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Иконка для Cantonese Phonic 1.30

Cantonese Phonic (v. 1.30)

Superlubu опубликовал приложение 2011-10-29
(обновлено 2011-10-29)

Research Centre for Humanities Computing, CUHK has developed a well-known web application "Chinese Character Database" (http://humanum.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/Lexis/lexi-can/).  Which stores a huge and complete database of phonological data of over 13k chinese characters.

It is a useful and nice website, however we may encounter some difficulties on using this web application on our mobile devices.

So I wrote this little application, which is just provide a simple interface to access this web application.

You can also hear the cantonese pronunciation with this application.

Иконка для 複眼思考の会計学 1.0.1

複眼思考の会計学 (v. 1.0.1)

ZEIMU KEIRI KYOKAI CO.,LTD опубликовал приложение 2011-10-29
(обновлено 2011-10-29)

• IFRSは、あなたの会社の「身売り価格」を計算するもの

• IFRSを個別財務諸表にまで適用するのは日本だけ


第1章 アメリカの国際会計戦略
第2章 アメリカで暴走する「時価会計」
第3章 アメリカはなぜ会計規制に失敗したのか
第4章 会計基準は誰が決めるのか(1)——官から民へ
第5章 会計基準は誰が決めるのか(2)——国際会計基準
第6章 会計基準は誰が決めるのか(3)——IFRSの法的拘束力
第7章 日本の国益と産業を左右する国際会計基準——リース産業の場合
第8章 会計基準はストライクゾーンか
第9章 世界の流れは「連単分離」——なぜ日本だけIFRSを個別財務諸表に適用するのか
第10章 なぜ、当期純利益を廃止するのか——物づくりで稼げなくなった英米の「利益ねん出法」
第11章 会計の役割は変わったのか——IFRSの清算価値会計
第12章 IFRSの翻訳は世界統一できるのか——翻訳におけるダイバージェンス
第13章 国際標準は何のためにあるのか
第14章 単眼思考になった日本の会計
第15章 会計不正から何を学んだか
第16章 「会計の常識」と「しろうと分かり」
第17章 会計「雑感」「雑念」 ——モデルはアメリカにあり
第18章 経済も会計もナショナリズムで動く
第19章 公認会計士は、本当に足りないのか?
第20章 原価の情報力と時価の情報力
第21章 会計資格の多様化を図る——会計の社会的インフラを強化しよう
第22章 利益は発生するか(1)——発生主義と実現主義の誤解
第23章 利益は発生するか(2)——「毛虫」と「蝶々」は同数か
第24章 利益は発生するか(3)——利益はフローか、ストックか
第25章 監査役の役回り——経営者の良き理解者
第26章 稼ぐ税理士になる(1)——税理士業界の現状と近未来
第27章 稼ぐ税理士になる(2)——業界全体のパイを大きくしよう
第28章 稼ぐ税理士になる(3)——税理士によるコンサルの現状と近未来
第29章 税理士制度の改革を


※対応OS: Android OS 1.6 以上

田中 弘


Keywords: MCBook, 税務経理協会, 複眼思考, 複眼思考の会計学, 田中弘, 会計, 会計学, IFRS, IASB, 国際会計基準,日本語,日本

Иконка для 仕事ができる人の問題解決力 1.0.3

仕事ができる人の問題解決力 (v. 1.0.3)

ZEIMU KEIRI KYOKAI CO.,LTD опубликовал приложение 2011-10-29
(обновлено 2013-09-24)

 現代のビジネスパーソンに最も要請されているのは、閉塞状況を打ち破る「情熱」と問題解決の「スキル」です。こうした二つを身につけるためのピッタリの本が、 今回ご紹介する「仕事ができる人の問題解決力」です。
問題解決、ロジカルシンキングをテーマにした書籍は数多く見られますが、本書は、何かと多忙の中で、ビジネスパーソンが手軽に短時間で読めて、 問題解決手法が身につく本です。「仕事ができる人」とは、問題解決の達人です。本書は、読むだけで問題解決力が身につき、「仕事ができる人」になれます。 日々起こる問題を見事に解決することで、「アイツ、できるな!」と認められ、周囲からも注目され、仕事がやりやすくなります。 問題解決策の「引き出し」を多く持つことが、これからは大事なのです。
本書は普段から本をあまり読まない人にお勧めします。必ず問題解決手法の基本がマスターできる書籍だと納得できます。 貴重な現場体験を経た著者が、惜しみなく、貴重な、そのエッセンスを注ぎ込み、解説しています。忙しいビジネスパーソンが手軽に手に取れる、お勧めの実用書です。


第1章 仕事の成果に差が出る“問題解決力”とは
第2章 仕事ができる人の“問題解決の3要素”
第3章 問題解決の“3ステップ法”(1)「問題を捉える」
第4章 問題解決の“3ステップ法”(2)「原因を究明する」
第5章 問題解決の“3ステップ法”(3)「解決策を見つける」
第6章 押さえておきたい問題解決のポイント
第7章 問題解決を磨く、とっておきの方法

※対応OS: Android OS 1.6 以上

車塚 元章

箱田 忠昭


キーワード: MCBook, 税務経理協会, 仕事, 問題解決, 箱田忠昭, 車塚元章, ebook, 電子書籍, ビジネス, 日本語

Иконка для PayPal APIs Up and Running 1.2.10

PayPal APIs Up and Running (v. 1.2.10)

O'Reilly Media опубликовал приложение 2011-10-29
(обновлено 2011-10-29)

PayPal APIs Up and Running, published by O'Reilly Media
Buy this DRM-free ebook today! Powered by Aldiko.

This book introduces you to PayPal’s APIs with instruction and resources for integrating this popular payment solution in different application environments, including mobile.

Иконка для Wikiquote du jour 0.993

Wikiquote du jour (v. 0.993)

yostane опубликовал приложение 2011-10-28
(обновлено 2013-09-24)

Cette propose un widget qui affiche la citation du jour du site wikiquote.fr. Touchez le widget pour afficher toute le texte de la citation.

Le menu vous permet d'afficher les citations passées.
Partagez les citations que vous préférez avec vos amis.

Иконка для Offline Wikipedia 1.0

Offline Wikipedia (v. 1.0)

cassini опубликовал приложение 2011-10-28
(обновлено 2011-10-28)

Offline Wikipedia. Only English database optimized for speed and memory is available for now. After installing this app you are required to download the Wikipedia database by following the link at https://sites.google.com/site/pathfindertechs on a Computer(Important). Then transfer the database file on to SD CARD of your android device. Entire Wikipedia database is packed in under 470 MB file. You can try the application by downloading a small database which has articles starting from "an". Database contains complete text component of the Wikipedia result except the images and references. Application requires no internet or network connectivity

Иконка для Superman-Electric Earthquake 1.0.0

Superman-Electric Earthquake (v. 1.0.0)

Digi-Media-Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-10-28
(обновлено 2011-10-28)

The Superman character was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster and started life in DC comics in 1932.

In 1938 Superman appeared in Action Comics and went on to appear in radio serials, tv, films etc and has been a firm favourite ever since.

Please Note
Once you have downloaded the App - you can view the video even if you have no network connection.
Please consider the size of the App before purchase - on Android 2.2 (Froyo) and above you can load the app onto the SDCARD.

Иконка для Hines Sight-Book 1.0.2

Hines Sight-Book (v. 1.0.2)

Digi-Media-Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-10-28
(обновлено 2011-10-28)

Frazer Hines is one of the UK's most charismatic stars of stage and screen. From his early days as a child actor in films such as X The Unknown, and appearances in Emergency Ward 10 and Coronation Street, Frazer became a household name playing the time-travelling Scot, Jamie McCrimmon, alongside Patrick Troughton in the BBC's cult series Doctor Who. In 1972 he was cast as Joe Sugden in the fledgeling soap opera Emmerdale Farm, and became the housewife's favourite farmer for over two decades.   In this compelling and funny book, Frazer reveals his own thoughts and feelings when faced with stardom at an early age, the pressure of being an early 'media celebrity', his love of horses and cricket, and what it was actually like to date, marry and divorce some of the most eligible and beautiful women to have crossed stage and screen in the last 40 years.

This Ebook can be placed on the SDCARD with Android 2.2 and above.

           *** QUALITY DIGITIZED BOOKS  ***
           *** NO ADVERTS! ***
           *** FULL LENGTH BOOKS ***

This is the full length digitised ebook version of a classic book and is supplied by Digi-Media-Apps.

Each  book  is packaged  with an advanced EBOOK  reader. Simply download the App and read the book – you do not need other software or Apps to enjoy this book.

Where available, pages in the book can be turned using the phone's volume keys.
If the App is closed, the book will reopen at the place where you left off reading the book.
Sections/chapters of the book are accessible directly from the  Table of Contents.
Book marks can be saved at any point within the book.
Use the MENU/BOOK MARK to mark any text to return to later.
You can search for any text within the book.
For your reading comfort, the book has two reading modes, DAY and NIGHT.
Where appropriate, the books contents are cross referenced, and linked.
Footnotes within the original book are maintained and linked within the book.
You can select font size for the book using the books menu options.
You can select font colour for the book using the books menu options
You can select background colour for the book using the books menu options
By default, the phone will not turn off whilst you are reading the book. This option can be turned off in MENU/SETTINGS.

A quality full length book in ebook format supplied by Digi-Media-Apps.
More quality classic ebook titles can be found on Android market – search “digimediaapps”
Goto www.digimediaapps.com for a full searchable catalogue of available books from Digi-Media-Apps.

Иконка для Time Hunter - The Albino's Da 1.0.0

Time Hunter - The Albino's Da (v. 1.0.0)

Digi-Media-Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-10-28
(обновлено 2011-10-28)

'Goodbye, little Emily.'  April 1938, and a shadowy figure attends an impromptu burial in Shoreditch, London. His name is Honoré Lechasseur. After a chance encounter with the mysterious Catherine Howkins, he's had advance warning that his friend Emily Blandish was going to die. But is forewarned necessarily forearmed? And just how far is he willing to go to save Emily's life?  Because Honoré isn't the only person taking an interest in Emily Blandish - she's come to the attention of the Albino, one of the new breed of gangsters surfacing in post-rationing London. And the only life he cares about is his own.  Part mystery, part detective story, part dark fantasy, part science fiction... original adventures in time and space.

This Ebook can be placed on the SDCARD with Android 2.2 and above.

           *** QUALITY DIGITIZED BOOKS  ***
           *** NO ADVERTS! ***
           *** FULL LENGTH BOOKS ***

This is the full length digitised ebook version of a classic book and is supplied by Digi-Media-Apps.

Each  book  is packaged  with an advanced EBOOK  reader. Simply download the App and read the book – you do not need other software or Apps to enjoy this book.

Where available, pages in the book can be turned using the phone's volume keys.
If the App is closed, the book will reopen at the place where you left off reading the book.
Sections/chapters of the book are accessible directly from the  Table of Contents.
Book marks can be saved at any point within the book.
Use the MENU/BOOK MARK to mark any text to return to later.
You can search for any text within the book.
For your reading comfort, the book has two reading modes, DAY and NIGHT.
Where appropriate, the books contents are cross referenced, and linked.
Footnotes within the original book are maintained and linked within the book.
You can select font size for the book using the books menu options.
You can select font colour for the book using the books menu options
You can select background colour for the book using the books menu options
By default, the phone will not turn off whilst you are reading the book. This option can be turned off in MENU/SETTINGS.

A quality full length book in ebook format supplied by Digi-Media-Apps.
More quality classic ebook titles can be found on Android market – search “digimediaapps”
Goto www.digimediaapps.com for a full searchable catalogue of available books from Digi-Media-Apps.

Иконка для book-A Christmas Carol 1.0.2

book-A Christmas Carol (v. 1.0.2)

Digi-Media-Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-10-28
(обновлено 2011-10-28)

A Christmas Carol - A Ghost story for Christmas. Meet Scrooge and marvel at his ideological, ethical, and emotional transformation after the supernatural visitations of Jacob Marley and Ghosts of Christmases Past, Present, and Yet to Come.

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