,블로우업-게임,샐리의 뷰티샵-게임,마이포켓프랜-게임,스카이즈 오브 글로리-게임,미소녀방귀참기-게임,데드러너-게임,녹색문어 탈출기-게임,페이퍼토스-게임, Minnie Mouse GO Launcher, Kungfu Panda Go Launcher ,GO 런처 EX (GO Launcher EX) ,Mickey Mouse Go Launcher, 전투력측정기,FingerPrint Screensaver, Talking alan alien ,facebox facemix camera funfree, 어딜만져?, lite baby time, 아기수유 어플, 대한민국쇼핑몰랭킹, Tstore,Glow Hockey, Winds of Steel Demo,Hungry Shark Free!,donkey Jump,Dragon Hunter,Asphalt 5 HD FREE,Angry Birds Rio,Classic Tetris,Crazy Snowboard,Pool Master Pro,asphalt 6, 아스팔트5, 아스팔트6 앵그리버드 시즌 리오,little photo, photofunia, photo magic,wallpaper box hd, 3D digital weather clock, 스트레스제로프리,포츈쿠키,BathingCat,올리브폰,올레마켓,배터리 위젯마이마켓, 도돌배경화면만들기,해안노을라이브배경화면,조커라이브배경화면,애니타임풀 당구게임, 두더지잡기게임, 음주문화 종결자,나의반쪽찾기,정신연령테스트,두뇌나이분석기photo magic,독서다이어리,멍청한 좀비,빼꼼다이어리,lightSMS (무료 문자 보내기),Guitar,노래방 책 검색,롯데시네마 예매,살 빼는 법,전생 테스트,심볼즈,안드로걸 선발대회,안드로밴드,너는 몇 등신,혈액형에관한고찰,한국투자증권,wallpaper box hd,포토관상,굿모닝팝스,모두의 맞고 온라인,도그파이트,아스팔트5,6, BasketBall,별자리와 혈액형,배경꾸미기 필수어플,예뻐지는법,화장품 성분사전,11번가,특허정보검색,한울2한글입력기,얼굴대칭,다음tv팟,국민은행,연합뉴스,매일경제신문,컬투쇼 매니아,제사의달인필수 앱, 달력, 시험날짜, 시험접수,점수확인, 합격, 자격증,CGV 영화 예매,완전정복 자격증, 한자능력검정 급수별, 앱순이의 앱순위,성격 유형 테스트,메리츠,QR코드제작소,웹앱제작소,OK기프트샵,현재날씨,평생메모장

Иконка для Snack Food Calorie Lookup 1.02

Snack Food Calorie Lookup (v. 1.02)

Jon Westfall опубликовал приложение 2012-07-10
(обновлено 2012-07-10)

Snacks - we all love them, sweet or salty! But how many calories are lurking in the average muffin? This quick and simple app will tell you that plus over 500 more snack items, grouped into categories for easy reference. Want to know how many calories you should be eating in order to drop weight? Use the included BMR Calculator to determine your daily calorie needs. Then use the built-in scratchpad to keep track of your favorite snacks. The "brother" of Basic Food Calorie Lookup and Fast Food Calorie Lookup, Snack Food Calorie Lookup, has hit the market!

* Baked Goods
* Donuts
* Muffins
* Cookies
* Beef Jerky
* Fair Foods (corndogs, Funnel cakes, etc..)
* Chocolate!
* Rice cakes
* Pretzels
* Potato Chips
* Tortilla Chips
* And more!

Иконка для ZdravoBudi 1.1.4

ZdravoBudi (v. 1.1.4)

k-informatika.com опубликовал приложение 2012-07-09
(обновлено 2012-07-09)

Application contains several screens in which user will get information about:
* Weather Condition
* UV Index
* RSS feeds from Belupo portal
* Pollen concentration
* Notification about weather changes
* Notification about possible health problems caused by Weather conditions

Application has 2 side, Client (mobile version) and Server version in which administrator can set new banner or change internal message for Weather condition (some kind of notification), Also, in server side of application, there is a banner management system.

Languages: Čeština, Deutsch, English, Hrvatski, Italiano, Magyar

Иконка для Basic Food Calorie Lookup 1.02

Basic Food Calorie Lookup (v. 1.02)

Jon Westfall опубликовал приложение 2012-07-08
(обновлено 2012-07-08)

So how many calories does a potato have? What about if you mash it? What about avocados? Or salmon? or any number of a number of items you might want to know about? Well now you can find out with this quick and fast app, the "little brother" of Fast Food Calorie Lookup! With over 2000 unique items over 8 categories (some categorized in multiple categories, because really, where does a Taco belong?), this app will have you finding calorie counts and sharing them with ease. Includes a scratchpad (to keep track of multiple items), and a Base Metabolic Rate / daily Calories need calculator! Data comes straight from the US Government - they built their Pyramid with it!

Enjoy, share with friends, and live a healthy life!

KEYWORDS: Food, calories, healthy living, tacos, fruits, vegetables, beans, oils, grains, Milk, meats (chicken / poultry, pork / ham, beef, fish, etc...), awesomeness.

Иконка для Body Health Calculators 3.8

Body Health Calculators (v. 3.8)

Malay Patel опубликовал приложение 2012-07-07
(обновлено 2014-06-22)

Using this calculator you can check your health statistics.

Below is the list of different health statistics you can check using this app.

1) BAC (Blood Alcohol Content)
2) BMI (Body Mass Index)
3) BFC US NAVY (Body Fat - US NAVY method)
4) BFC YMCA (Body Fat - YMCA method)
5) Calories Burned
6) Lean Body Mass
7) Ovulation Estimation
8) Pregnancy Due Date
9) Smoking Cost
10) Waist to Hip Ratio

Must have app for Students, Nurses and Doctors.

- We do have individual app for each health statistic calculation, so you can directly download each of them free from the same publisher in android.

Tags: BMI, BAC, Pregnancy, Calories, Due, Date, Ovulation, Body Mass Index, Body, Fat, US, Navy, YMCA, Health, Calculators, Smoking, Cost, Waist, Hip, Ratio, Lean, Body Mass, Mass, Alcohol, Blood, Doctor, Nurse, Health App

Иконка для 腹筋割ろうぜ FREE 1.11

腹筋割ろうぜ FREE (v. 1.11)

Ramny project опубликовал приложение 2012-07-05
(обновлено 2012-07-05)



































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Иконка для adidas miCoach 1.3.7530

adidas miCoach (v. 1.3.7530)

adidas опубликовал приложение 2012-07-04
(обновлено 2012-07-04)

Put your coach in the palm of your hand. GPS and real time audible coaching keep you going past your personal best. Choose a training plan customized for your sport and build the speed and endurance to go even farther. Track your workouts and show off your progress on miCoach.com. Download now and get going!

What miCoach can do for you:

Sync up to miCoach.com so you can save and view your detailed workout analysis.

Measure your distance, pace, calories burned, and elapsed time.

Offer daily planned workouts and coaching feedback delivered right to your phone.

Accommodate both outdoor and indoor workout modes.

Provide easy access to your music during your workout so you never have to pause.

Track your shoe usage with wear alerts.

Motivate with customizable audible alerts.

Note: Some default music players do not create playlists the way android applications expect. If your playlist is not found using miCoach, try using a different music player to create your playlists.

Иконка для Ovulation Estimator 1.4

Ovulation Estimator (v. 1.4)

Malay Patel опубликовал приложение 2012-07-03
(обновлено 2012-07-03)

Using this calculator know your ovulation date. Input your last menstrual period and period cycle to calculate the probable date of ovulation.

Please give your valuable comments and ratings for further improvement.

Tags: Ovulation, Ovulation Estimator, Health, Calculator, Health Calculator, Woman, Girl, Baby.

Иконка для Abdominaux en 8 minutes 1.2

Abdominaux en 8 minutes (v. 1.2)

Passion4Profession s.a.s. опубликовал приложение 2012-07-01
(обновлено 2012-07-01)

Vous pouvez enfin suivre les entraînements les plus célèbres au monde également sur votre ordinateur portable, pour vous entraîner où vous voulez, comme vous voulez et quand vous le voulez !

Avec plus de 50 000 000 visites (toutes langues confondues) sur Youtube, les entraînements Passion4Profession sont appréciés de tous pour leur simplicité, pour leur aspect innovant et pour leur réelle efficacité.

Nous ne vous promettons pas que vous maigrirez après avoir effectué nos exercices, ni que vous aurez un ventre parfait, des fesses sculptées ou des pectoraux d'acier...

Ne faites jamais confiance à ceux qui vous proposent des exercices en vous garantissant un résultat certain, car les éléments essentiels pour le succès de tout programme d'entraînement dépendent exclusivement de vous et sont : la volonté et la persévérance.
Nos contenus vous offrent professionnalisme et passion, deux qualités qui nous ont permis de créer et de développer nos entraînements et notre projet tout entier.
Nous vous proposons une méthode alternative, amusante et économique pour vous entraîner où vous voulez, comme vous voulez et quand vous voulez, en évitant ainsi la monotonie des méthodes d'entraînement classiques, le tout avec un grand professionnalisme.

Contenus de l'application :

- Programmation optimale pour ce type d'entraînement qui vous indiquera combien de fois par semaine et pendant combien de temps vous devrez l'effectuer pour ensuite pouvoir passer au niveau supérieur.
- Liste des exercices composant l'entraînement. Chaque exercice vous sera illustré par une vidéo.
- Vidéo originale de l'entraînement plus d’autres versions alternatives éventuelles (par exemple la version sans musique).
- Mise à jour gratuite de l'entraînement pour une durée indéterminée ; c'est-à-dire que vous pourrez télécharger les éventuelles nouvelles versions ou variantes de l'entraînement simplement en mettant à jour l'application.
IMPORTANT : toutes les vidéos sont inclues dans l'application ; vous n'aurez donc pas nécessairement besoin d'une connexion Internet pour visualiser les vidéos et les entraînements.

« Votre défi est de rechercher le meilleur de vous-même ; le nôtre est de vous aider à l'atteindre ! »

Visitez www.passion4profession.net et créez votre compte (c'est gratuit) sur le plus grand portail web entièrement consacré au monde du fitness et du bien-être.

- La structure de l’application a été améliorée afin de ne pas avoir à télécharger tous les contenus avec l’application.

- Le téléchargement des vidéos uniquement a été autorisé et vous pouvez choisir les vidéos que vous souhaitez télécharger sur votre appareil.

- Le calendrier est maintenant activé et vous pouvez l’utiliser pour garder un suivi des jours où vous avez effectué l’entraînement en gardant comme référence la « programmation conseillée ».

- Vous pouvez directement passer aux niveaux suivants à partir de cette application, simplement en les achetant avec le système In-App.

- Les versions uniquement audio peuvent maintenant être reproduites à l’arrière-plan (avec l’écran éteint) afin d’économiser la batterie.

Merci à tous pour nous avoir envoyé vos commentaires et conseils, nous en tiendrons compte pour améliorer notre offre. Merci à tous !

p4p fr, abdos, abdominaux, entraînement, fitness, santé, forme, gymnastique, gymnase, musculation, yoga

Иконка для 8 Minutes Abs Workout 1.3

8 Minutes Abs Workout (v. 1.3)

Passion4Profession s.a.s. опубликовал приложение 2012-07-01
(обновлено 2012-07-01)

Finally, even your portable device can provide the most famous Abs workouts in the world so you can exercise where, how and when you want!

With over 50,000,000 views (cumulative in all languages) on YouTube, everyone appreciates Passion4Profession's workouts for their simplicity, innovation and real effectiveness.

We can't promise that you will lose weight after doing our workouts or that you'll have a perfect abdomen, sculptured glues or pectorals of steel....

Never trust anyone guarantees results from workout, since no one can guarantee them except you; the basic elements for the success of any training program are: willpower and perseverance.
The content of our workouts guarantees the professionalism and passion with which they, and the entire project, were developed.
We offer you an alternative, fun and economical way of working out where, how and when you want and, thus, overcoming the monotony of usual workout methods while maintaining a high degree of professionalism.

Contents of the application:

- Optimum scheduling for this determined type of training that will show you how many times a week, and for how many weeks, you have to do it to move on to the next level.

- List of the single exercises that make up the workout. Each exercise is illustrated with a video.

- Original video of the workout plus any other alternative versions available (such as the version without music).

- Free workout updates, i.e., you can download any new versions or variations of the workout by simply updating the application.

IMPORTANT: All the videos are included in the application so you won't need an Internet connection to watch them and exercise.

“Your challenge is to be the best you can while ours is to help you get there!”

Visit www.passion4profession.net to create your free account on the largest web portal dedicated to fitness and well-being.

- The application structure has been improved so that you do not have to download all the content with the application.
- Individual video downloads have been enabled, so that you can choose which videos to download onto your device.
- The calendar is now active and you can use it to keep a record of the days you trained on, while always being able to refer to your “recommended program”.
- You can move onto the next levels directly from this program, simply by purchasing them using the In-App system.
- The audio only versions can now be played in the background (with the display off) to save on your battery.

Thank you to everyone who wrote reviews. Your feedback gives us ideas for constant improvements. Thanks to all of you!

kw: p4p_en abs muscle ab workout gym training p4p fitness wellness health abdominals weight loss fat burn

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